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mit unto him.

For Our Redeemer is strong;
Jer. 50. 34;

the Lord of Hosts is his name."

Q. 15. The love of God must be very great, or he would never have given up his only Son for us?

A. It was indeed unspeakably great; "In this was manifested the love of God towards us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him," 1st Jo. 4. 9.

Q16.-Is there any thing too great to expect from God, after he has given up his Son? A.-No, nothing; for the Apostle asks, “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things." Rom. 8. 32.

Q. 17.-We must have been in a very awful state, if God gave up his only Son to die for

us ?

A. Yes; we were in a perishing state, children of wrath, and under the curse of God's law; and wholly unable to help ourselves When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly." Rom. 5. 6.

Q. 18.What is the lesson to be learned from all these things?

A. We ought to give the more carnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip. For if the word spoken by angels was stedfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward,-How shall we escape, if we neglect so GREAT SALVATION ?” Heb. 2. 1, 2, 3.




* Q. 1.- What do

you mean when


say that Christ is our Lord?

A.I mean that he is our Prince and Governor, who rules over us, and whom we are bound to serve and to obey.

Q. 2.-When you say that he is our Lord, do you mean that he is our only Lord?

A. Yes; for "To us there is but one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him." 1st, Cor. 8. 6.

* Q. 3.-How does it appear that Jesus Christ is our Lord?

A. He is our Lord for many reasons; First, because he is the Son of God, and all things were made by him, and are therefore under his dominion. For to him it is said, "Thy throne,

O God, is for ever and ever; the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre." Heb. 1. 8.

* Q. 4.-Give me

Jesus Christ is our Lord.

a second reason, why

A.-Secondly, He is our Lord, as being the

Mediator between God and man.

"All power

is given me in heaven and earth," "The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hands." Matt. 28, 18. Jo. 3. 35.

Q. 5-Why was this power put into the hands of Christ?

A,-In order that he might overrule all things for the good of his Church: "He hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be head over all things to the Church," i. e. for the benefit of his Church. Eph. 1. 22.

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Q.6. Was not this power lodged with Christ, as the condition and reward of his undertaking the work of our salvation?

A. Yes; " Being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death, even the death of the cross; WHEREFORE God hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus

Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

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* Q. 7.-Are all things, then, at this moment, under the government of Christ? A. Yes, all things. It was foretold of him, that The government should be on his shoulders." Is. 9. 6: And he hath said himself, "I have the keys of hell and of death;" which words teach us, that every thing which concerns us both in life and death, is under the government of Christ.

*Q. 8.-Give me a third reason, why Jesus Christ is our Lord.

A. He is our Lord, THIRDLY, because we have chosen him as our Lord, and Master, and solemnly engaged to give up ourselves to him and obey him.

Q. 9.—When did we thus choose the service of Christ?

A. Not only at our baptism, but whenever we have engaged in any religious service, and professed ourselves to be Christians.

Q. 10.-Tell me what engagement we made when we were baptised.

A-We engaged "To confess the faith of Christ crucified, and manfully to fight under his banner against sin, the world, and the devil; and to continue Christ's faithful soldier and servant unto our life's end." See the Baptismal


* Q. 11.-How does this imply that we have acknowledged Christ to be our Lord?

A. Because we engage in these words to submit to him, and to obey him, as soldiers submit to their general, which evidently implics that we engage to serve him as our Lord and Master.

Q. 12. Is it not our bounden duty then to do the will of Christ?

A. Certainly it is; as he himself hath spoken, " Why call ye me Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" Lu, 6. 46.

Q. 13-Do we naturally take pleasure in doing the will of Christ?

A. By no means; we naturally do our own will, and instead of doing all things in order to please God, we rather seek in all things to serve and please ourselves.

Q. 14.-How may we be delivered from this

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