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es made by Col. McClung in this, his first politi-[of defeat continued and forever, (for that defeat cal campaign, that he took a position for his party would be continual I will presently prove,) instead in connexion with the repudiated Union Bank of being magnanimous, strikes me as the emptibonds of Mississippi; and without intending to est of all follies. It is obstinate certainly, but it disturb, in the slightest degree, the sleeping strifes has not the dignity of determination.” which belong to this delicate subject, we think it This position was approved by the main body would not be amiss to transcribe an extract or two of Mississippi Whigs, and has since been adopted from his published speech which, though not as their basis of action in connexion with the touching the merits of the case, show the bold Bonds. As Col. McClung remarks in another tone of thought so characteristic of the speaker: place, it is impossible to treat a state, a whole "I think that it is necessary for the Whig party to society, with contempt. However contemptible give up a point which they have heretofore mainmay be the individual atoms, the haughtiest tained. I think that honor and party consistency temper that treads the earth cannot look down will justify this surrender, as farther contest for it upon the mass, An advocacy of payment is merwould be utterly unavailing. I allude to the itorious as the inceptive step to payment. It is Union Bank Bonds. I have not in any point or meritorious when there is connexion between such particular changed my opinion on this subject declaration and the action it recommends. But since the question was first agitated. I thought when all connexion ceases between them, then all then that the repudiating party committed a gross merit ceases also. When we know that the peorevolution of justice. I think so still. I thought ple will certainly refuse to make us pay, such efthen that honesty required that the payment forts form no act of payment, indicate in reality of these bonds should be secured to the bond no willingness to sacrifice money, but sink into the holders by the State. I think that still. But the mere bluster of empty bravadoes. The only ef people have twice decided against the liability of fect of such efforts would be to keep in power the the State in their highest attitude of political ad-same class whom this convulsion has thrown up." judication. For reasons I will presently proceed Hitherto Col. McClung had been famed only as to give you I am satisfied beyond a doubt, that a strong and vigorous writer: but the incidents they will always so determine. I think therefore of this canvass introduced him to the public as a that the time has come when the Whig party most able and efficient speaker-ready with reparmust give up that question. I think that it is tee, abundant in argument, fitted alike to hurl their duty as a party to do so, and in this surren- satire or ridicule, fluent, forcible, and commandder they violate no principal of moral or politi-ing. His voice, however, we must venture to procal obligation. * nounce unsuited to the highest effects of oratory, "The Whig party have a great stake in the coun-according to our ideas of oratory. It is deficient try. It is a party powerful in numbers, in talent, in depth, in uniformity, and in melody, and is very in wealth, and in character; and it is their duty often wholly unmanageable. Always high-keyed to attempt to exercise some voice in the laws and shrill in tone, it falls upon the ear almost which govern their persons and their property. harshly, and as the feelings of the speaker rise It is utterly unworthy of them to give up all their with the fervent flow of thought, it can be likened political rights, to ostracise themselves from a to nothing so aptly as to the keen tenor of an enpuerile vanity of worthless consistency. It can-raged invalid, excepting only as to strength and not be that this obstinate, senseless adhesion to capacity of endurance. We should judge that he opinion for consistency's sake, in spite of all rea-was entirely unable to conform his scale of intoson or motive to the contrary, is sufficiently gene-nation according to will. His notes ascend with ral to have much weight. Determination is aa suddenness at once startling and gratingly inhigh quality. Thorough, complete, and perfect harmonious, and sometimes descend as suddenly determination one of the highest and rarest. and with an abruptness that jars every nerve in Nothing superlatively great or good can be ac- his auditory. There is no gradation between the complished without it. But there must be an end high notes and the low notes. And yet, although to attain, and one possible of attainment, and decidedly of the soprano order, this voice is permeans commensurate with that end, to dignify haps less akin to the ringing octaves of Alexander conduct with the meed of determined exertion. Stephens than to the full clarion of Clay. It is The importance of the end and the weight of the high-strung, but we might say terribly ineffemimeans make the difference between the fool and nate. We have never listened to any other voice the hero. When the object is hopeless, or the ef- which it at all resembled, any more than we ever fort feeble, or the means grossly inadequate, the saw another man who resembled its posse sor. struggle is ridiculous instead of being grand. It And we will say further that the voice is peculiprovokes laughter, not admiration. Now the pro-arly adapted to the man. Like Calhoun's utterlongation of this hard struggle, with the certainty ance, its very peculiarity contributes to fasten at


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tention on the speaker, and to impress his thought | ers, highly gifted, have sometimes achieved feats with the power of sorcery; but the point of excel-which belong more to the orator, yet owning very lence in an orator being the power to awake and few of the orator's instincts. This did actually control the sensibilities of an audience, we doubt occur with the subject of this article, on a memif such a voice could of itself produce such effect.orable occasion, to which we may advert in the It is suited rather to the fiery phillipies of Demos- proper place. But regarded as a speaker, we exthenes than to the thrilling pathos of Cicero; rath- cept not alone to the voice of Col. McClung. His er to the defiant strains of a Coriolanus than to action cannot pass unscathed of criticism. This the artful yet impassioned persuasiveness of Mark is graceful only when he ascends the rostrum. Antony. It may serve to arouse and command, True it is that he possesses quite enough of this but never to melt and subdue by appeal. It has Demosthenian requisite, but it is ill-regulated and been said of the renowned preacher, Whitfield, sometimes apparently affected. We do not deny that he drove rather than won sinners to repen- but that a public speaker is allowed to study his tance. His power consisted in his awful tropes positions and his gestures; but, as in the case of and bold rhetoric, added to overpowering argu- Henry Clay, he must study also the tact necessary ment and matchless energy of delivery. It is pos- to conceal his affectation. We have thought that sible for men to become great speakers like Fox while Col. McClung evidently affected much of or Calhoun without ever becoming such orators as his action in the outset of his speech, he was too Sheridan, or Wirt, or Clay. Clay did indeed unite indifferent as to art. Nor is he always self-posthe two, as they were never before united in any sessed when beginning. He starts off with his man. Haughty, high-tempered, and naturally arms very well disposed, but ere yet his own mind overbearing, he could deal at will in the wild is fastened, he seems to be encumbered, and his thunders of Pitt or Henry, and then melt his au- hands appear to be in his way. They are directed dience by the pathos of appeal. His voice, une- to a comfortable prop on his hips-but scarcely qualled and unsurpassable, was beyond doubt the reach their destination before one is tugging at secret of his power. The language and thoughts his hair and the other clenched convulsively to of his speeches are far behind those of Mr. Web-the table, or desk, before which he is standing. ster. The last we never had the good fortune to They cut the air at a rate wholly at war with Hamhear. We can only judge him as we judge the let's directions, until as a last resort they are fraRevolutionary or British statesmen, by contempo- ternally clasped, and remain thus, generally, until raneous accounts and the matchless elegance and he becomes fixed with interest in his subject. power of his published speeches. We judge, how- Then all hesitation and awkwardness give way to ever, from all we have read or heard from others, the fierce current of rapid and earnest thought. that his force was in his mind-that his heart and he steers to his different points under a headcontributed little or nothing to the effect pro- way of action that smothers all imperfections by duced by his speeches. We use these great its tempest-like impetuosity. He becomes, in resnames to illustrate our meaning, and would not pect to action, a perfect picture of Rufus Choate, be thought capable of committing the gross blun-bound to one spot. Every part of his body beder of attempting to institute comparisons in con- comes furiously motive, except his feet, which nexion with Col. McClung, while within the sha- maintain ever and throughout a military exactdow of such gigantic reputations; such would be ness of position. The great Massachusetts orator as offensive to good taste as to good sense. As an when speaking on large public occasions, as everyoriginal and a profound thinker, and an able body knows who ever heard him, writhes, rants. speaker he owns, as yet at least, no national rep-and runs about in a manner that puts to shame utation which will sustain comparison in such all Forrest's capricoles in Jack Cade, and that fairly presence as has been named. The great ascen- eclipses the renowned perambulations of Booth dancy in this State of his political opponents has in the last act of Richard the Third. The Miskept the knowledge of his talents and high quali-sissippian stands his ground truly, but temfications as a statesman mainly at home. The pestuous tossings of the head fully make up for only political office to which he has ever been ap-all loss of motion in the feet. The eyes of Mr. pointed, was one that opened to him no room for Choate, when speaking, though ever of bold exintellectual display, and was so immeasurably be-pression, assume a fixed and almost lustreless low his merits that many of his best friends have glare, and his whole features preserve a calm in lamented the necessity which urged him to accept singular contrast with the energetic and sinuous it. We intend not, therefore, to place him by motions of his body. It is different with Col. comparison on the roll of such statesmen as we McClung. His eyes blaze with excitement; he have just called. We desired merely to illustrate gnashes his teeth with the ferocity of a tiger eager why we regarded him as a speaker rather than as for his prey, contorts his features, and his entire We know well, however, that speak-face glows with enthusiasm. And yet, despite

an orator.

all the imperfections we have charged, (hypercrit-dezvous, and it was on the bank of the father of ically,) there are few public speakers who are able waters that the lamented Duffield, Major General to command so entirely and despotically the at- in the State Militia, organized the far-famed regitention of an audience, or call forth such heart-ment of Mississippi Riflemen. The "gathering" felt and tumultuous applause.

being perfected, and the various companies enWe are now to view the subject of this sketch rolled and quartered, the exciting duty of electing in a different light and from a different sphere. officers was next in order. Talent, and experience His education, his attainments, and his course of even was abundant among those assembled, and reflection had been entirely directed to a civil ca- men were present whose sagacity and judgment reer; but when, in the spring of 1846, the long were well fitted to the duties of leadership. But quiet of the nation was suddenly disturbed by the the master-soldier of Mississippi, the known taccry of war, and rumors came of battles fought tician most prominent in the eye of all, was not and victories gained; when it became known that there. Away off in the federal metropolis was an hostilities betwixt Mexico and the United States unpretending member of Congress, a representainevitable, and had actually begun, the patriotic tive of the State of Mississippi, who, beyond his ardor of young and old was excited to a degree skill as an officer, had given no presage of those not exceeded even by the martial enthusiasm high civil qualifications he has since evinced. His which blazed through the land in 1812, and Col. mental endowments were not regarded as supeMcClung was among the first who called into ex-rior, perhaps not equal to, those which had already ercise these chivalric instincts of his countrymen. been discovered by some enrolled in the regiment. Not a man of his acquaintance throughout the But he had been graduated with honor at West State doubted for a moment but that he would Point: he had served many years as an officer in soon be in the field at the head of a gallant band. the army, and had seen much active service both All eyes turned instinctively to him. His young in camp and in the field. It was believed then, comrades flocked with eagerness to his boarding as it has since been widely known, that the counhouse, and enrolled their names for the march. try owned few officers more accomplished or caFathers mothers, and wives, however apprehen-pable as a leader. This was Jefferson Davis. sive as to the chances of battle, beheld with pride Never having been in service himself, McClung the patriotic fervor, and looked with confidence to deferred at once to the ascendancy of one whose so sagacious and intrepid a leader. The neigh-qualifications for the first regimental office were boring county of Monroe sent over a company, so generally known, and permitted his friends to headed by a worthy son of her own, which evinced offer him as a candidate for Lieutenant-Colonel. a desire to serve under his standard. He incor- He was elected, as we remember, without opposiporated the two bands into one company-that tion. Davis prevailed for Colonel over a competcompany which afterwards rang gloriously through itor singularly high-minded and generous. Among the trumpets of fame as the Tombigbee volunteers, | all in that brilliant throng, despite some eccentriand whose name McClung himself clarioned forth cities, none possessed a better or more patriotic as the signal for the dreadful charge at Monterey. spirit than that which animated the bold BradOn the day of their departure from Columbus, the ford. He, too, had seen service as a volunteer streets of the city presented a most thrilling sight.officer in the last Seminole war, to which he had Young and old of both sexes, men of all profes-conducted the impetuous troops of his native Tensions and occupations, from the grave clergyman nessee. But the reputation of Davis as a soldier down to the dashing sportsman, clustered indis- and skilful tactician was overpowering and recriminately to catch a parting glimpse of those sistless, and his veteran opponent, declining soldier-youths, in whose every bosom beat the very properly to contest the second office, was heart of a hero, headed by one whose dauntless- taken up and triumphantly elected Major of the ness was proverbial. A beautiful banner had regiment. It may be safely assumed that no regibeen prepared by fair hands: and when, on being ment which followed the victorious Taylor from the presented with an appropriate address by a lady, memorable fields of the Rio Grande to the bristfrom the balcony of the Blewett House, the as-ling parapets of Monterey, could show three more sembled multitude heard, with stirring emotions, accomplished or skilful field officers. Each difthe pledge that it should come back with glory or ferred widely in temperament, in disposition, and in blood, not even the melancholy of parting with in mental conformation, from the other. If Davis, sons, with brothers, and with friends could re- weathered by long experience and education, was press the generous burst of admiration. like Moreau, collected, constant, highly strategic, The call of Gov. Brown, as is well remembered, and immovably brave, McClung was known to pos was responded to throughout the State with an sess the impetuous courage of Ney superadded to ardor and alacrity never surpassed. The city of the intuitive, lightning-like perception of Lannes. Vicksburg had been fixed on as the place of ren-If the one trusted with implicit confidence to the

scientific address of his superior, the other relied | wherein an American general has been thus with equal confidence on the matchless resources guarded, and even these fall below the European which he knew must belong to a mind such as standard. The small force which Harrison led distinguished his second in command. Both were into Canada in pursuit of Proctor, was well proequally objects of admiration with the youthful vided in arms, in provisions, and in camp equipand ardent soldiery whom they were about to age. The gallant army with which Scott marched lead forth, for the first time, to the terrors and to the assault of Vera Cruz and its famed castle storms of battle; and not a trooper in that chiv-was the most brilliant and perfect array ever musalric band would have hesitated to follow the lead of either wherever bidden :-such officers, with such men, have ever proved invincible.

tered by an American general. But Washington, so far from leading, probably never saw a perfectly appointed force until he beheld the vanquished squadrons of Cornwallis. Greene never manœuvred an army that was more than half armed or half clad. The same may be said of Gates, of Wayne, of Putnam, and of Schuyler. The little division of regulars with which Gen. Taylor advanced from Point Isabel to Matamoras may, in

The glorious news from Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma had filled the whole country with transports of joy, and the name of Taylor and his subalterns was on every tongue. The veteran Gaines, in command of the Southern division, was calling loudly for volunteers to aid the sparse army of the Rio Grande. The Mississippians, deed, have been well equipped: but the march to among others, flocked to the Crescent City early in Monterey, after the accession of the Volunteer the summer of 1846, and bivouacked on the force, was scarcely fitted to pass muster, had the marshy environs. By the first of August they had troops or appointments been scanned and squared been trained and disciplined, and were ready to by precise European officers. He trusted to his compete with the oldest and best of the army. men, armed with weapons to which they had been It is no part of our task to dwell on the partic-accustomed from youth, and who knew no more ulars which characterized the march from Mata-about working siege-pieces than they knew of moras to Monterey. That belongs more properly Arabic or Congo. Of regulars he perhaps had no to the historian. Nor do we feel at all fit now to more than a bare sufficiency to man the light arcriticise or to commend the manner of Gen. Tay-tillery, which was regarded justly as an indispenlor's advance. If his line of march was too much sible arm.

heights in rear of the city. On all sides were frowning forts, and walls fairly alive with glistening bayonets. In front, and to the right of Gen. Taylor's approach, the huge citadel displayed its solid walls and ominous batteries, flanked by lesser fortifications bristling with cannon and muskets: and the evening sun, reflected from the summits of the Sierra Madre, shone resplendently upon an array, all lustrous with the pomp and cirThe silver ripples which

extended for an enemy's country, and in view of On the morning of September the 19th, 1846, the materiel of his army-if his resources of hea- the army of Gen. Taylor arrived in sight of Monvy ordnance were too slenderly calculated, or histerey, and the opening operations of the memorareliance upon a force mainly untried, too san-ble and glorious scene began. The main body of guine,-considering that he was about to attack a the troops were encamped at Walnut Springs, and city well fortified both by nature and art, and gar-active reconnoisances were commenced by the inrisoned by a confident soldiery and crowds of en- defatigable Mansfield and his efficient corps of enthusiastic citizens,-the brilliant success which gineers. At about noon on the 20th, the division crowned his measures still serves to smother all of Worth took up its line of march to assault the doubts of his great military acumen, and to shield him from misplaced criticism. There is much in material and appointment, but, squared by the American standard of warriors, there is as much in the men who command. European generals and American generals are less to be compared than contrasted. Napoleon, in some respects, formed an exception in the conduct of his Italian and Egyptian campaigns. He then astounded the oldest soldiers by his indifference to perfect ap-cumstance of war. pointment: but in all his latter wars his armies danced quietly on the bosom of the Arroya San were prepared in every line and his appointment Juan, the garnished landscapes sleeping upon the was complete. Marlborough, Frederick, Turenne, plain in the full beauties of nature and art comthe Condés, Schwartzenberg, and Wellington were bined, the brilliant and changeful hues which fastidious to the last degree in all manner of equip-spangled the crested horizon, the dreamy stillness ment, and never took the field until the lowest of the fragrant atmosphere exhaled from orange subordinate had reported upon the completeness groves and flower gardens, all were in strange and of his department. The American modus operandi melancholy contrast with the busy preparations has ever differed widely from the European in all such respects. In our entire history, it may safely be said, there can be found but two instances

in progress for the morrow's carnage and the impending battle roar. Thousands of young hearts, animate in the bosoms of that ardent and motley

host, were beating high with expectation, and fire from the citadel and the works on the left, were panting for combat, for victory, and for which Twiggs had not yet carried. But the storm of glory: but none thought of the terrific price of lead and iron drove them back, and after a heavy war's honors of gaping wounds, of shattered loss they were forced to desist. At this time the bones, of lopped limbs, of a bloody death, of that Mississippi and Tennessee regiments, under comcold grave on a friendless soil from which no pæans mand of Quitman, were moved forward to susof triumph could resurrect. In their midst was tain the operations of Twiggs and Garland, and the old peasant-general, the beloved commander were halted, for some reason, just within range of and friend, lord for the time being of their lives the most destructive fire from the advanced fort and prospects, with his busy glass careering to all on the right of Twiggs. They were preceded by quarters of the compass, and hardening his stout a company of regulars, and awaited the result of though sensitive heart, to contemplate results their assault, but these last were received with a rather than calculate costs. There was Davis, discharge of cannon which actually decimated cold, imperturbable, determined-directing with their numbers, and struck down more than half calmness the preliminary movements, to scenes in the officers. It was then that the master feat of which, with a soldier, duty and not sensibility the day was ventured-a feat which has imprinted must be ascendant. There was Quitman, alike the name of McClung on one of the brightest polished and urbane on the field as in the draw- pages of our national history. The regulars, ing room; and if a ray of melancholy shaded the shattered and bleeding, and after a most gallant intense brilliance of his martial glance, it was effort, were in full retreat. The Baltimoreans fountained in a heart where iron bravery and soft had displayed a bravery equal to any troops, and compassion dwelt together. There was McClung, they too had been drawn off. The fort was still his fierce eyes gleaming with the first awakened in possession of the enemy, and its guns were impulses of battle, as he surveys the glittering belching forth the iron messengers of death, troop of lancers dashing along the Mexican lines, while the balls careered wildly through the ranks or listens to the deep voice of the cannon's opening of the Tennessee and Mississippi regiments. roar. The bland and winning smile which is They were under the eye of the chief himself, wont to light up his social moments is not seen, and a despatch had been sent to order them to the and his stern features are fixed with the impress attack; but ere yet the aid-de-camp had reached of that lion-like spirit which burns within and Quitman, the object of his mission was accomchafes for an introduction to battle. From one of plished. For minutes past, ever since the first the companies which make up that regiment by Mexican ball had whistled over the regiment, the him, many a look is turned to the martial figure fiery impulses of McClung had been stirring of him who sentinels its left wing; and many a wildly within his bosom. His fierce spirit was heart responds to the inward vow to follow to the worked into volcanic fury and was struggling death where he shall lead. madly to find a vent. He was second in command, The Mississippians were not called to partici-and the regiment could not therefore move to his pate in the skirmishes which took place on the order. On his wing were stationed the Tombig20th. The engagements had been confined to bee volunteers, every man of whom he knew persome hand-to-hand fights between the Texas Ran-sonally, and every man was his devoted friend. gers of Hays and the Lancers of Ampudia, in He gave them one inquiring glance, it was rewhich the latter had been uniformly repulsed. turned with a significance he could not mistake. But the dawn of the 21st broke upon a wider and Each eye gleamed, each lip was clenched, every more exciting, as well as more decisive, scene. A check was flushed, as they met the intense gaze of mutual plan of assault had been agreed on between their ancient captain. In an ecstasy of exciteGen. Taylor and Gen. Worth during the night in- ment, and in defiance of all military rule, tervening, by which the former was to make a McClung dismounted with a single bound, and demonstration in front, while the latter directed risking everything, caring for nothing but victory, his efforts on the rear of the city. This plan roared forth in lion tones, "Charge! Charge! Tomof course, involved the entire numbers of both di- bigbee volunteers follow me!" With a wild and visions, and the Mississippians prepared for the fearful yell that rose and rang above the din of conflict. Twiggs moved to the attack of the forts battle, that dauntless band broke from the ranks, on the east, and the shells and balls which were and darted after their heroic leader. Simultathundered from the batteries of Webster brought |neously a shout went up from the right wing out the full terrors of the citadel. The regiment and the deep voice of Davis himself is heard, as he was posted in rear of this battery, and watched starts with the entire regiment. The military inwith eagerness the repeated efforts of the Balti-stincts of both suggested that a charge should be moreans to carry the advanced work, and their re- dared, and impatience, not distrust, had tempted peated failures. These pushed on amid a raking McClung to act without orders. A pell-mell race


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