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the Number of the feign'd Juno's, Venus's, and Minerva's of Antiquity, or falfly harangu'd into the Pantheon.

HOWEVER, Perfons of the highest Rank, or greatest Worth, have always been reckon'd the belt Protectors of Innocence, the readiest Promoters of Induftry, the heartieft Encouragers of Learning, the friendliest Vindicators of Virtue, and the faithfulleft Propagators of Religion; without any Imputation of Hypocrifie, or diffembling Glofs in their admiring De dicators. In this degenerate Age of Cenforiousness and Innovation, as well as Prophaneness, Immorality, and Libertinism, an obfcure Author had need fecure to himself the fafelt Sanctuary of Refuge in Diftrefs, before ever he ventures upon publishing any Old-fashion'd Book in Praife of Virtue, or unfashionable Treatife in Difpraise of Vice, for fear of offending thofe fuperior Criticks in Novelty, the Free-Thinkers in Vogue, the Free-Agents in Diabolical Clubs, the friendly Abettors of Licentioufnefs in Practice, or the falfeft Fautors of all Irreligion in Fashion; as well as for fear alfo of being forc'd to fly at last, even to the very Altar, for better Security, Abfolution or Indemnity, against their furious Infults, and infernal Encroachments upon divine Revelation.

GIVE me leave then, Madam, with great Submiffion, to lay this Moral, Religious and Royal Leffon at your Honour's Feet, for fome kinder Patronage at your gracious Hands;


or to court the fureft Afplum of Relief upon fo preffing an Occafion, as it were in King Solomon's Temple, for fome Redress of such fpiritual Grievances. Your most excellent Virtues demand the fole Dedication of it, as a Debt highly due to your Ladyship's own great Merit and magnificent Character. For as You have the greateft Share in the virtuous Accomplishments of this facred Panegyrick, fo you have the best Title to the greateft Bleffings and Glories it can bestow. I need not tell the World, they very well know this for a certain Truth already, without any farther Defcant or fawning Diffimulation; that your Qualifications, both of Mind and Body, are incomparably Good, exceedingly Great, infuperably Graceful, and inexpreffibly Agreeable. They astonish all your charm'd Beholders at first Sight into univerfal Love and Admiration. Your fingular Endowments, both natural and acquired, excellently deserve more florid Encomiums than the most eloquent Orator can design in a full Idea of Fancy, or pretend to form exactly in Imagination. Your Chastity, Charity, and other celeftial Graces, are fo far fublim'd by the most pious Practices of Experience, above the very Art of Sublimity it felf; that it muft willingly fubmit its lofty Head, and acknowledge its own Infirmity, as well as Inferiority, even to your Meeknefs, Humility, or Lowlinefs of Mind. Your Piety, Devoutaefs, and Religion, both

in Publick and Private, render You of an earthly Creature only not Divine, but fpiritualiz'd, as it were, far above the grofs Complements of Humanity. Your exemplary Prudence, Conduct and Difcretion in all Points of good Education, Breeding, or Behaviour, as well as Beauty, Wildom, and Holinefs, in all Refpects, either of a fingle or a conjugal State of Life, will eafily furprize Thofe, who fhall ever have the Honour of your happy Acquaintance, into the profound. eft Silence of Veneration, and a tacit Infufficiency of Thought. They muft all readily own the Imperfection of humane Rhetorick it felf in commending your fuperior Perfections. To fay more of them, would only be faying lefs ftill than your Virtue, almoft Divine, merits; and it would feem little elfe than magnifying your fuperlative Character (humanely fpeaking) into a Diminution of it by the unequal Attempt: Infomuch that it would be difficult for me to determine here, whether You do not better entirely deferve the Recommendation of this Mirrour of good Manners, Modefty, and all other Vertues, both moral and religious, contain'd in King Lemuel's Leffon; rather than the Honour only of recommending it to the fair Sex, as well as the rest of Mankind, by your own illuftrious, tho' never fo inimitable Example. But, in a Word, your Ladyship's furpaffing Excellencies (not to fay Royal Majefty's in Emulation) have fufficiently furnish'd me at laft with a full


Answer to that puzzling Question of the great Prophetick QUEEN in the tenth Verfe of this delightful Chapter of Delicacy as well as Devotion: Who can find a virtuous Woman? for her Price is far above Rubies. And fhe is now eminently found in your own glorious Perfon.

AFTER all, when I confider the memorable Glories of your Ancestors, the Renown of your Family, and the Nobleness of your Extraction, as well as the remarkable Bleffings of your Birth, and the Felicities of your wellfpent Life: I can only imperfectly wish I were able to praise them worthily, while You may illuftriously intail them upon the latest Poste rity; or, impatiently wifhing, pray for to deferving a Patronnefs of diftreffed Virtue,that your celebrated Nuptials may be as happy (com paratively speaking) as King Solomon's Royal Marriage with King Pharaoh's Daughter was, in all Refpects of heav'nly Benediction; and, for a Conclufion at last, immutably subscribe my felf, with the humbleft Submiffion, highest Honour, and profoundeft Congratulations of Joy upon Earth;


Your Ladyship's

Moft obedient, faithful, humble Servant,

Ofwald Dyke's.




EADERS will always judge for themselves, let the Prefacer fay what he can to court their Favour. This Trifle of a Book however is offer'd with the utmost good Will, Modefty and Submiffion to better fudgments. An Author must stand or fall in the Event by his own Veracity and the Integrity of his Performances. Prefacing is become an abfolute Custom; and Writers, as well as other Folks of greater Figure in this Age,had almost as good be out of the World, as out of the Fashion. Moft People now-a-Days are best pleafed with Novelties.

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Well then, without any farther Ceremony, thefe pious Allegories, Parables, or Proverbs, call 'em which you pleafe, are folemn Allufions of an extraordinary Nature, and recommend to us theWifdom of our most famous Predeceffours, for our Imitation and Improvement. They inftruct our Lives in a great deal of Divine, as well as humane Learning. They fet forth the best Difcipline, both of Humanity and Divinity.They expel Vice,and introduce Virtue. They bridle the Tongue from all evil-speaking, or opprobrious Language; keep the Eye from all Wantonnefs, or lafcivious Looks; and tie-up the Hands from all Injury,


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