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this fame Epocha, in which Antiochus Eupater besieged Jerufalem, was a Sabbatick year, 1 Mac. 6. v. 53. Jof1.12.c.14. 7. After the Death of Alexander the Great,Onias the High-Prieft ruled at Jerufalem; and in his time Seleucus having made himself Master of Babylon, affumed the Afiatick Crown in the 12th year after the Death of Alexander. 8. From Seleucus reckoning backwards to Cyrus, we compute 248 years. Eufebius 1. 8. c. 11. demon. Evang. 9. The year 1194 of the Epocha Therick Dhilcarnain (which in the Nurenberg Edition of Albategnius, illustrated with Notes by Joh. Regiomontanus, is called ADILCANARI) was the 1206th year after the Death of Alexander. 10. The year 1202 of the fame Epocha, in which hapned a notable Eclipfe of the Sun, was the 1214 after the Death of Alexander, according to Mahomet the Grandson of Cruen (called Albategni) in his Book de Scien. Stellat. c. 27. 30. And it is manifeft from the Aftronomical Tables, that the Eclipfe of the year 1202 of the Epocha Therick Dhilcarnain happened in the year of Chrift 891, on the 8th day of Auguft. 11. Nothing certain is to be determined concerning the Months of the years of this Epocha, which in the first Book of the Maccabees are frequently begun with the Month Nifan. See 1 Mac.

7. V. I. C. 9. V. 3. C. JO. V. I, 21. C. 13. V. 22, 41. C.

16. V. J4. But in the fecond Book of the Maccabees and thofe of the Jewish Hftorians, they begin from the Month Tifri.

II. From thefe Characters it appears, that the beginning of this Epocha is coincident with the year of the Julian Period 4402, Cycl. O. 6. D. 13. and that the Author of the first Book of the Maccabees Speaks for the most part of the Vernal Seafon of this year, whereas in the 2d he means the Autumnal.

III. If therefore 4401 years and 3 Months be fubtracted from any certain year of the Julian Period, the Refidue fhews the year fince the beginning of the Gra cian Epocha, according to the firft Book of the Maccabees: And if 4401 years and 9 Months be fub tracted in the fame manner, the Refidue will be equi valent to the number of years fince the beginning o the fame Epoche, according to the 2d Book of the Mac cabees,

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§. I. TH

§. I. Uftin l. 15. relates that this Seleucus was the who wis Sein of Apollo and Laodice. After the Death this Seleu

of Alexander the Great, when his Empire was divided cus that among the Generals of his Army, Seleucus had Sy- gave Birth ria for his fhare; but being forced from thence by to this EKing Antigonus he fought for fhelter under Ptolemy pocha, King of Egypt, till returning at the Head of a confiderable Army, he made himfelf Master of Babylon, in remembrance of which this Epocha was inftituted.

§. 2. The Jews call this Epocha the Era of Cove The Jews nants, or the Ara of Principalities, becaufe, as they call this Efay, when Alexander the Great, after making himself pocha the Mafter of Perfia, marched towards Jerufalem with an Eraof Co intention to deftroy that City, he was met by the venants or High Prieft Simon alias Jaddus; who prevailed with rather him to alter his intentions, upon this Condition or Co. Principavenant, that all the Sons of the Priests that were born lities. that year fhould be called Alexanders. But Petavius 1. 10. de doct. temp. c. 42. defervedly ridicules the ignorance of the fewish Interpreters, in pretending that the beginning of this Epocha runs parallel with Alexander's making himself Mafter of Afia, for the fame did not commence till 12 years after his Death, and 18 years after his interview with the High Prieft. For which reafon I prefer the Opinion of thofe who call this Epocha the Era of Principalities; for that after the Death of Alexander his Empire was divided into many Principalities.

S. 3. The Arabians called this Epocha of Seleucus, This Epo Therick Dhilcarnain,and the Greeks Tox TedxépwT, cha is cal which fignifies as much as the Horned Epocha.Chrift. led Themannus is of Opinion that the Arabians and Greeks rick Dhilcalled Alexander the Horned, as being Monarch both carnain by of East and Weft. Wilhelmus Schickardus and others the Arabimaintain that he was called thus, becaufe he vanquifh- ans. ed Darius Codomannus, who by Daniel is compared to a Ram, Dan. c. 8. But Scaliger's Opinion feems preferable, who derives this denomination from thence that Alexander was reputed the true Son of fupiter Ammon, and the fuppofititious Son of Philip For, according to Schickardus himself, the Arabians ufed to call thofe that pimped for their Wives, and edu




cated Baftards under the pretence of their own Children, HORN BEASTS.

S. 4. Fofeph Scaliger and Dionyfius Petavius L. 10. the Author c. 43. de doct. temp. maintain that the Author of the of the 2d 2d Book of the Maccabees conftantly begins the years Book of the of this Epocha with the Month Tifri; but it being Macca- faid in the 2d Book c. 15. v. 37. that it was decreed beesbegins always that the 13th day of the 12th Month fhould be celethefe years brated; which Month is called in the Syrian ADAR; From the the Opinion of Scaliger and Petavius is thereupon difMonth Tif proved. For, if at that time the Month of ADAR


was the laft, it follows, that the Month of NIS AN was the firft, the year beginning with the Spring. To conclude, the Authors who mention this Epocha, make use fometimes of the Nabonaffarean years, and fometimes of the Julian years; of which fee Dionyfius Petavius l. 10. c. 40. de doct. temp.


Of the Epocha and time of the Afmoneans, who were afterwards called Maccabees.


1. This Epocha must be regulated according to the true Succeffion of Mattathias, Judas Maccabeus, Jonathan, Simon, &c. as expreffed in the Books of the Maccabees, and Jofephus. 2. Mattathias began to be famous when Antiochus Epiphanes tyrannized o ver the Jews, 1 Mac. 2. 3. The fame Mattathias died in the 146th year of the Græcian Epocha, 1 Mac. 2. v. 70. 4. In the 148th year of the fame Epocha Judas Maccabeus Son of Mattathias, rendred himself famous by restoring the Levitical Šervice a mong the Jews, I Mac. 4. V, 52. 5. In the 152d year of the Grecian Epocha Judas Maccabeus was flain in the Battle fought against Bacchides, and was fucceeded by his Brother Jonathan, 1 Mac. 9. v. 3, 18, 28. 6. Jonathan being murdered by the Trea chery of Tryphon, 1 Mac. 12. v. 48. Simon his Bre ther was made Prince over the Jews, and fought with

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fuch fuccefs against the Gentiles, that it was under his Government faid of the Jews 1 Mac. 13. v. 41,42. In the 170th year the Ifraelites were delivered from the Yoke impofed upon them by the Heathens: And from that time they used to write in their Infcriptions, IN THE FIRST YEAR OF SIMON THE CHIEF HIGH-PRIEST, GENERAL AND PRINCE OF THE JEWS. 7. The 172d year of the Græcian Epocha was coincident with the 3d year of Simon the Chief High-Prieft, 1 Mac. 14. v. 27. 8. The Epocha of Simon began with the Ecclefiaftical year, or in the Spring, 1 Mac. 13. V. 51. C. 14. V. 27. 9. The laft of the Afmonean Race was Antigonus the Son of Ariftobulus the Brother of Hyrcanus, whom Antonius caufed to be nailed to the Crofs (which was the first Instance of that kind of Execution of a King among the Romans) and after he had been well whipped, to be ftrangled. See Jof. 1. 14. Antiqu. c. 29. and Diod. 1. 49.

10. The Government of the Afinoneans, continued down to the Death of Antigonus, lafted 126 years; and that Prince was fucceeded by Herod, firnamed the Great, See Jof. Antiq. 1. 14. c. ult. l. 15.c. 1. 1. 1. c. 13. de Bel. Jud. and Hegefippus 1. 1. c. 3. de Excid. Hierofol.

II. From thefe Characters it is evident that the Afmonean Race flourished about the year of the Julian Period 4548, Cycle O. 12. .7. at which time Mattathias died: That in the 4549th year of the Julian Period Judas Maccabeus acquired immortal Glory among the Jews, by reftoring their publick Service; and that he was flain in the year of the Julian Period 4555: And lastly, that the Epocha of Simon had its beginning in the year 4571 of the Julian Period.

III. How any certain year of the Julian Period may be conveniently connected with the years of thefe Epo cha's, is fufficiently evident from what has been faid. For the year fince the Death of Mattathias you must Subtract 4547 years; for the year fince the Restora tion of the Levitical Service by Judas 4548 years, and for the year of the Epocha inftituted in honour of Simon, 4570 years and three Months.


The deriva S. 1.THE Words of Jofephus, relating to the Fation of the mily of Mattathias,being ambiguous, fome Name of have made the Word Afmonean a proper Name, othe Aimo- thers an Appellative. But to my mind 'tis fufficient



for us to know that the Word Afmonean fignifies

as much in the Hebrew as Great Men and Governours; in which Sence it is taken by Rabbi Kimchi. Whichtribe S. 2. Many who infift upon the promise of the Scep the Almo- ter's retaining to Judah, would have the Almoneans peans were defcended of the Tribe of Judah; of which Opinion defcended were Genebrardus and Baronius: But the last of these two has changed his Opinion in the laft Edition of his Annals, it being evident out of the Books of the Maccabees Mac. 2. v. 1. that the Afmonean Family was defcended from the Tribe of Levi, which is likewife agreeable to the Genealogy of Fofephus l. 12. c.8. As to what is alledged by fome of the Afmonean Race their being defcended on the Mother's fide from the Family of David, 'tis of no great Consequence, it being not cuftomary among the Jews, to convey Succeffion by Females.

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§. 3. Fudas the Son of Mattathias was the first who How they came to be was firnamed the Maccabean, 1 Mac. 2. v. 3. But concalled Mac- cerning the Interpretation of this Word there are dicabeans. vers Opinions. Johannes Reuchlinus l.3. Art. Cab.and

The Admi

Serrarius would have it to have been an Infcription in the great Standard of Judah, and to fignifie as much as WHO IS LIKE UNTO THE LORD AMONGST THE GODS? And alledge that Judas from thence had received the Sirname of Maccabean. But Fullerus l. 2, 13. mifc. inerprets it, I AM THE SCOURGE, i.e. to the Gentiles and Apoftate Jews.

§. 4. Many Learned Men are of Opinion, that the fration of fupreme Adminiftration of the Government among theGovern- the Jews was not lodged in the Tribe of Levi till the ment was time of the Afmonean Family, but they are out: For in the Iribe Fofephus l.20. c.8. fays exprefly,that after the return of of Levi the fews to Jerufalem by the Command of Cyrus,Jesus before the the Son of fofedec was High-Prieft; WHO, fays Aimone-he, AND WHOSE POSTERITY, in all fifteen, governed the Jewish Commonwealth till the time of Antiochus Eupator. St. Jerome in fer. c. Ez 21.confents with Jofephus; and Lyra in c. 1. Ez. has


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