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William Ellis. From Philadelphia, Richard Gove of that city, and I travelled to Maryland, and visited Friends on the Western Shore and to Virginia. In Virginia, near James' river, I met with an aged Friend whose name was William Porter: he was ninety-two years of age. We had several meetings there amongst Friends and others, many being well satisfied concerning the truth, and spoke well of it.


After we had had several good and open meetings in Virginia, we found ourselves clear of America, and in order for our passage, agreed with our friend F. Johnson, of the Elizabeth and Mary, to carry us for England.

my childhood in the reading and belief of the island, as at Hempstead, Jerusalem, Jericho and Scriptures, and my father and mother were Bethpage, where there were large meetings, Friends, that is Quakers. She willing to try and much openness among the people, and me further, said, Did your father and mother some were convinced. We had a meeting at suffer you to read the bible when you were a a place called Matinicock, where I met with little boy? Yes, said I, and gave me correction some of the people called Ranters, who diswhen I was not so willing to read therein as turbed our meeting. I may say as the apostle they would have me. Then, said she, our Paul, only altering Ephesus to Matinicock, minister has belied you; and since you say that I fought with beasts there. I travelled so, if it please God, I will go and hear you. to New-York, where we had two meetings; She went with us to meeting; and after it was from thence we went to the Jerseys, and had over, one asked her how she would answer it several serviceable meetings; and so to Pennto their minister for going to meetings? She sylvania, where there are many very large replied, it was truth she had heard, and she meetings of Friends, and the Lord is with his would stand by it, through the grace of people, and prospereth them spiritually and Christ, and need not be ashamed of it, though temporally. Here I met with my dear friend we are of ourselves but poor weak creatures. This woman was sober and religious, and one of good report. By the foregoing we may see how slanders flow from some pulpits: the more is the shame and pity. We went on and preached the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, in that ability he gave us, with which the people were affected, and would have had us tarry longer, but we could not, although they much importuned us, because we had appointed a meeting at Oyster river. After having several meetings about Piscataway and Dover, we went to Hampton, where we had meetings; and at Salisbury we had a large open meeting, of about three hundred people, as it was supposed, which was at this time accounted a great concourse of people thereabouts. At Jamaica and Haverhill also, we had meetings, and from thence went to Salem and Lynn again, where we had good service for truth; and then to Boston, and had a meeting at the meeting house, and another at a Friend's house in the evening, at which there were many people. From Boston I went to visit Friends about Cape Cod, till I came and left the Capes of Virginia that day, and again to Rhode Island. By the way I met with Aaron Atkinson, who was on a visit to Friends in New-England. I had several good opportunities and powerful meetings in those parts, and truth wrought a tenderness in divers at Rhode Island. The presence of Him who said, "Where two or three are met together in my name, there am I in the midst of them," being sensibly witnessed by many; for he was with us of a truth. From thence I went round the Narraganset country, and had meetings at * I saw him some years after, and he was weedseveral places, and was accompanied by John ing Indian corn with a hoe. He was then about Rodman and William Beackley, through Con-one hundred and six years of age, and had upwards necticut to Long island, which is accounted of seventy children, grand-children, and greattwo hundred miles. We had one meeting by grand-children. Divers Friends of us went to see the way, in which Christ, the Light of the him, and he preached to us a short, but very affectworld, was preached to the people, at a place where we were told there had never been a Friend's meeting before. I came to Long island about two weeks before the general meeting, and visited Friends in several places on this

On the 11th of the first month, 1698-9, we were accompanied on board by several Friends, who abode with us all night; and the next day being the first-day of the week, we had a comfortable meeting, and then parted in much love, having the evidence of the power of the Almighty with us. We waited for a fair wind until the 20th of the aforesaid month,

at night got our ship into a sailing posture; and I was glad in my spirit that I was setting my face towards my native land; and more glad that I was returning with peace in my bosom. The power and presence of Him who said, Go, teach all nations, was sweet to my soul at that time, and now in some measure I enjoyed the fruits of having laboured in that ability which God had given to me. Glory to

ing sermon, which was, as near as I remember, love of God; God is love, and those that dwell in thus: "Friends, you are come to see me in the God, dwell in love; I thank God I feel his divine life every day and every night." He died, aged one hundred and seven years.

God, through Christ, who is worthy for ever! The presence of God was with us on the great ocean, and we were wonderfully strengthened through his goodness. We had several good meetings on board our ship, and were very largely opened in the love of God to the poor




time idly, but for the most part in reading the holy Scriptures, writing, &c., in which we were at seasons greatly refreshed, strengthened and comforted, Oh! my soul! glorify God thy Maker, and Christ thy Saviour for ever, in the sense of his goodness and mercy, both by sea and land, by night and by day! After we had been almost seven weeks at sea, we thought that we were near the land, but we sounded several days and found no bottom, although we let out abundance of line, I think above three hundred yards.

About this time our doctor dreamed a dream, which he related to me, to this effect; he said

and spacious town, the buildings whereof were high, and the streets broad; and as he went up the street he saw a large sign, on which was written in great golden letters, SHAME. At the door of the house to which the sign belonged, stood a woman with a can in her hand, who said to him, Doctor, will you drink? He replied, with all my heart, for I have not drank any thing but water a great while, (our wine and cider being all spent, having had a

which he said made him merry. He went up the street reeling to and fro, when a grim fellow coming behind him, clapped him on the shoulder, and told him that he arrested him in the name of the governor of the place. He asked him for what; and said, What have I done? He answered, for stealing the woman's can. The can he had indeed, and so he was had before the governor, which was a mighty black dog, the biggest and grimmest that ever he saw in his life; and witness was brought in against him by an old companion of his, and he was found guilty, and his sentence was to go to prison, and there lay for ever."

When we launched forth into the deep, there were several ships in company; but we had been but a little time at sea, before we lost sight of them all. Several ships passed by us about a week after we sailed; and about this time we saw a very large whale, which lifted itself partly out of the water, with its mouth open, which looked like the entrance"He dreamed that he went on shore at a great of a large cave. We likewise saw several other large sea-fish, such as grampuses, sharks, &c. all which show forth the wondrous works of the great Creator of all things. Elizabeth Webb and Elizabeth Lloyd went over with us in this vessel, both virtuous women. For about two weeks the winds were mostly fair, in which time we got finely on our way; but for above a week afterwards the winds were mostly contrary, and the ship had a great motion, which caused some of us to be sea-long passage) and he drank a hearty draught, sick, especially Elizabeth Lloyd, who was but weakly. One night our sailors thought that an enemy or pirate was near us, as a vessel fired two guns, and passed by us; but it being night, we could not certainly know what she I rather judged it might be some ship in distress, for that evening we saw one of the ships that came out with us, and the next morning we could see none at all, and there was hardly any wind that night, so I feared that our companion had sprung a leak and foundered; and when I told our master my opinion, he said he feared the same likewise. For nearly two weeks time we beat about the sea, and made little progress. Howbeit, we He told me this dream so punctually, and had several good meetings, wherein we gave with such an emphasis, that it affected me glory to God, our Saviour; and for ever let it with serious sadness, and caused my heart to ascend to him over all, saith my soul! Con-move within me; for to me the dream seemed trary winds are commonly tedious at sea, but true, and the interpretation sure. I then told especially to those that know not where to him he was an ingenious man, and might stay their minds; but there being several clearly see the interpretation of that dream, Friends of us on board, we had oftentimes which exactly answered to his state and congood meetings; and if any of our ship's com-dition, which I thus interpreted to him: "This pany came to meeting, they always were great and spacious place, wherein the buildsober and sometimes tender; and truly God's ings were high and the streets broad, is thy love was extended towards them. When it great and high profession. The sign, on was not our meeting days, we spent not our which was written shame, which thou sawest, and the woman at the door, with the can in her hand, truly represent that great, crying, and shameful sin of drunkenness, which thou knowest to be thy great weakness, which the woman with the can did truly represent to thee. The grim fellow who arrested thee in the devil's territories, is death, who will assuredly arrest all mortals: the governor whom

She was the daughter of Thomas Lloyd, late deputy-governor of Pennsylvania. She lived and died a virtuous woman; and, I think, generally beloved by all who were acquainted with her. When she died she was the wife of Daniel Zachary, a merchant of Boston, New-England, and was well known and much beloved there for her piety and virtue.

thou sawest, representing a great black dog, is certainly the devil, who after his servants have served him to the full, will torment them eternally in hell." So he got up, as it were in haste, and said, God forbid! it is nothing but a dream. But I told him it was a very significant one, and a warning to him from the Almighty, who sometimes speaks to men by dreams.

In seven weeks after we left sight of the land of America, we saw the Scilly islands, and next day the land of England, which was a comfortable sight to us; in that God Almighty had preserved us hitherto, and that we were so far on our way. We drove about the channel's mouth for several days for want of wind; after which the wind came up, and we got as far up the channel as Lime-bay, and then an easterly wind blew fresh for several days, and we turned to windward, but rather lost than got on our way, which was tiresome and tedious to some of us.

which he drank a hearty draught, that made him merry, as he said in his dream; and notwithstanding the admonition which was so clearly manifested to him but three days before, and the many promises he had made to Almighty God, some of which I was a witness of, when strong convictions were upon him, yet now he was unhappily overcome, and in drink when he was drowned. This is, I think, a lively representation of the tender mercy, and just judgment of the Almighty to poor mortals; and I thought it worthy to be recorded for posterity, as a warning to all great lovers of wine and strong liquors. This exercise was so great to me, that I could not for several days get over it; and one day while I was musing in my mind on those things relating to the doctor, it was opened to me that God and his servants were clear, and his blood was on his own head; for he had been faithfully warned of his evil ways.

We were obliged by contrary winds to put About this time, being some days after the into Plymouth harbour, and from Plymouth I doctor's dream, a grievous accident happened went by coach to London, where I was gladly to us. Meeting with a Dutch vessel in Lime-received by my relations and friends. I got bay, a little above the Start, we hailed her, to the yearly meeting of Friends in London, and she us. They said they came from Lis- in the year 1699, which was large, and was bon, and were bound for Holland. She was at divers public meetings for the worship of loaded with wine, brandy, fruit, and such like Almighty God. I may truly say, the Holy commodities, and we having little but water Ghost was amongst us, blessed be God our to drink, by reason our passage was longer Saviour, for evermore. than we expected, we sent our boat on board In this year I thought it my place to enter in order to buy a little wine to drink with our into a married state, and I acquainted my water. Our doctor, and a merchant who was father of my design, and that I inclined to a passenger, and one sailor, went on board, make choice of Martha Betterton, a religious where they staid until some of them were young woman, whom I entirely loved for the overcome with wine, although they were de- piety, virtue and modesty, which I beheld in sired to beware thereof. When they came her. I was in the twenty-fourth year of my back, a rope was handed to them, but they age, and she in her twenty-first. I likewise being filled with wine to excess, were not ca- acquainted her father and mother with my pable of using it dexterously, insomuch that intentions, to which both our parents conthey overset the boat and she turned bottom sented; her father saying, when I spoke to upwards, having the doctor under her. The him, the Lord bless you together. And my merchant caught hold of a rope called the father said, if I was worth my weight in gold, main-sheet, whereby his life was saved. The she deserved me. The heartiness of both sailor not getting so much drink as the other our fathers in this matter, was more to me two, got nimbly on the bottom of the boat, than a portion of silver or gold, of which we and floated on the water till our other boat had but very little; but our love to each other was hoisted out, which was done with great was very great, and being honourably groundspeed, and we took him in; but the doctor ed, it was not easily shaken. We proposed was drowned before the boat came. The our intentions of marriage to the monthly seaman who sat upon the boat saw him sink meetings to which we belonged; and because but could not help him. This was the great-I had been travelling in America, I had cerest exercise that we met with in all our voy- tificates from my brethren there, not only of age; and the more so, because the doctor was my industry and labour in the ministry, with of an evil life and conversation, and much given to excess in drinking. When he got on board the aforesaid ship, the master sent for a can of wine, and said, Doctor, will you drink? He replied yes, with all my heart, for I have drank no wine a great while. Upon

the good effects thereof, but also of my clearness in relation to marriage. After having twice published our intentions, we had liberty of the said meeting to proceed to the solemnization of our marriage, which was accomplished at Devonshire-house, in London, at a

meeting appointed for that end, on the 28th unwilling to part with us, and gave us their day of the seventh month, in the aforesaid certificate, to let our brethren know that we year, in the presence of many hundreds of were in love and unity with them, and walked people, and many worthy brethren and elders. according to our profession. When we were A day of days it was to my soul! wherein I ready, and in order for going, we agreed for was made sensible of the love and goodness the freight of our goods and servants, with of God in a particular manner, which to me John Snowden, and shipped them on board was an earnest of our future well doing. My the Josiah, bound for Maryland. When the dear wife was one who truly loved and feared God, and had an excellent gift of the ministry given unto her, and was serviceable therein. A paper coming to my hands of her own hand writing and composing, I transcribe it here. She calls it, An account of the Exercise of Martha Betterton, viz. "As I was walking in the city of London, with a concern on my mind, in beholding the abominable pride of the people; it opened upon my mind in this wise: Wo, wo! to the crown of pride! And then I was deeply bowed in my spirit before the Lord, and it was said to me, I will yet spare a little longer. I have sheep which I will gather home to me, and there shall be one Shepherd and one sheepfold. Then I said in my heart, Oh! Lord, shall I be one of the sheep belonging to thy sheepfold of eternal rest? And again it was answered me, My sheep hear my voice, and they follow me. Then a cry was raised in me, Cause me to hear thy voice; and not only so, but enable me to obey the same. And then this charge was returned to me, Be thou faithful."]

ship was at Gravesend, and ready to sail, several of our dear relations and friends accompanied us to the ship, on board of which we had a good meeting, and took our solemn leave of one another, as expecting never to see each other any more in this world. It was a solemn time indeed! We prayed for one another, and so parted, our ship sailing that evening, and we got to Margate-road, where we anchored, and the wind sprung up very fresh, and blew tempestuously, so that we broke our cable, and lost our best bower anchor, and drove violently towards the Good. win Sands. We let go our sheet anchor and three more, which were all we had, but they did not stop her; upon which the master ordered the carpenters to stand by the mainmast, with their axes upon their shoulders, and when he gave the word, they were to cut the mast. The people in the ship, there being many passengers, were in great consternation, expecting nothing but death: but for my part, being exceedingly sea sick, and having been in many storms, I was not so much surprised with this, the sailors sometimes making a great noise when there is but little danger; but there was more danger than I was aware of, as appeared afterwards. One of the passengers came weeping, and said our case was very bad. The doctor also came in the same manner; and cried, Oh! Mr. Chalkley, we are all dead men! I thought with myself, I would go out on deck, and see what the matter was. I went to the pilot, who had the lead in his hand; he sounded, and cried out, Lord, have mercy upon us! she is gone, she is gone, she is gone! by which I perceived that we were very near the Goodwin Sands, on which many ships have been lost with all their crews. In this sense of danger, I sent for the passengers into the cabin, and told them that I thought it would be well for us to sit still together, and look unto, and wait upon God, to see what he After some few months, I acquainted my would please to do for us; that, if death came, wife and my father, with her father and mo- we might meet him in as good a frame of ther, that I thought it my duty to go over and mind as we could, and that we might not be live in America. To which proposal my fa- surprised beyond measure. As we were thus ther consented, though with tenderness of composed in our minds, a concern came upon heart, considering that I must be so far sepa- my dear wife, and she prayed to God, the rated from him. I also laid it before the Father, in the living power and sense of his monthly meeting of Friends, at Horslydown, Son; and he heard from his holy habitation, in Southwark, of which meeting I was a mem-and answered the prayer: for immediately ber; they consented to it, though somewhat after the wind abated, and our anchors held

Soon after I was married, I had a concern to visit Friends in the counties of Surry, Sussex and Kent, which I performed in about two weeks time, and came home and followed my calling, and was industrious therein. When I had gotten something to bear my expenses, and settle my wife in some little business, I found an exercise on my spirit to go over to Ireland, to visit our friends and brethren on that island, in which William Townshend accompanied me, and Friends in that nation were generally satisfied with our service among them. When we had been from home about ten weeks, and had visited most parts of that nation, having had many meetings among Friends and others, we found freedom in our minds to return home, which we did, being comforted in our service, and blessed the name of the Lord.


Spring, the Thickets, and at Pumpkin-hill; and after being there about six weeks, we went in a sloop to Bermuda, where we found but very few Friends, yet had meetings in several places, and at the houses of some people who were not of our profession. The longer we tarried, the larger our meetings were; and many began to be affected and spoke well of us and our devotion, but some were disturbed, and spoke to the governor to break up our meetings; which at the desire of one of the inhabitants we had appointed at his house: upon which he sent orders by one of his colonels to break up our meeting, which troubled the sober people. After this I met with the governor at the house of one judge Stafford; and he being a moderate man, we had the following discourse, viz.

Gov.-How do you like our country? We are but a little spot in the sea.

T. C.-I like it well for its moderate climate. If the people were moderate also, it would be well.

Gov.-Doth it answer your end in coming? T. C.-My end in coming, was to visit the people in Christian love.

Gov. Do you think the people will be brought over?

T. C.-If they are brought to truth and righteousness, it will be well for them. That is the end of our coming.

This was a great deliverance, which is not to be forgotten. When we saw the longed-for morning, we were very near the sands and the sea ran prodigiously high, and broke upon them mightily, so that we were forced to leave our cables and anchors, and make the best of our way to Deal, as well as we could. One of the owners being on shore, and seeing us in distress, sent off a cable and anchor to us; and we anchored before Deal with our new cable and anchor, and sent a boat for our other anchors and cables, when it was calm, which brought them to us. After we had supplied ourselves with what we wanted, we put to sea again, and had fair winds till we got as far as the Western islands, where captain Cant, being in company with us, spoke with our captain in the evening, and the two captains concluded it would be stormy that night, which happened accordingly. They took in their sails, and we all but our mainsail; notwithstanding which, the storm was such, that we lost our main-mast, sprung the head of our fore-mast, and broke our crossjack-yard, and thus lay rolling upon the sea for about two weeks: the ship Bristol-merchant coming by in that time, lent us a spare top-mast, of which we made a main-mast, and a top-mast of our top-gallant-mast, and so refitted as well as we could, and had a pretty good passage afterwards. We were about eight weeks from the Land's-end to the capes of Virginia; had meetings twice a week on board, and they helped to stay our minds on our Maker, though our bodies were tossed to and fro on the mighty waters. We went on shore at Patuxent river, and by land to Herring bay, where my family tarried that winter; and I with my three servants followed my calling. In the spring we transported ourselves, our goods and servants, from Mary-addressing such men. land to Pennsylvania, where we intended to settle, when we came from our native country. At Philadelphia I bought a lot of ground upon the river Delaware, and there I followed us to preach, and a desire in the people to my calling that summer. In the fall I had an inward call to visit Friends in Barbadoes, which I proposed to our monthly meeting, and they certified on my behalf that they had unity with me in my proposal, conversation and ministry. I took ship at Philadelphia, T. C.-We do not direct them to men, but about the 20th of the seventh month, 1701, to the Lord Jesus Christ, their teacher, and on board the Abraham, Street, com- the bishop of their souls. And why should our mander, and was about a month on the voy-leaving them look strange to the governor ? age; Josiah Langdale was with me. We had It was the practice of the apostles of our Lord several good meetings in the ship to our satis-Jesus Christ, and his own practice and comfaction; and were well received, and had mand to his followers. And further, the aposmany meetings at Barbadoes, which were tles (which word signifies ambassadors or often very large and open, and some of the people loving and tender. We had several meetings at Bridge-town, Speight's-town, the

Gov. If you had acquainted me with your design, when you first came, you had done well. It was your duty.

T. C.-If we had known the governor's will herein, or that thou wouldest have spoken with us, we should have readily answered it: but knowing nothing of it, we could not tell but that it might be taken for rudeness in us, considering our homely way and manner of

Gov. Then your design in coming here was to preach. Had you no other end? T. C.-Yes. As we found a concern upon


Gov.-Why do you not tarry with them? that looks strange. Here the people are affected with you, and you go away and leave them: I blame you for that.

messengers) say, follow us, as we are followers of Christ. They travelled up and down the world preaching the gospel; and our

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