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acter of the subjects, embracing only three articles which can be called essays. The attempt seems to have been made to ensure success, by rendering the Magazine more popular in its topics. And its pages are filled chiefly with Tales, Reminiscences, and Dialogues.

The first quarter of the Magazine closed in June, but that it was the intention of the Editors to continue it, is evident from the following extracts:

“We have been told, and the sage remark has been reiterated again and again, that there was not sufficient stability and firmness in young men of our age and station, to prosecute, with any hope of success, an enterprise like that in which we are engaged, and which, with your assistance, we have pledged ourselves to accomplish. To prove a charge so blasting to our hopes, and parallyzing to our exertions, we have been referred to the total failure of other publications, similarly situated with the Medley, and whose prospects, at commencement, were as fair, or even fairer, than our own. Whilst we admit the plausibility of the conclusion, we deny its correctness. Never, within our knowledge, has a periodical published in this Institution, received a fair trial. The patronage which was promised has been withheld. At every step it has been met by a spirit of hostility and abuse equally malevolent and undeserved. It matters not from what foul source the stream originated-the unfortunate periodicals, unable to stem the torrent, after a few struggles for existence, have sunk to rise no more,' beneath the oblivion of its waters. Whether this fate is reserved for the Medley, 'all-trying time alone can determine.' But never, oh never, may the sorrowful task be assigned to us of inscribing upon its tomb the mournful epitaph, The Medley was, but is no more.'”

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This is from the address "To the Patrons and the Public," in No. III. In the department entitled, "Our Quill," which, translated, is "Editor's Table," they say again :


“We have heard the opinion expressed, from time to time, that our publication was about to close-that the present number was destined to be the last, and that we were to retire from the struggle, disheartened, and defeated. We would say, unhesitatingly, to those who have advanced it, you are mistaken. It is not our intention to relinquish even the slightest degree of effort, but to still go forward, confident, nay, even certain of success."

We have thus, readers, completed the promised sketches of Yale periodicals. We justify their meagerness by the fact, that we intended to do but little. You may have been interested to know whether the Yale Lit. is the first Magazine published by the students of our College, and the names and fate of its predeThese things have been set before you.


In conclusion, we return thanks to the distinguished Librarian of the College, Mr. Herrick, for the use we have been allowed to make of copies of the magazines in his possession.


BISHOP PRIZE DEBATE-Sophomore and Freshman Classes-22d of March.
Judges-Messrs. RUSSELL, SHELDON, Rev. Mr. LEE.

1st Sophomore Prize-E. A. WALKER, of the Sophomore, and A. H. STRONG, of the Freshman Class.

1st Freshman Prize-E. W. HITCHCOCK.

2d Prize-C. M. DEPEW, of the Sophomore, and J. MARSHALL, of the Freshman Class.

3d Prize-P. W. CALKINS, of the Sophomore Class.

4th Prize-W. C. CASE, S. H. HYDE, and N. WILLEY, of the Freshman Class.

Editor's Table.

DEAR READER:-We have just time to bid you "Good-bye," and wish you a happy vacation. This part of the course has always seemed to bear a striking and complete resemblance to the exciting amusements of the race-course. All are hurrying, some with merit and honesty, some with jockeying and fraud, yet all are hurrying to a common goal. In this race-course, the present term seems adapted to represent those "quarter-stretches" and turning points, when merit has new hope and fraud new fears. Though here, as there, the prize is due to the fleetest steed and the most skillful rider, yet here, as there, the unfortunate may often gain "new hope from resolution, new courage from despair." The consolation for defeat must be in the hope of a new field, and new rivals. Descending, however, by a necessary but abrupt transition, from philosophy to things and events, the first event noticeable is the close of this term. It has indeed passed away, not "like a cloud," but somewhat like the middle act of a dull comedy. What with a deluge of prizes and a "shower of brick-bats," besides numerous fresh “bricks" which the "Powers that be" have circulated in beautiful parabolic curves through society, we have had no common amusement. The present term, then, may without great stretch of imagination, be compared, from the lymphatic nature of its phenomena, to the time when the great waters filled the earth. The shower of bricks reminds us of that solitary suppliant of the favored navigator, (the arch(k)etype of all discoverers and pioneers,) who consoled himself with the reflection that it "wasn't going to rain much anyhow." With regard to the second edition of the deluge, we have happily arrived at its Ararat. It matters not now whether or not these prizes have been ratified by public opinion. Their recipient will perhaps, be rated accordingly. It is pleasant, however, after such a rattle of eloquence to be able from a crazed anxiety and overwrought interest to subside into a state of rationality. 'Speaking of animals," we have lately been favored with an animalcule in the shape of a poem, with which we will favor you directly. When seen by the microscope of your perception, reader, the subject may appear somewhat mixed, yet it will exhibit to you, we trust, as clearly as to us the indignation of


X-his Song.

With a heart that is heavy and sick,

With eyes that are painful and red,
A Freshman sat in despair at his work,
But longing to go to bed.

Dig! Dig! Dig!


Unpitied, alone, and forlorn,

While sleepy eyes his efforts balked,
He sang the tale of his wrong.

Dig! Dig! Dig!

Till the College clock strikes one!

And dig! dig! dig!

And still my work's not done!

It's Oh, that I was at school,

For then those dear eyes would look
In mine as I sat weary and worn,
And encourage me over my book.

Work! Work! Work!
From early morn to night;

Work! Work! Work!

I keep working with all my might!
Sign and Ending and Base,

Base and Ending and Sign,

Till over the Augments I fall asleep,

And Elide them all in my dream!

[blocks in formation]




As an evidence of the estimation of the Lit. abroad, we present the reader with the following letter, hoping that the writer will not be displeased with the pleasure we have at receiving it and the liberty and kindred pleasure we take in publishing it. It is from a graduate of the Class of 1840.

BROOKLYN, Friday, March 10th, 1854. Messrs. EDITORS :-Enclosed you will find a two-dollar bill, on the Broadway Bank, New York City, for my subscription for one year to your Magazine.

Please send to my direction, as below, all the numbers of the present volume, as far as they have been issued, as I have received none of the present volume as yet, though I have frequently informed your worthy predecessors in office, that I intend to be a permanent subscriber. Hereafter will you please send me the numbers as soon as convenient, after their publication.

I am very happy to state, in closing, that I have the entire set of eighteen volumes, and that it gives me great pleasure to think that in no way could I have spent so little money as $2 a year, with so great advantage, both to myself and others.

Ten years hence, I have no doubt but that every person, now a member of the College, will wish that he had the four volumes published during his College course, and would then be willing to pay a much larger sum for them, but it will then be too late.

Hoping you will soon be able to enlarge the Magazine, and also your subscription list, I remain yours with respect,

And now, reader, in taking our leave of you, we have no room and little inclination to prolong our conversation, though our intercourse has always been pleasant (for the readers of the Lit. are always the most courteous and worthy men of College, and vice versa.) In taking leave of the Magazine, also, we cannot help indulging a hope that its compass may one day be enlarged proportionally to the dignity of its position. It is emphatically a peculiar Institution at Yale. Everywhere else, magazines are either short-lived in existence or necessarily deficient in interest. From our superiority in numbers, voluntary contributions are, of course, more frequent, and we believe, that so far as is within the legitimate province of a Magazine, they are indicative of a discipline which the pride of our old College has taught us to believe superior also. The rigor of this discipline, by its constant increase of labor and accompanying stimulus to thought, will reflect from the Magazine, as now it does, the proportions and capacities of the College mind. The day is, perhaps, not far distant when it will be a proud recollection to have been a subscriber-a still prouder one to have been a contributor. It is not, however, our purpose to pronounce a Valedictory. We leave that task in worthier hands.


We have received the "Knickerbocker," "Nassau Literary Mag." and "N. C. Univ. Mag." for March, and the Amherst Collegiate Mag. for February. They are characterized by their usual interest and ability.



Article on DeQuincey, page 130, three lines from the bottom, for "Kepua" words, read "a" eight lines from the bottom, omit "he;" on page 131, for "became,' read "become." In the Editor's Table, page 157, for Class of '53, read Class of '55.

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