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25. Statement showing the number of persons employed on United States
military railroads at various dates, (Part 1).

26. Statement on claims, Fourth Division, (Part 1).

27. Special report, transportation of 23d army corps from the Tennessee
to the Potomac, by Col. L. B. Parsons, chief Fourth Division, (Part 1)....
28. Report on movements, during the war, on the western rivers and
railroads, by General L. B. Parsons, (Part 1)...

29. General Orders No. 17, Quartermaster General's Office, March 16,
1865, regulations concerning transportation by rail and river, (Part }).
30. General Orders No. 18, Quartermaste General's Office, March 16, 1865,
designating points for settlement of accounts for transportation, (Part 1).
31. General Orders No. 29, Quartermaster General's Office, 9th May,
1865, regulations concerning transportation of freight, (Part 1).........
32. Report of transportation of army supplies in New Mexico during the
fiscal year ending 30th June, 1865, (Part 1).

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33. Instructions from Quartermaster General's Office, May 10 and May
27, 1865, for the transportation of the troops to their homes, (Part 1).. 3
34. Report of the Fifth Division, forage, fuel, and regular supplies,
Colonel S. L. Brown, (Part 1).

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35. Annual report, purchases of forage, by Colonel S. L. Brown (Part 1)
36. Summary statement of public moneys for the fiscal year ending 30th
June, 1865, purchases of forage, Colonel S. L. Brown, (Part 1).
37. Statement of expenditures for rail and river transportation for the
fiscal year ending 30th June, 1865, by Colonel S. L. Brown, (Part 1)..
38. Statement of expenditures for ocean and lake transportation during
the fiscal year ending 30th June, 1865, (Part 1).

39. Report of number of passengers and tons of freight transported by
Col. S. L. Brown during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1865, (Part 1)..
40. Report of quantities and value of forage shipped to armies on the
James during the winter of 1864-'65, (Part 1).

41. Report of cost of transportation of grain to posts on the western
plains, (Part 1).............

42. Report on forage and fuel purchased during the war, (Part 1).
43. Statement of forage, fuel, and regular supplies, purchased during
the war, (Part 1)..

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44. Summary statement of forage received at the depot of Washington
during the war, (Part 1)

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45. Summary statement of fuel received at the depot of Washington
during the war, (Part 1).....

46. Report of Sixth Division, hospitals and barracks, Col.J.J. Dana, (Part 1)
47. Report of interments, (Part 1)..................

48. Report of Capt. J. M. Moore, national cemeteries and interments near
Washington, the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, and Andersonville, (Part 1). 3
49. Report of Seventh Division, military trains, Col. B. C. Card, (Part 1)..
50. Report of claims, Seventh Division, (Part 1).

51. Special Orders No. 44, trains of the army before Richmond, Lieu-
tenant General Grant, (Part 1)....

52. Report of Eighth Division, inspections, Col. G. V. Rutherford, (Part 1)
53. Statement of clothing and equipage reported by officers as received,
captured, issued, expended, or lost, during the fiscal year, or remain-
ing on hand at the termination thereof, (Part 1)..........

54. Statement of property reported by officers as received, captured,
issued, expended, lost, or sold, during the fiscal year, or remaining on
hand at the termination thereof, (Part 1)...

55. Statement of vessels owned by the United States and employed in
the quartermaster's department during the fiscal year, (Part 1).....
56. Statement of vessels chartered, impressed, or employed, during the
fiscal year, (Part 1).....................


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57. Statement of property captured by the army during the fiscal year,
(Part 1).................

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58. Statement of property captured or destroyed by the enemy during
the fiscal year, (Part 1)..

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59. Summary statement of transportation furnished during the fiscal
year, (Part 1).............

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60. Summary statement of cost of transportation during the fiscal year,
(Part 1)...

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65. Chief quartermasters of principal depots, (Part 1).
66. Chief quartermasters of important depots, (Part 1)


61. List of officers of the quartermaster's department in charge of divisions
in the Quartermaster General's Office during the fiscal year, (Part 1)......
62. List of officers who have served as inspectors of the quartermaster's
department, (Part 1)..

63. Chief quartermasters of armies and army corps, (Part 1).

64. Chief quartermasters of departments, (Part 1).

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68. Quartermasters who have been brevetted for good service during the
war, (Part 1)

67. Officers specially mentioned to the Quartermaster General for good
service, (Part 1).

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69. Report of Ninth Division, records and correspondence, Colonel B. C.
Card, (Part 1).

[blocks in formation]

70. General Orders No. 35, rules and regulations for consideration of
claims under act of July 4, 1864, (Part 1).

[blocks in formation]

71. General Orders No. 43, Quartermaster General's Office, September
23, 1864, rules and regulations relating to purchase and distribution
of horses and mules, (Part 1)

72. General Orders No. 276, August 8, 1863, troops on transports, (Part 1)
73. General Orders No. 24, April 29, 1865, reductions and retrench-
ment, (Part 1)

74. General Orders No. 25, April 29,1865, reductions and retrenchment,
(Part 1)

75. General Orders No. 28, May 8, 1865, sale of horses and mules, (Part 1)
76. General Orders No. 42, July 15, 1865, sales at auction, (Part 1)....
77. Executive Orders September 28 and October 14, 1865, relinquish-
ment of military railroads, and transfer of railroad material, (Part 1)
78. Annual report on military telegraphs, by Colonel Anson Stager,
chief of military telegraphs, (Part 1).

79. Report of Major T. T. Eckert, superintendent of military tele-
graphs, (Part 1)..

80. Report of Captain R. T. Clowry, assistant superintendent military
telegraphs, (Part 1).

81. Report of Captain G. Fuller, assistant superintendent military tele-
graphs, (Part 1)

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82. Report of Captain W. L. Grove, assistant superintendent military
telegraphs, (Part 1).

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83. Report of Captain J. R. Gilmore, assistant superintendent military
telegraphs, (Part 1).

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84. Report of Captain J. T. Lynch, assistant superintendent military
teiegraphs, (Part 1)..

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85. Report of Brevet Major General Robert Allen, chief quartermaster,
valley of the Mississippi, (Part 1).

[blocks in formation]

86. Report of Brevet Major General Rufus Ingalls, chief quartermas-
ter armies before Richmond, (Part 1).......

[blocks in formation]

87. Report of Brevet Major General J. L. Donaldson, chief quarter-
master, military division of the Tennessee, (Part 1)

[blocks in formation]

88. Report of Brevet Major General D. H. Rucker, chief quartermas-
ter, depot of Washington, (Part 1)..........

[blocks in formation]

89. Report of Brevet Brigadier General L. C. Easton, chief quarter-
master, armies under General Sherman, (Part 1)...

[blocks in formation]

90. Report of Brevet Brigadier General L C. Easton, on the march to
the sea, (Part 1).

91. Report of Captain Henry M. Whittlesey, chief quartermaster, 20th
army corps, on the march from Atlanta to the sea, (Part 1).
92. Report of Major G. E. Dunbar, chief quartermaster, Sherman's
cavalry, on the march from Atlanta to the sea, (Part 1)...................
93. Report of Lieutenant Colonel G. L. Fort, chief quartermaster, 15th
army corps, on the march from Atlanta to the sea, (Part 1)......
94. Annual report of Lieutenant Colonel G. L. Fort, chief quartermas-
95. Report of Lieutenant Colonel J. E. Remington, chief quartermaster,
ter, 15th army corps, (Part 1).

14th army corps, (Part 1) ..

96. Report of Brevet Brigadier General L. C. Easton, chief quartermas-
ter, army under General Sherman, on the march from Savannah to
Richmond, (Part 1) .......

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97. Report of Captain H. M. Whittlesey, chief quartermaster, 20th
army corps, on the march from Savannah to Goldsboro', (Part 1)
98. Report of Colonel A. J. Mackay, chief quartermaster, army of the
Cumberland and department of the Tennessee, (Part 1)

99. Report of Colonel M. C. Garber, chief quartermaster, department
of the Tennessee, (Part 1) ...

100. Report of Colonel Thomas Swords, assistant quartermaster general,
Cincinnati, (Part 1)

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101. Report of Colonel George H. Crossman, assistant quartermaster
general, Philadelphia, (Part 1)..

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102. Report of Colonel D. H. Vinton, deputy quartermaster general,
chief quartermaster, depot of New York, (Part 1).......

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103. Report of Colonel E. B. Babbitt, chief quartermaster, Pacific
coast, (Part 1)......

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104. Report of Brevet Brigadier General S Van Vliet, quartermaster,
New York, (Part 1).

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105. Report of Colonel J. C. McFerran, chief quartermaster, depart-
ment of New Mexico, (Part 1)........

[blocks in formation]

106 Report of Colonel C. W. Moulton, chief quartermaster, depot of
Cincinnati, (Part 1) ..

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107. Report of Brevet Brigadier General William Myers, chief quar-
termaster, depot of St. Louis, (Part 1).............

[blocks in formation]

109. Report of Colonel R. N. B. Bachelder, chief quartermaster, army
of the Potomac, (Part 1)

108. Report of Colonel W M. McKim, chief quartermaster, depot of
clothing and equipage, Philadelphia, Penn....

110. Report of Colonel J. B. Howard, chief quartermaster, army of the
James, (Part 1).

[blocks in formation]

111. Report of Lieutenant Colonel E. J. Strang, repairs and supplies,
armies before Richmond, (Part 1)..

[blocks in formation]

112. Report of Colonel J. A. Potter, chief quartermaster, depot of Fort
Leavenworth, (Part 1)

113. Report of Colonel H. Page, chief quartermaster, army of the She-
nandoah, (Part 1)..

[blocks in formation]

114. Report of Captain F. J. Crilley, quartermaster, military railroads,
(Part 1)

[blocks in formation]

115. Report of Colonel G. D. Wise, chief quartermaster, western gun-
boats, (Part 1).

[blocks in formation]

116. Report of Captain A. Ainsworth, agent, on opening communica-
tion with General Sherman at Fayetteville, (Part 1)...

[blocks in formation]

117. Report of Colonel M. J. Ludington, chief quartermaster, depart-
ment of Washington, (Part 1)..


Report of the Commissary General of Subsistence, (Part 2).
Report of the Surgeon General, (Part 2).



Report of the Paymaster General, (Part 2).

Report of the Chief Engineer, (Part 2).



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War, transmitting papers and testimony relating to the claim of Philip
Epstein and others. Letter from the Secretary of.

War, transmitting testimony of the court-martial in the trial of Hon.
Benjamin G. Harris. Letter from the Secretary of..

War, relative to soldiers furnished by each State. Letter from the Secretary of
War, relative to harbors in the United States. Letter from the Secretary of
War, relative to appointment of Commissioners of Claims for Maryland and
Delaware. Letter from the Secretary of....
War, relative to marking captured guns. Letter from the Secretary of..
War, in regard to the enlistment of one-hundred-days men. Letter from
the Secretary of....

War, relative to the seizure of land belonging to Clement Reeves..
War, transmitting report of the chief engineer in regard to harbors on the
sea and lake coasts. Letter from the Secretary of.
War, relative to Lake Superior harbor. Letter from the Secretary of..
War, relative to Illinois volunteers. Letter from the Secretary of..

[blocks in formation]

War, relative to awards for the capture of Booth. Letter from the Secre-
tary of....

War, transmitting report of the Commissioners of the Freedmen's Bureau.
Letter from the Secretary of.......

War, transmitting report of General Pope on the condition of the depart-
ment of Missouri. Letter from the Secretary of....
War, transmitting report of the Chief Engineer relative to improvement
of harbor at the city of Toledo. Letter from the Secretary of.
War, relative to officers employed in the Quartermaster General's depart-
ment and Corcoran's building. Letter from the Secretary of.....
War, stating amount paid Illinois Central railroad for transportation by
the United States. Letter from the Secretary of...
War, relative to appropriation for the improvement of the Patapsco river.
Letter from the Secretary of...

[blocks in formation]

War, relative to erection of quarantine station, New York harbor. Letter
from the Secretary of...

12 87

[ocr errors]

War, relative to the findings of the commission for the capture Booth and
Herold. Letter from the Secretary of..

12 90

War, transmitting report of board of engineers relative to the navigation
of the Southwest Pass. Letter from the Secretary of....
War, transmitting report of Judge Holt relative to the murder of Union
soldiers in North Carolina. Letter from the Secretary of..

12 97

War, relative to discharged volunteers in the Territories. Letter from the
Secretary of....

War, relative to artificial limbs furnished soldiers at the expense of the
government. Letter from the Secretary of...

War, relative to clerks employed in his office. Letter from the Secretary of
War, in relation the Memphis riots. Letter from the Secretary of...
War, relative to the draft in the eighth congressional district of Pennsyl-
vania. Letter from the Secretary of...

12 98

12 108

12 116

12 122

12 129

16 138

War, relative to commutation of rations to soldiers while prisoners of war.
Letter from the Secretary of...

16 142

War, transmitting report of all brevet ranks conferred upon officers of the
regular army since April 12, 1861. Letter from the Secretary of...
War, transmitting papers in the case of Dorence Atwater. Letter from
the Secretary of..

16 145

16 149

War, relative to the number of Union and rebel soldiers who died while
held as prisoners of war. Letter from the Secretary of....
War, relative to railroad property in possession of the government of the
United States. Letter from the Secretary of......

16 152

16 155

Warden of the jail. Report of the..





Washington city, in reference to the relations of the general government
Letter from the mayor of Washington..

[blocks in formation]

Yards and Docks, of the operations of his bureau during the year ending
June 30, 1865. Report of the Chief of the Bureau of..


1 536

Papers accompanying the above report.



A. General estimates from yards and docks..

No. 1. Estimate for the support of the bureau..

No. 2. Estimate for officers and others at yards and stations..

No. 3. Statement showing the sums which make up the first and second
items of Y. & D., A.........

No. 4. Estimate for improvements and repairs at yards and stations..
No. 5. Estimate for repairs of all kinds, showing the sums which make
up the amounts under this head in Y. & D. No. 4..

No. 6. S.atement of expenditures under the head of contingent during
the past fiscal year, and estimates for the same for the fiscal year end-
ing June 30, 1867.

No. 7. Estimates of appropriations under the cognizance of the Bureau
of Yards and Docks, required for the service of the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1867...

No. 8. Abstract of offers..

No. 9. List of contracts for 1865-'66..

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