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MARY, farewell! a father's ardent pray'r

Ascends, though halting, to the throne of heav'n,
And supplicates for thee such benefits

As God alone can give-as frail mankind
Must have or die-must have or die for ever.

Wealth he asks not; though wealth, well us'd, is good For man; and may be so applied as well

To honor God, and benefit mankind.

Nor would he ask that Fame should sound thy deeds
With trumpet clangor to a list'ning world;

And yet, the approbation of the wise,
Is object worthy of no small regard

To social beings, form'd to give and take
Each of the other. This approving voice,
When wide-diffus'd, is Fame; and, rightly won,
May, without censure, be enjoy'd by man.
Yet not for this thy father Heav'n entreats.
Much less for Pleasure's various stores he pleads,
Where Fancy revels, and where Appetite
Expatiates at will. These sink the soul
Below her proper mark, and chain her down
In ignominious bondage to the earth,

Whilst she should soar, on angel pinions strong,
Above the skies, and range with freedom there.

Nor does he ask the wealth of gifted mind,
So justly priz'd above all earthly treasure.
This might enable thee to span the heav'ns,
And calculate the grains that form this globe-
To class and name the various tribes of life
That people earth, and sea, and air-to tell
Their nature, habits, instincts, appetites--
To analyze the air, untwist the light,
Make solid substances take liquid forms,
Dissolve affinities by Nature join'd,

And drag the light'ning harmless to thy feet-
To trace the operations of the mind,
From apprehension, through ideas reflex,
To acts of high and God-like reasoning-
To mark those fruitful passions, Love and Hate,
Sorrow and Joy, with all their progeny,
As each prevails, prompting to act or feel-
To know the laws, the policies of men,
Their social actions, character, and fate-
All this and more can mighty mind achieve,
And yet that mind be seat of sin and woe.

The good thy father asks is grace divine-
Grace that will teach thy heart to fear the Lord-
To trust his mercy, love his word and way-
To shun the crooked paths of vice, though strewn
With fragant flow'rs that charm disordered sense-
To seek thy pleasure only in his smile-
To follow him, though scorn be heap'd on thee
By a misjudging world; and true to him
Abide, till death transfer thee to that bliss
Complete, still height'ning, and without an end.



"Lovest thou me ?" John.

AM I indeed a child of God, Or am I self-deceived? Amid the thorny path I trod, Oft I refused to kiss the rod,

And sore the Spirit grieved.

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titled to name it and employ it as his own? Nor would he be deprived of this honor, or advantage, even if it could be shown that the first combination required time, and labor, and expense, while the change was the result of a moment's exertion. It is hoped that many combinations of ideas, which are now poisonous, may be rendered salutary by some genius who may discover how to give a new play to their tendencies.

ORIGINALITY, in the sense of creation, belongs to God only. As there is no particle of matter of which he is not the creator, so there is no idea of which he is not the author. Men may change the forms, and alter the combinations, and vary the relations of matter; so 4. By transforming or abridging. Virgil has, in many they may modify, and decompose, and combine, and parts of the Æneid and Georgics, imitated Homer, but pervert the ideas which the Almighty furnishes, but they he has in many respects so improved upon his master, have no power to make an atom or an idea. Whether || that we can scarce regard him as a copyist. The naor not we admit the theory that all ideas reach the mind through the senses, this declaration will be obvi


Originality does not imply the avoiding of all ideas which have been employed by others. We may use the ideas of others and yet be original.

1. By presenting them in new combinations. If we all go to the same great source of ideas, the universe, it is not unreasonable to suppose that several shall be attracted by the same fields, shall view them in the same aspects, and shall gather similar nosegays; but as optics, and tastes, and intellects, like limbs and countenances, differ, so that, to microscopic vision, no two can be found precisely alike, and as nature herself is subject to incessant mutation, perhaps it is impossible that two minds, acting independently, shall bind up the same ideas in the same combinations. Nevertheless, there may be approximation in the productions of different intellects, in almost infinite gradations, while each is entitled to the merit of originality. Important discoveries have been made simultaneously, by different persons, without correspondence or collusion. Truths, buried to the world for ages, have been revived by nearly the same process of ratiocination as that which led to their first discovery. Ideas selected and combined by a mind acting independently, constitute an original production, and will in all cases evince a peculiar taste and talent.

tural theology of Mr. Paley is based upon "Howe's Living Temple." Scarce an illustration is to be found in the former which is not contained in the latter; yet the more modern writer has wrought out the illustrations of his predecessor in such a masterly manner-has given to them so much force and beauty, from the recent discoveries of science, and has adapted the whole work to the common reader with such felicity, that no one calls in question his merits, or his title to originality. When an individual, by the incorporation of his own industry, with matter previously prepared, immeasurably enhances its value, he is original. When a writer makes a new and more valuable work upon the basis of an older one, he is not to be regarded as a plagiarist. 5. By simplifying. If a man were to make a vast improvement in a machine, merely by rendering it more simple, more cheap, more portable, he would nevertheless be entitled to praise and a patent. It requires the highest kind of genius and of art to simplify. The untutored savage multiplies causes to multiply effects. As man emerges from ignorance he approaches his Creator, whose great secret is a simplicity of causes, reconciled with a multiplicity of effects. The greatest praise of a machine, a work, or a science, provided it answer the purpose, is its simplicity. That is evident ly a meritorious kind of originality which can seize upon the valuable ideas of an author, and present them in all their power, divested of all incumbrances, and in a much smaller compass.

2. By giving them new applications. When the physician makes a medicinal use of some plants which If such be the ample range within which a man may were gathered for ornament, he is as much entitled to be original, there can be no excuse for plagiarism-no praise as if he himself had collected them in the wil- excuse for using the matter of another, verbatim, or for derness. Suppose that, before the arts and sciences had linking sentiment after sentiment, doctrine after docmade much progress, three men had experimented over trine, argument upon argument, illustration upon illusa caldron of boiling water, heated for culinary purposes, tration in the same order, and for the same purpose, as and one had applied steam to the cure of disease, an- another has done, (though the language may be differother to the formation of oxygen and hydrogen gasses, ent,) while the boundless universe is before us-no exand the third to the propulsion of machinery-each cuse for stealing a paragraph here, another there, and would have been an original discoverer. When a wri- then calling the combination (like the image in proter makes a new application of the ideas previously phetic vision) an original composition. It is an origgathered by another, he is original. We may there-inal conglomeration, or juxta position; for there is no fore employ combinations of ideas, prepared to our hand, and yet be entitled to the merit of originality.

3. By decomposing and recombining them, so as to alter their properties. Suppose a chemist take a compound, and by the mere use of reagents, call into action a new play of affinities, and thus alter the nature of the article, and increase its medicinal virtue: is he not en

combination among such incompatible elements. I pity the mind that can employ itself in such a task, and pity the conscience which cannot inflict a woful pang for such an offense. But my design is not to declaim against plagiarism, but to recommend originality. I proceed, therefore, to notice some of the advantages of original effort.

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every thing, define every term, understand every fuct— its bearings, relations, and tendencies. Sir Isaac Newton reasoned like an angel in philosophy, and like a child in politics or religion. Why this difference? His mind was as strong when applied to one subject as to another; but in physics he had made himself master of premises-in other sciences he had not.

1. It exerts a favorable influence upon the judgment. || premises. Hence, the necessity for patient, original inThis is the most important function of the mind. The vestigation. This begets the tendency to inquire into imagination may revel among splendid ideas, connected by no fixed laws, but it can arrive at no useful result. The memory may link facts by laws of association irrespective of their relations, but it is incompetent to discover truth. It is the province of judgment alone to compare facts, to trace relations, to deduce conclusions. Extensive learning, an imagination splendid as the starry heavens, a memory capacious as the ocean would Logic is of no consequence to a man who has not be of little consequence, yea, rather injurious than ad- accurately attended to every part of the subject which vantageous, unless controlled and employed by a sound he examines. If a man has not studied French he judgment. It was a remark of Demosthenes, in refer-will not be enabled to read it merely by putting on ence to fools, that success above desert is an occasion of misthinking, and good fortune above desert an occasion of misdoing.


(2.) By producing delicacy. Original investigation confers upon the mind the powers of nice discriminaA man of sound judgment will accomplish much in tion and rigid analysis. The unpracticed surgeon may whatever sphere he is placed, and will know how to use perform coarse operations; but when he undertakes to every advantage he gains. If you look into history, or || cut in the midst of important arteries and nerves, where mark the progress of events in Church or state, you the variation of a hair's breadth would occasion death, will perceive that the men who make the most display he trembles and desists. So the coarse mind may be are not those who control great results. Queen Eliza- suitable for coarse operations; but when the utmost beth, of England, exhibited extraordinary sagacity in nicety is indispensable, and when life or death, peace the choice of her public men. She had a cabinet equal or war, salvation or damnation, is suspended on the if not superior to any that England has ever boasted; nicest movement of the judgment, it grows blind and but she put no showy men into it. She kept working faint. Dr. M'C., noted throughout the Union for the men for work, and showy men for show. On every celerity, and accuracy, and neatness of his operations, stage there are men of judgment behind the screen, once informed me that his skill had been acquired by who use the men of noise and show, as the engineer striking at minute points, and that he had spent hours regulates and employs his machinery. They of the || in doing nothing else. The mind trained to indepenlatter class may propel the wheels, but they do so only dent investigation, which has learned to fix its attenat the pleasure of the former. In no situation will ation, train its powers, concentrate its energy, move all man of sound judgment be at a loss for servants. Like its faculties in concert, may trust its power of discrimia great orb projected among inferior ones, he attracts to nation when other minds grow giddy, and cut with himself, by a noiseless, yet efficient energy, a system of calmness and firmness when splitting hairs. In the satellites which wheel around him in ceaseless homage professions of law, politics, medicine, and divinity, this and obedience. An impudent enemy once asked an delicacy of judgment can hardly be too highly prized. ancient general, (Iphicrates,) by way of taunt, what (3.) By producing solidity. The mind rests in its he was; for he had neither spear, nor bow, nor light conclusions when conscious of having thoroughly ex"I am," said he, "the man who commands all amined each step of its progress, in arriving at them, these." Thus, with that crowning capacity of the as the student is confident of the correctness of his mind, judgment, though without learning, or brillian- translation when he has examined each definition, cy, or a store of facts, it will command them all. How parsed each word, and comprehended the grammatical important, then, to develop and train the judgment! relations of each part and particle. Such a man is not This can only be done by the habit of original investi- easily shaken. He is firm as the rock. His firmness gation. Such a habit will tend to improve it. is not, however, that of the mountains, which cannot (1.) By producing accuracy. It is an easy thing to move, nor the stubbornness of the mule, that has no reason by rule, but this will not always lead to correct understanding-it is the firmness of a mind conscious conclusions. A strict attention to each premise is indis-that it is right. Such a mind will court investigapensable. The arithmetician may do his sum by the right tion, hail truth under whatever name it may come, rule, but the result will be inaccurate, unless he shall cheerfully yield to conviction, but unless convinced that take notice, in turn, of each separate figure. Fallacies it is wrong, stand for ever in its position. A man of are, however, more frequently to be traced to imperfect this description is fearless and independent, relying not investigation than to illogical reasoning. They lie not so much on his talents, or ingenuity, or eloquence, but in the argument but in the premises. Most men reason well. One has remarked that the difference between the fool and the madman is this, the former reasons incorrectly from true premises, the latter reasons correctly from false premises. The errors of men are generally of the latter kind. They fail in the examination of the


on the force of truth. He fears no opposition; but like a garrison in a castle that is impregnable, he defies assault. 2. Originality exerts a favorable influence upon the memory. The memory of facts depends much upon the attention with which they are viewed. The habit of original investigation fixes attention.

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3. Originality exerts a favorable influence upon im-|| moment's search. Of what inestimable advantage this agination. It restrains, regulates, refines the fancy; but it curbs it not. Instead of permitting it to run wild and lawless through the regions of space, it directs it to the noblest and most useful purposes.

4. Originality exerts a favorable influence upon mental habits.

will prove, every one must at once perceive. The practice of original investigation will secure such an association of ideas by rendering it habitual and absolutely necessary. All ideas being in demand for practical use, are examined as they arrive, and assorted and filed.

It begets systematic habits of business. This orderly arrangement of ideas will be transferred to the business of its possessor. It will divide his time, systematize his pleasures, devotions, and pursuits, and exert a beneficial influence over his person, his habitation, and all his paths. It will almost of itself insure peace, and comfort, and success in this world of folly and derangement.

5. Originality exerts a favorable influence upon eloquence.

(1.) It confers clearness of expression. This is indispensable to eloquence. We may have bombast, and noise, and argument, and declamation, without perspicuity, but not eloquence. The language may be copious and beautiful, the voice harmonious, the subject interesting, the arguments, and illustrations, and appeals numerous and elaborate, figures on figures may be piled up to a pyramid, but after all the speaker or writer will fall far short of eloquence, unless he express himself with clearness. He may excite the admiration of the ignorant, the stare of the gaping idiot, but he will re

(1.) It begets a habit of observation. If a man rely upon books or discourse for his ideas, he may pass through every scene of business, or pleasure, without observing any thing with a careful eye-neither countenances, nor sentiments, nor opinions-neither men, nor things, nor events-neither the amiable nor the lovely, the beautiful nor the grand awaken the reflection of his idle soul. He is like the heir to a fortune, who avails himself of no opportunity for profit, because he relies upon the accumulations of others. It is quite otherwise with the original inquirer. He sees a little world in every leaf, and sources of boundless contemplation in every star. Scarce a look, or action, or word escapes his notice, no event so trivial as not to excite useful reflection, or furnish a felicitous illustration. His mind is in a state of continual activity, so that it is pleased to find something on which it may exert itself; and in the exuberance of its thoughts it finds every thing with which it meets serviceable as a channel of communication. It was a remark of one of the ancients, that he was never less alone than when alone.ceive only the pity or contempt of the intelligent, judiSuch were his habits of meditation, that in silence and in darkness, in dungeon or in desert, he found himself in a beautiful and busy world, over which his own active mind had spread life, and activity, and beauty, and every little pebble, and breeze, and bird, and flower seemed to crowd around him as children around a parent, anxious to listen to his discourse, to court his favor, to enjoy his smiles, and render him willing homage and obedience. An eminent writer of our own country and times was distinguished in early life for a habit of this kind. When riding alone he has often been observed to dismount from his horse, draw from his pocket a common-place book, and note down for future use some brilliant thought which had suggested itself to him in his solitary musings. Such a man will almost electrify an audience by a happy use of some trivial circumstance which scarce any one else would have noticed.

(2.) It begets a habit of philosophical association. Nature will not permit our ideas to be separated and independent. She takes care to link them together, but she connects them in a confused manner. We may direct her in her operations if we choose, and thus make her services in this respect of the utmost value. Instead of having our ideas all lying loosely in a box, like the papers of the careless merchant-notes and receipts, letters answered and unanswered, whether on business, or friendship, or religion, or politics-all thrown together into one huge pile, we may partition our memory into pigeon holes, classify them philosophically, label them neatly, and lay them where they may be safe, and where they may be found at any time after a

cious hearer. Clearness is generally associated with originality. A man can scarce be original, and at the same time obscure. The subject may be such as to require language and arguments which are not familiar to all, but yet it may be treated so as to be perfectly plain to those for whom it is discussed. Whatever views a man compasses by his own exertions, will strike him with more or less force, and whatever he conceives strongly he will express clearly. We sometimes complain that although we understand a subject thoroughly, we are unable to explain it. This doctrine enters more frequently into my apologies than into my philosophy; for it transfers the disgrace of failure from the man's mind to the nation's language, and leaves the impression upon the hearer that the speaker's soul contains depths unfathomed and unfathomable. That mind must indeed be great for whose lofty conceptions the flexible and copious English language, enriched by unnumbered accessions from ancient Greece and Rome, and from nearly all the living languages of the civilized earth, cannot provide appropriate expressions. It must be far above that of Johnson or Addison, of Milton or Shakspeare. It is a wonder that the great minds of former ages did not discover this difficulty. It is strange that we, who could make ourselves understood, when we were babes, cannot now that we are men. But, irony aside, the English language is transparent enough to show the treasures beneath it, however deep they lie, when it flows through a good channel. It is only when it passes over a muddy bed that it becomes turbid, and reveals no riches below. I can point to men, distinguished in the political world, who are authors of able

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state papers, written not only with power, but accuracy || the warrior, he was willing to be dandled and caressed. and beauty, and who are perfectly ignorant of the first How awkward the minister who is always glittering in principles of grammar. They are men of original, in- armor, and who goes forth to feed the lambs of the dependent minds, and they understand what they write flock as he would to encounter the lion in his lair! so clearly that they express themselves without any confusion. The author of a grammar, in giving directions to avoid blunders, gives the following as worth a thousand rules, viz., "think well before you speak."

passage uttered by an orator, when preaching before a monarch, whom he noticed to be talking: "When the lion roars the beasts of the earth tremble, and when the Almighty speaks let the kings of the earth keep silence."

Who has not seen the splendid effort prove utterly worthless in consequence of its irrelevancy? and who has not known a feeble production to electrify in consequence of its perfect adaptation? When a distin(2.) It secures an appropriate theme. Much depends guished clergyman was requested to furnish for publion the choice of a subject. The period, the age, the cation a copy of a sermon which he had preached during education, the habits, the prejudices, and the state a terrific thunder storm, and which produced a tremenof feeling of the audience must all be taken into con- dous effect, he agreed to comply with the request upsideration. What may be proper at home may be on condition that the committee would agree to print unsuitable abroad. That which is adapted to the town the thunder and lightning which accompanied it. He may be useless in the country. An address which knew that it derived its charm from its appropriateness. would delight youth, might offend old age. Argu- One of the great advantages which the extemporary ments, language, illustrations, which would enchain orator has over one who uses a manuscript, arises from one auditory, might be deemed pedantic by another. the fact, that he can take advantage of every little cirThe Boanerges may throw his thunderbolts around him cumstance that may occur to attract the attention of with salutary effect, when the moral atmosphere is in a his hearers-the presence of some unexpected person, peculiar state; whereas, under other circumstances, his the appearance of a particular countenance, the enpower had better be restrained. The storm that refresh- trance of a swallow through the window, the sudden es the northern field, might tear to pieces the tender rising of a cloud may suggest brilliant thoughts, happy petals accustomed to drink nought but the oriental dews.illustrations, beautiful passages of Holy Writ, which, There is in some communities a peculiar proneness to || because fresh and appropriate, animate the speaker and resist certain truths-a kind of moral idiosyncrasy. In startle the hearer. How thrilling must have been this such cases the wise physician of souls will dissolve that pill in sweetened water, which, in a solid state, might be instantly rejected. The effect of a discourse depends much upon the state of feeling of the hearers. When the mind is in a musing, melancholy mood, "Yankee Doodle," however skillfully played, will grate harshly upon the ear, and almost agonize the soul; whereas, "Roslin Castle," by a much less expert musician, will be to the ear charming as the harp of Orpheus, and will spread over the soul as oil upon the troubled waters. That man who is always presenting the same doc-in pictures of silver." trines and precepts in the same way, may have excellent matter, and may occasionally do some good, when his auditory happens to be adapted to his text; but his course is as unscientific as was that of Dr. Sangrado, in Gil Blas, who made the same prescription, viz., blood-letting and warm water, for every patient. The former character would be very useful, if God's providences adapted congregations to subjects; and such an one as the latter would be uniformly successful, if the Almighty fitted patients to prescriptions. How awk-who draws his matter from the hearts of his hearers is ward is that warrior, who never takes off his armor, but goes to the forum and the fireside as he does to the field. There is a pretty illustration of this remark in the Iliad. Hector, going forth to battle, meets Andromache, attended by her little son and his nurse. The illustrious father extends his arms for his dear boy; but backward he inclines to the bosom of his fair-girdled nurse, crying aloud, alarmed at the sight of his loved father, terrified at the brazen helmet, and the horse hair crest. His father and mother laugh. Hector immediately takes the helmet from his head, and places it all resplendent upon the ground. But when Astyanax perceived the countenance of the father, not that of

This advantage is similar to that which the scientific physician has over the empyric. The latter prescribes for the names of diseases, the former for their symptoms. Solomon has beautifully described the charm of appropriateness: "Words fitly spoken, are like apples of gold

What can secure the advantage of appropriateness but that habit of reliance upon one's own resources which leads to a close observance of every thing around us? A man of sense can hardly fail to speak and write fitly, who speaks and writes what his own intellect furnishes. The man who derives his efforts from books is like the blind giant-his blows are powerful, and when they happen to fall in the right place they do execution; but they generally miss the mark. But he

like the skillful archer who sees the mark before he lets his arrow fly, and can scarce be said to draw a bew at a venture. An original minister can easily get a skeleton, and then clothe it with muscles, and give it organs of life and sense, and above all animate it with a spirit, by going into any house in his neighborhood and conversing with its inmates half an hour; and when he brings it forth on Sabbath, it will be sure to do execution somewhere. An original man has not only an appropriate subject, but his illustrations are generally appropriate. They seem to grow out of his subject. They are not like the flowers of the nosegay, gathered for the vase-pretty, but scarce viewed before

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