Exposition of the Ninth Chapter of the Epistle to the Romans

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Read Books, 2008 - 276 pages
The first edition of this monogrnph appeared in 1849 in the form of Lectztes. These were delivered, first of all, to the people of my pastoral charge, and afterwards to tllc students of my exegetical class, who subjected the interpre tations propounded to that peculiar u l z o i j z g flre gazuztlrt that is called in Scotland heckling. The Lectures mere also delivered in Glasgo v and at thc conclusion of the course I was warmly requested to publish my E, epositio z, -the whole immense asscmbly rising to their feet to cxpress, by acclamation, the heartiness of their desiro. At length the book was pnblislied and speedily disposed of. Thenceforward thcro have bcen frequent appli cations for a new edition, --applications to which I bnvc had a desire to accede, but numerous otllcr cngsgcrnents laid their hands retardingly upon me for years and years. Now hornever-, being in the enjoyment of corn psrative leisure, I have re-written the Exposit ion throughouh, entirely remodelling its form. The first editioil r a s composed in stormy times, and, being myself in the midst of the commotion, i felt necessity was laid npon me to meek defianco with eztrnesi defence. IIence the strong polemical tone that pervaded the hook. IIappiIy a different atmosphere of influetice sounds me now so that I am able to lay down the sword, and take 11p the sickle...

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