£20 towards the erection of a new Chapel in Middle Tysoc, in the Banbury circuit. Last year she promised £5, which have been since received, towards fitting up a house for meeting, in another village in the same circuit. £10 more she would have given towards the erection of a small chapel in another village, if the object could have been effected. £50 she left to the poor at her decease; £50 to the funds of the Con- nexion; &c. &c. These facts, and a long list of other witnesses which might be adduced, show that she was no stranger to the grace of christian liberality. In Feb. last, MRS. H. was attacked by a severe disease, which in June became still more violent. In Nov. she had slight paralytic fits, which produced occasional loss of speech. In the midst of all her afflictions, she was remarkably resigned to the will of GOD, and frequently ex- pressed a strong desire to be removed into the world of spirits. It was her pious custom to have prayer every even- ing, immediately after tea. About a fortnight before her decease, while en- gaged in that exercise, I uttered a senti- ment of gratitude to GOD for having spared her a little longer. On the fol- lowing morning she said very affection- ately to me, "I could not unite with you in that part of your prayer, for I long to be gone!" so completely was On the death disarmed of all its terror. 6th of Dec. she retired at her usual hour, without any particular symptom of the near approach of death. About five o'clock, next morning, her niece inquired how she did; when she signi- fied that she had had a fit, as was fre- quently the case in the night, but was then free from pain, and “ very comfort- able." These were the last words she spoke. Between six and seven her niece inquired again how she did; but re- ceiving no answer, she went immedi- ately to her bed-side, and found, to her astonishment, that the immortal spirit had taken its flight to Paradise. Banbury.
8. Died, Dec. 8, 1821, at Bramley, near Leeds, MRS. MIDGLEY, whose death was briefly announced in our last. She was confined for twelve weeks, by a sin- gular disease, during which she suf- fered much; but was mercifully saved from all murmuring and impatience. Her death was rather sudden. She was sitting up in her bed, supported by her servant, when she put her hands to- Come, LORD gether, and exclaimed, " JESUS, come quickly! come now!"- and, without a struggle or á groan, in- stantly expired.
8. Died, at Edinburgh, Dec. 14, 1821, In the year DAVID GRIEVE, ESQ., late Surgeon in the Island of Antigua. 1819, his guilty conscience was first awakened to a sense of his sinful state. Looking over some papers, he found a sermon in manuscript; but whose it was, or from whence it came, he never could learn. He was induced to read it and the HOLY SPIRIT applied some pas- sages of it to his mind, with such power, as made him see his lost and undone condition. Awful indeed was the picture which appeared to his view. He dis- covered himself to be on the brink of eternal ruin, and saw nothing before him but a fearful looking for of judg- ment and fiery indignation. He knew not where to turn, and he had no one to whom he could apply for direction. He took the Bible; but from it could derive no comfort, as there he read his condemnation. The terrors of his mind were, for a time, so truly dreadful, as almost to unfit him for the duties of bis
profession. He was afraid to go to bed, lest he should die in his sins before morning. But one night, while he was pouring out his whole soul in prayer to GOD, in a moment his burden of guilt was taken away, and joy and peace took possession of his soul. He felt himself as in the immediate presence of GOD, and could rejoice in the knowledge of salva- tion by the remission of sins through the merits of his REDEEMER. He continued in this happy frame all the night; but soon his terrors of conscience In this state he returned, and he became nearly as miserable as before. applied to a Clergyman, who gave him the LORD'S-Supper, but without the desired effect. His prejudices against the Metho- dists had been very strong: but at last he determined to go and hear for himself. He went, and was satisfied of the false- hood of his former judgment. He was convinced that their Missionaries preach- ed the Gospel in its purity, and gladly received their directions and instructions as suited to his wants, and agreeing with the word of God. He at once re- solved to abandon all his former com- panions and evil habits, and to join the people of GOD; not fearing the reproach which he knew awaited him. He wrote to each of his associates, informing them of his determination; and that, if they did not think with him, and could not con- form to his rules of life, he begged to de- cline all further intimacy with them. They thought him mad, but as he remained firm to his purpose, they soon gave him up-except one, who afterwards joined the Society together with him in Antigua. It was in the year 1810 that he was ad-
mitted into the Methodist Society; a connexion from which he received much good, and enjoyed many privileges, and for which he thought he could never be sufficiently thankful. The affliction which terminated in his death was of extremely short duration; but his end was peace. "I die," said he to his afflicted friends, "in peace with GOD and man." The clouds were all dispersed, and his earthly sun set in brightness, to rise in glory. Edinburgh. G. M.
Jan 25. MR. THOMAS PEPPER, of Newark, aged fifty-three, who had been a member of our Society for twentycight years, and for a considerable part of that time was a useful Class-Leader. During his last illness, his mind was tranquil and happy.
Jan. 27. At Felbeck, near PateleyBridge, MR. WILLIAM WEATHERHEAD, who had been for many years a steady Member and Class-Leader in the Methodist Society of that place. He lived and died in the faith of CHRIST, and in the comfort of the HOLY GHOST.
Feb. 5. MR. THOMAS FENNER, of Aylesbury, aged fifty-nine, full of holy peace and consolation. He had long
been a very zealous Local-Preacher, and a useful Class-Leader.
Feb. 5. At Bramley, near Leeds, aged eighty-five, MR. WILLIAM FIELD, who had been a Member of the MethoHis prosdist Society for sixty years, pects of eternity were bright, and his end was glorious.
Feb. 8. MR. WILLIAM WRIGHT, of old and Wenvo, Glamorganshire, an pious Member of our Society, universally respected for his eminent integrity.
Feb. 16. At Lyna, the REV. JOHN DEAN, Superintendant of that circuit. His disease was an ossification of the heart, by which he had been rendered incapable of attending to his ministerial labours for about five months. During his illness, he was remarkably happy in GOD his SAVIOUR, and exhibited a signal instance of calm but glorious triumph over pain and death. His removal, at the last, was sudden; "not being immediately expected by any of his attendants for more than two moments before it occurred." He was an amiable, upright, and useful man; much beloved by those among whom he laboured; and had been aTravelling-Preacher since1790.
Feb. 17. At Dudley, aged 84, MR. W. SOUTHALL, who had been a Methodist ever since he was 13 years of age.
TO A DYING INFANT. (From BLACKWOOD's Edinburgh Magazine.) Already veil'd and hid By the convulsed lid,
SLEEP, little baby, sleep! Not in thy cradle bed, Not on thy mother's breast, Henceforth shall be thy rest, But with the quiet dead. Yes, with the quiet dead, Baby, thy rest shall be: Oh! many a weary wight, Weary of life and light,
Would fain lie down with thee. Flee, little tender nursling,
Flee to thy grassy nest; There the first flowers shall blow, The first pure flake of snow
Shall fall upon thy breast. Peace! peace! the little bosom Labours with short'ning breath,Peace!-peace!—that tremulous sigh
Speaks his departure nigh;
Those are the damps of death. I've seen thee in thy beauty, A thing all health and glee; But never then were thou So beautiful, as now,
Baby, thou seem'st to me. Thine up-turn'd eyes glaz'd over, Like hare-bells wet with dew,
Their pupils darkly blue. Thy little mouth half open,- Thy soft lip quivering, As if (like summer air Ruffling the rose-leaves) there
Thy soul were fluttering. Mount up, immortal essence! Young spirit! haste, depart!- And is this death!-Dread Thing! If such thy visiting,
How beautiful thou art! Oh! I could gaze for ever Upon that waxen face: So passionless! so pure! The little shrine was sure
An Angel's dwelling place. Thou weepest, childless Mother! Aye,weep,--'twill ease thine heart,- He was thy first-born son, Thy first,-thine only one;
"Tis hard from him to part!
"Tis hard to lay thy darling Deep in the damp, cold earth,— His empty crib to see, His silent nursery,
Once gladsome with his mirth:
To meet again in slumber His small mouth's rosy kiss; Then, waken'd with a start By thine own throbbing heart,
His twining arms to miss!- To feel (half conscious why) A dull, heart-sinking weight, Till mem'ry on thy soul Flashes the painful whole,
That thou art desolate !- And then to lie and weep, And think, the live-long night, (Feeding thine own distress With accurate greediness,)
Of ev'ry past delight ;- Of all his winning ways, His pretty, playful smiles, His joy at sight of thee, His tricks, his mimicry,
And all his little wiles !Oh! these are recollections Round mothers' hearts that cling,That mingle with the tears And smiles of after years,
With oft awakening.
But thou wilt then, fond Mother! In after years, look back, (Time brings such wondrous easing,) With sadness not unpleasing,
E'en on this gloomy track:
Thou'lt say, "My first-born blessing!
It almost broke my heart When thou wert forced to go; And yet, for thee, I know, "Twas better to depart. "GOD took thee in his mercy,
A lamb, untask'd, untried; He fought the fight for thee, He won the victory!
And thou art sanctified! "I look around and see The evil ways of men; And, oh, beloved child! I'm more than reconcil'd
To thy departure then. "The little arms that clasp'd me, The innocent lips that prest,— Would they have been as pure Till now, as when of yore
I lull'd thee on my breast? "Now, (like a dew-drop shrin'd Within a crystal stone,) Thou'rt safe in heaven, my dove! Safe with the Source of Love, The EVERLASting One. "And when the hour arrives From flesh that sets me free, Thy spirit may await The first at heaven's gate,
To meet and welcome me."
I've seen the beauteous flowers of Spring Bud, blossom, and decay; I've heard the sweetest warblers sing, And watch'd them flit away. I've seen enchanting Summer rise, Fresh from her rosy bed,
And scatter, through the humid skies, Rich fragrance as she fled :- But, ah! she too, so fair, so gay, In smiles and blushes pass'd away. I've seen, when yellow Autumn, too, Pour'd from his plenteous horn Fruits of each varied form and hue, And floods of ripen'd corn. While over Nature's changing face, A thousand varying dies Have breath'd inimitable grace,
And mimick'd western skies :- But, ah! I've seen his fruits decay, And Autumn, too, has pass'd away.
THE GARDEN OF THE From the German
A GARDEN lies in solemn peace, Where shadows fall from cypress trees; Within its bounds life's noises cease;
The weary here may sleep at ease: Morn, noon, and night, incessantly, The Gardener toils, whom none can spy! A pensive, yet a happy place,
Its turf is green, its walks are still; Here weed and flower, with equal grace, Rest upon each little hill:
And now dread Winter (stormy sire !) Begins his cheerless reign,
And the rude heralds of his ire
Wild bluster o'er the plain : Lock'd in his cold and chilling arms Creation seems to die;
And wither'd are her blooming charms, When gaz'd on by his eye!
Yet Winter shall not always stay, Stern Winter, too, shall pass away.
Nor shall life's dark and wintry storm Eternally endure;
Death shall dissolve this mortal form,
And lead to scenes more pure, Where changing seasons are not known, Where storms can never come :That place the Christian calls his own, His best inheritance, his home, Most priz'd because 'twill ne'er decay: His Spring shall never pass away. P.M.
GRAVE. (1 Cor. xv. 42.) of BINDEMANN.
And when with life's long road opprest, How sweet is this fair Garden's rest! Vast are this Garden's planted grounds,— So it hath been, and so it must; And countless are its mossy mounds, Where precious seed lics deep in dust When they have ceas'd more seed to bring,
Then from the mounds the flowers shall spring!
Printed by T. Cordeux, 14, City-Road, London.
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