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also found that the old people are not
against joining their children in repeat-
For several
ing letters and words.
weeks I have visited the children and
their parents by the sea-shore, col-
lected both young and old, parents and
children, formed them into a circle, and
then began myself to repeat a letter,
and to spell a word, when they all re-
peated after me both letters and words
for half an hour together. Indeed I
have always found the New Zealanders
willing to listen to any subject; and I
have no doubt but the English language
may be introduced without much dif-

It being the desire of SHUNGEE, and the principal Chiefs, that I and my Brethren should reside at Ho-do-do, a place near the North Cape, and about one hundred miles from the Church Mission Establishment, I intend as soon as possible to visit the place, to see if it be suitable for a Missionary establishment. My intention is to visit all the native villages I can; and as soon as I have

gained a knowledge of the language sufficiently to preach to them, I will endeavour to make known to them the love of GoD in the gift of JESUS CHRIST our LORD.

My hopes and prospects of success brighten daily. I should not hesitate a moment on going to any part of New Zealand, if in so doing I should not be acting against the general advice of those who have had much more experience than myself in these things. However, as soon as Brother WHITE arrives, I intend to begin a settlement without delay; and I hope to have the pleasure by the next conveyance, of sending you a pleasing account of the same, and of our safety and prosperity.

MRS. LEIGH has this morning spent some time in teaching several young native females to read and pray. The young people are much pleased with their exercises, and are very willing to learn. May the GOD and FATHER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST bless our attempts to do good among these Heathen Tribes!


CAMIES BERG, LITTLE NAMACQUALAND.-Extract from the Journal of

SEPT. 13th, 1821.-I endeavoured to
expose the folly and vain excuses of
sinners from ŠT. LUKE'S Gospel:-
"I pray thee, have me excused." After
sermon, the LORD's Supper was admi-
nistered, and, I trust, not without a
blessing accompanying it.

17th. By the request of my people, I accompanied them as far as the Veld Coret, to assist them in settling some dispute which had long existed between them and a neighbouring Boor.

Friday, 18th.-On my road home I met Brother BROADBENT, on his way from Cape Town, in want of a little assistance to climb the mountain, which he very soon obtained from our people. This afternoon I arrived at Lily Fountain, and was much gratified in finding my wife surrounded with her sable tribe, busy in knitting, making caps, &c. Some of these young females have already made considerable progress, and one young female Hottentot has made her father a very strong night-cap, which pleases the old man much. My wife would be very thankful if some of our liberal friends in England would send her a good quantity of strong cotton and knitting-needles.

Monday, 21st.-Class-meeting.-PETER said, "What Mynheer preached about on Friday evening exactly agreed

with my state before I knew GOD.”— PETER referred to a discourse of mine respecting the wretched state of the heathen without GOD. This afternoon we were at work in the smith's shop, repairing the bands of our waggon, &c. As we have no mechanics amongst us, I feel thankful that I know sufficient to render myself useful at any African station; and I am quite willing to labour with my own hands, provided that, by so doing, I can in any measure further the object of our mission.

Wednesday, 23d.—I was employed in making a new hedge, and enclosing a piece of ground to enlarge our garden.

25th.-Divine service was held as usual. We had a love-feast in the afternoon; on which occasion several spoke of the goodness of the LORD, and of having obtained an interest in the blood of CHRIST, the forgiveness of sins.

October 7th.-Divine Service was held this forenoon. The LORD gave me liberty of speech; and I trust, both Christians and Heathens, so called, were much benefited. Monday, a Dutch lady visited us, who seems to have lost a good deal of prejudice against Missionaries, and the instruction of the natives.

9th.--The School for the young people, when the Namacquas are upon the sta

tion, was well attended. Of course you are aware, that in the winter months they are obliged to separate for the sake of finding pasture for their cattle.

Tuesday. This evening three Dutch ladies (Boors' daughters) were at preaching, and after service expressed themselves as much satisfied. By a kind and friendly conduct towards the Farmers, I have no doubt we shall be able to bring some of them to attend the preaching of the word.

Thursday, 18th.-I sent off several of our people with a waggon to the Cape to fetch one of the Brethren, having received instructions to this


Nov. 4th. This afternoon several female Hottentots came to my dwellinghouse, and expressed a strong desire to be baptized in the name of the LORD. Their sincerity I doubt not; but I must give them a trial for some months, as I would not be too hasty to baptize the Heathen. The fact is, in this country they consider it an honour to be baptized, and are always wishful to get the name of Criste Menchen, (or Christians,) whether GOD has begun a work of grace upon their hearts or not.

Thursday.-I called a general meeting of young and old, rich and poor, in order to impress upon their minds the necessity of keeping together upon the station during the summer months, that the young people might have more opportunities of hearing the word, and of receiving instruction in the school. The Meeting closed agreeably, and those who were not resident at the station, promised to come as soon as possible with their families.

10th. This morning I found that the frost had done my garden considerable damage, and destroyed nearly the whole of my wheat, which was very promising, and which cost me much labour and anxiety to get it into the ground, and, when sown, much trouble to preserve it from being destroyed by cattle. The failure of our harvest last year was a very serious evil; but the loss of our wheat this year also is much more so,

and has rendered the distress of some of our poor Namacquas great indeed. We are not the only sufferers in this respect, as from very recent letters I learn that the blight has appeared more or less in the wheat through the colony, even as far as the country which the English settlers occupy on the eastern side of Africa. May the LORD undertake the cause of our poor people, and send them help! Several families came to the Institution to-day, with their horses and pack-oxen.

11th. We had a Prayer-meeting this morning, and forenoon-preaching as usual. Our service was remarkably lively; so much so, that I was under the necessity of making my discourse very short, in consequence of the cries and tears of several Namacquas, who appeared to feel the burthen of sin. I gave out several hymns, and some of our Namacquas prayed alternately for the salvation of their friends, with a zeal and devotion which would have delighted you, had you been present. On leaving the chapel, I found six Namacquas prostrate upon the ground, the language of whose hearts seemed to be that of the trembling Jailor, or of JACOB wrestling with the Angel of the Covenant. At our Lovefeast this afternoon, several of our people gave a clear and distinct account of their conversion to GOD. One aged Namacqua, in particular, enlivened our Meeting much by a warm and forcible address to his countrymen, in which he displayed much native eloquence.

Friday. Some bastard Hottentots came to our station, and expressed a very strong desire for a Missionary to reside amongst them. Their residence is about seventy miles N. W. of the Camies Berg, and not far from the sea. I told them that their numbers were not sufficient to have a Missionary to reside amongst them, but that I would visit them on horseback very soon. If, after having seen their place, I thought it eligible, I could consider it as one of our outposts, to be visited in the winter months when they could remain together.

CAPE TOWN.-The following Extract of a Letter from MR. THRElfall, dated Cape Town, April 17, 1822, written upon his arrival there from England, contains a brief, but acceptable account of the recently established Mission there.

I ARRIVED here on the 4th of this month. I found the Brethren and their wives in tolerable health. The chapel is nearly finished, and will be a convenient place for the slaves. The school for the slaves is pretty well attended, and the children are kept in good order. The Missionaries are indefatigable.

They have either the school, or preaching, to attend to every night, excepting Saturdays. Adults as well as children attend;-their progress in reading is considerable; they sing very well. The second evening I attended the children's school, I could not refrain from tears; all appeared so interested and diligent.


DOMINICA. Extracts from the Journal of MR. TRUSCOTT.

NOVEMBER 2d, 1821.-This evening I visited Clark-Hall estate; at seven o'clock about 120 of the people collected together in the Manager's house; they heard with great attention while I endeavoured to illustrate and apply Matt. v. 6. Glory be to GoD, there is a pros

pect of much good amongst this people.

took tea with the Manager, and retired.

3d. This morning I visited York Valley estate; but most of the people were gone to their grounds, not having been informed that I intended to visit them however, I found about thirty in their houses, who soon came together to the Manager's house, and to whom I preached from Luke x. 42; they heard with attention, and promised to attend regularly in future on the Sabbath-day, at St. Joseph's. I returned to St. Joseph's about noon.

4th, (Sunday.)-This has been a good day; I have experienced much peace and joy in the HOLY GHOST. This forenoon I had a large congregation from the estates up the Layou Valley: our house was completely filled, and some could not get in; they heard with attention while I preached from 1 Sam. ii. 30. After preaching, I met the catechumens, and gave the LORD's-Supper

Extract of a Letter from MR. CATTS, MR. HARRISON, myself, and family, arrived here from the District-Meeting on Thursday the 21st instant. We had a very rough passage, but, through divine mercy, landed all in tolerable health in the midst of a kind and affectionate people. This made us forget our troubles, thank GOD, and take courage. MR. HARRISON took the earliest opportunity of going to St. Joseph's, the place of his residence, after we had called to pay our respects to the President. In a note, he mentions that he preached there in English last Sunday, and published for preaching in French next Sunday after the English service.

to six communicants. This evening I walked to Layou Bay, and preached to a dozen persons from Heb. ix. 27.

9th. I heard this week that our poor people are greatly distressed at the idea of my leaving them; some of them said, "If Massa will stand with all we, we will build him a chapel."

10th. Last evening I visited Machoucheree estate, and preached to a large congregation, who collected together in the boiling-house: they heard with much attention, and appeared highly pleased with my visit. I preached from Matt. xi. 28. I proposed many questions to them concerning their present state, and their views of divine truth, to all of which they answered with great readiness. I find by this method I keep their attention fixed on what I say.

16th. This afternoon I rode to ClarkHall estate, and preached to about one hundred, who were collected in the Manager's house, from John iii. 3. They heard with great attention. After preaching, I collected all the negro children around me, and catechised them, and taught them to pray; with which they and their parents were highly pleased. I think this the best method that I can adopt for the present.

dated Roseau, Dominica, Feb. 28, 1822.
I have preached here three times in
English, and intend, Gop willing, to
preach in French this evening.

March 1st.-I preached in French last night. The congregation was very large; it thronged the house, covered the gallery, and, it being a damp evening, many sheltered themselves in the neighbouring houses to hear as well as they could. All were attentive and orderly, and several wept much. No doubt scores, probably hundreds, of these poor French people had never heard the Gospel before. Their priest is a Spaniard, who speaks French very imperfectly.

MISSIONS IN THE BRITISH-AMERICAN COLONIES. CANADA. Extract of a Letter from MR. H. POPE, dated Shipton, Oct. 28, 1821.

MESSRS. WILLIAMS and DE PUTRON, no doubt, transmitted to you all necessary information relative to this Circuit, during the four years they laboured here. In the course of the last summer

the LORD has graciously favoured us with many refreshing seasons. Many backsliders have been reclaimed, and believers excited to diligent perseverance in their holy calling; while several, in

different parts of the Circuit, have been awakened to a sense of their awful condition as sinners, and are now regular attendants on the means of grace but I am sorry to add, that there are many who, though constant hearers of the word, appear extremely hardened. Two places which have been favoured with much preaching, were, for some time, quite discouraging; but there is at length, through mercy, some prospect of good afforded us. Three fourths of my Sanday labours are divided equally between the Melbourne and the Shipton townships, except that sometimes, after preaching twice at Shipton, I ride to Brompton, which is about nine miles, on a very bad road, and preach in the evening. These being central situations, and near the most populous parts of two townships, we have always judged it best to devote to them the principal part of our Sabbath-day labours. We have four other preaching places in this part of the Circuit, viz. one, seven miles south of the river; one, seven miles down the

river; one five, and another nine miles up the river. Every fourth Sunday 1 preach at the back part of Shipton, which is twelve miles north of the river, to a good congregation, twenty-four of whom are in our Society. We have two other preaching places on this side of the Circuit, each of them about four miles from the Sunday appointment, and sixteen from the river.

I know of no part of Canada that stands more in need of the Gospel-Ministry, or that presents a stronger claim to your attention, than this Circuit, and some townships adjoining to it. Some of these townships contain from 800 to 1000 people each, without any ministry or means of grace whatever. Two of the townships between this and Stanstead, where Brother HICK is stationed, a distance of fifty-five miles, have an Episcopal Minister in each of them; but the townships are from twelve to fifteen miles square, and those Ministers do not itinerate.

NOVA SCOTIA, &c.-Extract of a Letter from MR. JACKSON, dated Sackville, N. B. April 11, 1822.

THROUGH the mercy of GoD I have been able to endure a severe winter pretty well, and feel much better for my removal; and I have no doubt but at the District-Mecting I shall be reported on the District-Minutes as an effective Missionary. I never wished to be appointed Supernumerary; and would have gone to Demerara instead of coming here; but the Brethren told me, that they owed it to myself, my family, and the Church of GOD, to remove me from a West India climate altogether, and could consider it little better, under existing circumstances, than sacrificing my life to give me a station there. I bless GoD, I hope I am incapable of remaining idle when I can exert myself at all, while immortal souls are perishing for lack of knowledge. O that my abilities of both body and mind were more adapted to my work, and better proportioned to the necessities of my fellow-creatures ! What an affecting sight have I had of these necessities since last LORD's-day! I returned yesterday from a tour on the Petite Codiac River, about forty miles from this place, where I went to preach and baptize the children of several of the inhabitants, and where they seldom hear a sermon more than once a year, when the Missionary from this Circuit pays them a visit. How pitiable is the state of this people! Here is an extensive foundation

laid for a fine country; and large promising families are growing up in little better than heathenish darkness, while the generality of the adults are sunk in the depths of vice, each apologizing for his sins by literally exclaiming," No man careth for my soul." Those who are better disposed, are crying, "Come over and help us," and are willing to lend what assistance they can afford towards the support of a Missionary; and a single man might probably be supported if one could be sent. The visible consequences of this famine of the word of GOD are awful. Many who were members of our Society prior to their removal, and many of the descendants of such, are abandoned to neglect: the people are quarrelsome and litigious to a proverb; so much so, that the courts in this country are generally protracted to double their usual length by cases of assault, &c., from this neighbourhood. The Sabbath, as though set apart for the worst purposes, is studiously devoted by them to lounging, visiting, drunkenness, making of bargains, and going on errands which would interfere with the regular routine of work in the course of the week. Could a Missionary be sent, I have no doubt but the congregations would be large and attentive, and a Religious Society would soon be formed. The people heard with an attention bordering on astonishment, and some few seemed

as much surprised as the Athenians could be when ST. PAUL preached unto them the doctrine of the Resurrection. I baptized nineteen children, most of whom were old enough to walk to the service. What a happy contrast to this state of things is there in most parts of this Circuit, and in one family especially,the most remarkable I ever met with. It consists of an old gentleman, his wife, and ten children, eight of whom are married, making in all twenty souls. Of this number only two are not members of our Society, and they live so far from the means that they cannot attend. Eighteen of this number (and for any thing that can be seen to the contrary, the whole of the family) are doing well, both as to this world and that which is to come.

Nearly all those who are in our Society meet in one class, at the house of their parents, (who are just dropping into the grave, ripe for eternity;) and they have lately subscribed about 150 towards the building of a chapel in the neighbourhood.

Your intelligence from Demerara was awfully surprising. How precarious is life, especially in that land of death! How mysterious are the ways of an unerring Providence! The righteous are, however, taken away from the evil to come; and the Church is in the hands of a Being who cannot err. May I daily both do and suffer His will, that I may have the consolation of hearing the joyful sound, "Well done," when every man's work shall be tried with fire.



ASTRACHAN.-Extracts from Journals of Itinerancies round Astrachan.

"FEB. Cth, 1822.-We went from this place to Selonca. In the northern division of this large village, we held a long conversation with several persons. A man,' says MR. BLYTH, stopped his horse, and inquired about our religion. We explained to him the fundamental doctrines of the Gospel, and contrasted them with the tenets of the False Prophet. He remarked, One of Mohammed's precepts is to kill Christians.' We replied, A religion which commands murder must be a bad one; but ours teaches to love our enemies, and to do good to all men.' Unable to bear this, he rode off. Our number had now increased to about forty, to whom we read the fifth and sixth of Matthew, and third of John, and a few pages of the Catechism. They heard with attention; and we charged them to reflect on what they had heard. We proceeded to the middle division of the village. A number of men were sitting by the side of a Misjid. We saluted them, soon after which, the person who had disputed with us on horseback, in the north district, made his appearance. As he drew near, he said in a vaunting tone, You wander about from morning till night, and you have not made one of us a Christian.' He was answered,

You sow your fields in spring, and expect harvest some months after; so we expect, by the blessing of Heaven, that good will result from our labours,

though not perhaps till many days hence.* A Tartar standing by, hearing us express this confidence in GOD, immediately took the alarm, ordered us to be gone from the Misjid, and threatened to petition government to punish us for disturbing their peace. We departed.

"After we had left the village, we were followed by two interesting lads, who requested books. We gave them a Testament, and a copy of the book of Genesis.

9th.-We visited a Calmuc village, and called on the High Priest; he received us with much civility, and conducted us to the temple. Eight or ten priests were performing worship to a number of small brazen images. They placed corn, sugar, &c., in small cups before the gods,-recited their sacred writings,-made the most terrific sounds on trumpets, bells, drums, &c.,—and at times prostrated themselves before their dumb idols. What must be the end of these idolaters ?

"We visited Selonca, accompanied by JAMES PEDDIE. An audience was collected, and a long conversation ensued. When speaking to them of our need of divine mercy, a young man exclaimed, We do not need God's grace.' We then addressed him in particular. We left this party, and joined ourselves to a few men in another part of the village. To them we read, but, alas! their depraved hearts could not relish

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