100 BREVITY - BRIBERY. 27. Commanding, aiding, animating all, Where foe appear'd to press, or friend to fall, BYRON'S Lara. 28. And thơ' I hope not hence unscath'd to go, Who conquers me, shall find a stubborn foe. BYRON'S English Bards, &c. 29. There is a tear for all who die, 30. But each strikes singly, silently, and home, BYRON. BYRON'S Corsair. 31. They fought like brave men, long and well. FITZGREEN HALLECK. 32. Yet, it may be, more lofty courage dwells In one weak heart which braves an adverse fate, MRS. NORTON's Dream. BREVITY.- (See CONVERSATION.) BRIBERY.- (See AVARICE.) BRUTE.- (See ANIMAL.) BUILDING. - (See ARCHITECTURE.) CALUMNY - DETRACTION - ENVY - SLANDER, &c. 1. No wound which warlike hand of enemy Inflicts with dint of sword, so sore doth light SPENSER'S Fairy Queen. 2. Who steals my purse, steals trash; 't is something, nothing; "T was mine, 't is his, and has been slave to thousands : But he, who filches from me my good name, Robs me of that which not enriches him, And makes me poor indeed. SHAKSPEARE. 3. Be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, Thou shalt not escape calumny. SHAKSPEARE. 4. That thou art blamed shall not be thy defect; For slander's mark was ever yet the fair; So thou be good, slander doth but approve Thy worth the greater. SHAKSPEARE. 5. Who stabs my name, would stab my person too, Did not the hangman's axe lie in the way. CROWN. Works breathing to eternity, and cast Upon the fairest piece the greatest shade. 9* ALEYN. 102 CALUMNY - DETRACTION – ENVY - SLANDER, &c. 7. So a wild Tartar, when he spies A man that's valiant, handsome, wise, If he can kill him, thinks t' inherit BUTLER'S Hudibras. 8. Envy's a sharper spur than pay, GAY's Fables. 9. Fools may our scorn, not envy, raise, For envy is a kind of praise. GAY's Fables. 10. Who praises Lesbia's eyes and features, 11. Canst thou discern another's mind? GAY's Fables. GAY's Fables. 12. Slander'd in vain, enjoy the spleen of foes; AARON HILL. 13. Envy will merit, as its shade, pursue; POPE'S Essay on Criticism. 14. Base envy withers at another's joy, And hates that excellence it cannot reach. THOMSON'S Seasons. CALUMNY - DETRACTION - ENVY - SLANDER, &c. 15. With that malignant envy, which grows pale 16. For every thing contains within itself 103 CHURCHILL. The seeds and sources of its own corruption; Saps and consumes the heart in which it works. CUMBERLAND's Menander. 17. Yet even her tyranny had such a grace, The women pardon'd all, except her face. 18. 19. BYRON'S Don Juan. Curse the tongue The ignoble mind 20. As a base pack of yelping hounds, HILLHOUSE. W. G. SIMMS. J. T. WATSON. 104 CANDOUR-CARE, &c. CANDOUR. - (See ARTIFICE.) CARE-MELANCHOLY - GLOOM. 1. Why should a man, whose blood is warm within, Sit like his grandsire, cut in alabaster? 2. Care that is enter'd once into the breast, 3. Will have the whole possession, ere it rest. SHAKSPEARE. BEN JONSON. That spoils the dance of youthful blood, BLAIR'S Grave. 4. The spleen with sudden vapour clouds the brain, 5. But human bodies are sic fools, 6. If thou wilt think of moments gone, BLACKMORE. BURNS. From the Spanish - BOWRING. 7. Go, you may call it madness-folly- ROGERS. |