THE BOOK OF QUOTATIONS. DRAYTON. ABSENCE. 1. THOUGH absent, present in desires they be; Our souls much further than our eyes can see. 2. Absence not long enough to root out quite 3. All love, increases love at second sight. Every moment I'm from thy sight, the heart within my bosom Moans like a tender infant in its cradle, Whose nurse has left it. 4. T. MAY. OTWAY's Venice Preserved. There's not an hour Of day or dreaming nights but I am with thee: But in its hues or fragrance tells a tale PROCTOR'S Mirandola. 5. What tender strains of passion can impart PATTISON. 1 6. When I think of my own native land, 7. Nor wife, nor children, more shall he behold, 8. Think'st thou that I could bear to part COWPER. THOMSON. BYRON'S Bride of Abydos. 9. Far I go where fate may lead me, 10. Tho' fate, my girl, may bid us part, 11. And canst thou think, because we part 12. 'Tis hard to be parted from those T. MOORE. With whom we for ever could dwell; MRS. OPIE. 13. When absent from her whom my soul holds most dear, In this bosom what anguish, what hope, and what fear, BRAHAM. |