11. And passing rich, with forty pounds a year. GOLDSMITH'S Deserted Village. 12. A country-lad is my degree, And few there are that ken me, 0; But what care I how few they be? I'm welcome to my Nannie, O. BURNS. 13. We heeded not the cold blast, nor the winter's icy air, For we found our climate in the heart, and it was summer there. 14. The feeling of sadness and longing, J. R. DRAKE. H. W. LONGFELLOW. 15. O! dear is my cottage, unclouded by sorrow, 16. 'Tis said that frail, inconstant man, S. RICHARDS. J. T. WATSON. CONVERSATION - LOQUACITY, &c. 1. What cracker is this same, that deafs our ears With this abundance of superfluous breath ? SHAKSPEARE. 2. O, he's as tedious SHAKSPEARE. 146 3. CONVERSATION - LOQUACITY, &c. Since brevity 's the soul of wit, SHAKSPEARE. 4. A flourish! trumpets!-strike alarums-drums! Let not the heavens hear these tell-tale women Rail SHAKSPEARE. 5. Few words shall fit the trespass best, When no excuse can give the fault amending. SHAKSPEARE. 6. Their copious stories, oftentimes begun, End without audience and are never done. SHAKSPEARE. 7. As 't is a greater mystery, in the art BUTLER. 8. For brevity is very good, BUTLER'S Hudibras. 1 When we are, or are not, understood. 9. But still his tongue ran on, the less Of weight it had, with greater ease; Set all men's ears upon the rack. 10. I never, with important air, In conversation overbear; BUTLER'S Hudibras. My tongue within my lips I rein, For who talks much must talk in vain. GAY's Fables. 11. But fools, to talking ever prone, Are sure to make their follies known. GAY's Fables. 12. In arguing, too, the parson own'd his skill, For, even tho' vanquish'd, he could argue still. 13. With words of learned length, and thund'ring sound. GOLDSMITH's Deserted Village. GOLDSMITH's Deserted Village. 14. Too deep for his hearers, still went on refining, And thought of convincing, while they thought of dining. GOLDSMITH's Retaliation. 15. The bookful blockhead, ignorantly read, With loads of learned lumber in his head, 16. Be silent always, when you doubt your sense, And speak, tho' sure, with seeming diffidence. POPE. POPE'S Essay on Criticism. 17. A dearth of words a woman need not fear; YOUNG. 18. Talking, she knew not why, and car'd not what. BYRON'S Beppo. 19. If, in talking from morning till night, A sign of our wisdom there be, The swallows are wiser by right, For they prattle much faster than we. MOORE'S Nicostratus. 20. And there's one rare, strange virtue in their speeches, The secret of their mastery-they are short. HALLECK. 1. The vain coquette each suit disdains, 2. Who hath not heard coquettes complain GAY's Fables. GAY's Fables. 3. Nymph of the mincing mouth, and languid eye, DR. WOLCOT's Peter Pindar. 4. Such is your old coquette, who can't say "No,” And won't say "Yes;" and keeps you on and offing On a lee shore, till it begins to blow; Then sees your heart wreck'd with an inward scoffing: This works a world of sentimental woe, And sends new Werters yearly to their coffin. 5. Would you teach her to love? For a time seem to rove; At first she may frown in a pet; BYRON'S Don Juan. But leave her awhile, She shortly will smile, And then you may win your coquette. 6. Can I again that look recall, That once could make me die for thee? No, no! -the eye that burns on all, Shall never more be priz'd by me! BYRON. MOORE. 7. Still panting o'er a crowd to reign, 8. Bright as the sun her eyes the gazers strike, 9. There's danger in the dazzling eye, 10. But why, O, why on all thus squander MOORE. POPE. MRS. OSGOOD. C. F. HOFFMAN. COUNTRY - PATRIOTISM. 1. A great man struggling in the storms of fate, 2. But where to find the happiest spot below, POPE. His first, best country ever is his own. GOLDSMITH's Traveller. 3. Whither where equinoctial fervours glow, Or winter wraps the polar land in snow. GOLDSMITH'S Traveller. |