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'T is the curse of kings,

To be surrounded by a venal herd
Of flatterers, that soothe his darling vices,
And rob their master of his subjects' love.

BROOK'S Earl of Warwick.

11. Curse on the coward or perfidious tongue That dares not, even to kings, avow the truth.

12. To shake with laughter, ere the jest they hear,
To pour, at will, the counterfeited tear;
And, as their patron hints the cold or heat,
To shake in dog-days, in December sweat.

13. A lazy, proud, unprofitable crew,



The vermin gender'd from the rank corruption
Of a luxurious state.


A mere court butterfly,


That flutters in the pageant of a monarch.

BYRON'S Sardanapalus.

15. And none did love him-though to hall and bower

He gather'd followers from far and near;
He knew them flatterers of the festal hour,

The heartless parasites of present cheer.

BYRON'S Childe Harold.


1. Bring, therefore, all the forces that you may,
And lay incessant battery to her heart;

Plaints, prayers, vows, ruth, and sorrow, and dismay,-
These engines can the proudest love convert.

SPENSER'S Sonnets.

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2. So well he woo'd her, and so well he wrought her,
With fair entreaty and sweet blandishment,
That at the length unto a bay he brought her,
So that she to his speeches was content


To lend an ear, and softly to relent.

I do not love

SPENSER'S Fairy Queen.

Much ceremony; suits in love should not,
Like suits in law, be rock'd from term to term.

4. There is, sir, a critical minute in

Every man's wooing, when his mistress may
Be won, which if he carelessly neglect
To prosecute, he may wait long enough
Before he gains the like opportunity.

5. She is beautiful, therefore to be woo'd;
She is woman, therefore to be won.




6. Flatter and praise, commend, extol their graces;
Though ne'er so black, say they have angels' faces.
That man that has a tongue, I say, is no man,
If with his tongue he cannot win a woman.


7. Say that she rail; why then I'll tell her plain,
She sings as sweetly as the nightingale;
Say that she frown; I'll say, she looks as clear
As morning roses newly wash'd with dew;
Say she be mute, and will not speak a word;
Then I'll commend her volubility,

And say, she uttereth piercing eloquence.

8. But tho' I lov'd you well, I woo'd you not;
And yet, good faith, I wish'd myself a man;
Or, that we women had men's privilege
Of speaking first.



In those ears of mine,
These credulous ears, he pour'd the sweetest words
That art or love could frame.

10. I am not form'd, by flattery and praise,


By sighs and tears, and all the whining trade
Of love, to feed a fair one's vanity,

To charm at once, and spoil her.


11. He that would win his dame, must do
As Love does when he draws his bow;
With one hand thrust the lady from,
And with the other pull her home.

BUTLER'S Hudibras.

12. For, you must know, a widow's won
With brisk attempt and putting on;
With ent'ring manfully, and urging,
Not slow approaches, like a virgin.

BUTLER'S Hudibras.

13. She most attracts who longest can refuse.


14. With easy freedom and a gay address, A pressing lover seldom wants success.


15. A witty, wild, inconstant, free gallant.


16. To me he came; my heart with rapture sprung, To see the blushes, when his faltering tongue

First said, I love. My eyes consent reveal,
And plighted vows our faithful passion seal.

GAY's Dione.

17. So, with decorum all things carried,

Miss frown'd, and blush'd, and then was married.


18. She half consents who silently denies.


19. Men dream in courtship, but in wedlock wake.

POPE'S Eloisa. 158



Like a lovely tree

She grew to womanhood, and between whiles
Rejected several suitors, just to learn
How to accept a better in his turn.

BYRON'S Don Juan.

BYRON'S Don Juan.

21. The gentle pressure and the thrilling touch.

22. To pick up gloves, and fans, and knitting-needles,
And list for songs and tunes, and watch for smiles,
And smile at pretty prattle, and look into
The eyes of maids as tho' they were bright stars.

23. But yet she listen'd-'t is enough

Who listens once will listen twice,
Her heart, be sure, is not of ice,

And one refusal's no rebuff.


BYRON's Mazeppa.

24. Then thro' my brain the thought did pass,
Even as a flash of lightning there,
That there was something in her air

That would not doom me to despair.

25. Skill'd in the ogle of a roguish eye.

BYRON'S Mazeppa.

BYRON'S Childe Harold.

26. Not much he kens, I ween, of woman's breast,
Who thinks that wanton thing is won by sighs.
Do proper homage to thine idol's eyes,
But not too humbly, or she will despise :
Disguise even tenderness, if thou art wise.


In whispers low,

BYRON'S Childe Harold.

And sweet as softest music's gentle flow,
The lovers spoke.


28. While the dimple and blush, starting soft to her cheek, Told the tale that her tongue was too timid to speak.


29. There's nothing like manœuvering in season,


Ye parents, who have daughters to dispose of,
Especially if you have any reason

To think in maidenhood their lives will doze off,
And there is one in fifty thousand chances,
That Cash's eldest son will make advances.

When happy lovers meet

DAWES' Geraldine.

In some lone spot, where not a sound is heard
Save their own sighs, or the unequal beat

Of their young hearts to tender wishes stirr'd,

As hand seeks hand, and meeting glances tell

The unutter'd tale of love too sweetly well.




His hand did quake,

And tremble like a leaf of aspen green,

And troubled blood thro' his pale face was seen

To come and go, with tidings from the heart,

As it a running messenger had been.

SPENSER'S Fairy Queen.

2. Thereat he smitten was, with great affright,
And trembling terror did his heart appal,
Nor wist he what to think of that same sight,
Nor what to say, nor what to do at all.

SPENSER'S Fairy Queen.

3. Cowards die many times before their death; The valiant never taste of death but once.

4. And extreme fear can neither fight nor fly, But, coward-like, with trembling terror die.



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