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14. When far from thee [ bide, In dreams still at thy side I've talk'd to thee;


And when I woke, I sigh'd

Myself alone to see.

From the German - TAYLOR.

We must part awhile;

A few short months-tho' short, they will be long

Without thy dear society: but yet

We must endure it, and our love will be

The fonder after parting-it will grow
Intenser in our absence, and again
Burn with a tender glow when I return.

16. Oh Absence! by thy stern decree,


How many a heart, once light and free,
Is fill'd with doubts and fears!
Thy days like tedious weeks do seem,
Thy weeks slow-moving months we deem,
Thy months, long-lingering years!



1. Whilst timorous knowledge stands considering,
Audacious ignorance hath done the deed;
For who knows most, the most he knows to doubt;
The least discourse is commonly most stout.


2. Good actions crown themselves with lasting bays; Who well deserves needs not another's praise.


3. If thou dost ill, the joy fades, not the pains; If well, the pain doth fade, the joy remains.


[blocks in formation]

1. If it were done, when 't is done, then, 't is well That it were done quickly.


2. Wise men ne'er sit and wail their loss,

But cheerly seek how to redress their harm.


3. Let's take the instant by the forward top;
For we are old, and on our quick'st decrees
The inaudible and noiseless foot of time
Steals, ere we can effect them.



How slow the time

To the warm soul, that, in the very instant
It forms, would execute a great design!

The keen spirit


Seizes the prompt occasion, makes the thoughts
Start into instant action, and at once


Plans and performs, resolves and executes!


6. My days, though few, have pass'd below
In much of joy, though much of woe;
Yet still, in hours of love or strife,
I've 'scap'd the weariness of life.

BYRON'S Giaour.

7. Act! for in action are wisdom and glory;
Fame, immortality-these are its crown;
Would'st thou illumine the tablets of story?
Build on achievements thy doom of renown.

From the German.

S. Seize, mortals, seize the transient hour:
Improve each moment as it flies:
Life's a short summer-man a flower;
He dies-alas! - how soon he dies!

9. Let us then be up and doing,
With a heart for every fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labour and to wait.



1. Look to the players; see them well bestow'd: They are the abstract and brief chroniclers of the times.

2. They say we live by vice; indeed 'tis true;
As the physicians by diseases do,
Only to cure them.


Boldly I dare say



There has been more by us in some one play
Laugh'd into wit and virtue, than hath been
By twenty tedious lectures drawn from sin,
And foppish humours; hence the cause doth rise,
Men are not won by th' ears, so well as eyes.



4. When, with mock majesty and fancied power,
He struts in robes, the monarch of an hour;
Oft wide of nature must he act a part,
Make love in tropes, in bombast break his heart;
In turn and simile resign his breath,
And rhyme and quibble in the pains of death.

5. Whose every look and gesture was a joke
To clapping theatres, and shouting crowds,
And made even thick-lipp'd, musing melancholy
To gather up her face into a smile
Before she was aware.


What we hear


BLAIR'S Grave.

With weaker passion will affect the heart,
Than when the faithful eye beholds the part.

FRANCIS' Horace.

7. Lo, where the stage, the poor, degraded stage,
Holds its warp'd mirror to a gaping age;
There, where to raise the Drama's moral tone,
Fool Harlequin usurps Apollo's throne.

SPRAGUE'S Curiosity.

8. Where one base scene shall turn more souls to shame, Than ten of Channing's Lectures can reclaim.

9. Where mincing dancers sport tight pantalets, And turn fops' heads while turning pirouettes.

SPRAGUE'S Curiosity.

SPRAGUE'S Curiosity.


And turn from gentle Juliet's woe,
To count the twirls of Fanny Elssler's toe.

SPRAGUE'S Curiosity.


1. With that, wringing my hand he turn'd away,
And though his tears would hardly let him look,
Yet such a look did through his tears make way,
As show'd how sad a farewell there he took.



I part with thee

As wretches, that are doubtful of hereafter,.
Part with their lives, unwilling, loath and fearful,
And trembling at futurity.

3. Then came the parting hour, and what arise
When lovers part-expressive looks, and eyes
Tender and tearful-many a fond adieu,
And many a call the sorrow to renew.

4. 'T were vain to speak, to weep, to sigh;
Oh! more than tears of blood can tell,
When wrung from guilt's expiring eye,
Are in that word, farewell-farewell!



5. Farewell!-a word that hath been and must be, A sound that makes us linger-yet, farewell!


BYRON'S Childe Harold.

6. Let's not unman each other-part at once;
All farewells should be sudden, when for ever,
Else they make an eternity of moments,
And clog the last sad sands of life with tears.

BYRON'S Sardanapalus.

7. One struggle more, and I am free

From pangs that rend my heart in twain;

One last long sigh to love and thee,
Then back to busy life again.


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