7. What sweet delirium o'er his bosom stole! BEATTIE'S Minstrel. 8. No word was spoken, all was feelingThe silent transport of the heart. LEVI FRISBIE. 9. One hour of such bliss is a life ere it closes 'Tis one drop of fragrance from thousands of roses. P. M. WETMORE. EDUCATION - WISDOM - WIT, &c. 1. Why did my parents send me to the schools, SPENSER'S Fairy Queen. 2. Will is the prince, and Wit the counsellor, Which do for common good in council sit, DAVIES' Immortality of the Soul. 3. Learning by study must be won; 'T was ne'er entail'd from sire to son. GAY's Fables. 4. For what is truth and knowledge, but a kind 5. Besides 't is known he could speak Greek As naturally as pigs squeak. BUTLER. BUTLER'S Hudibras. 216 EDUCATION - WISDOM, &c. 6. He was in logic a great critic, Profoundly skill'd in analytic; A hair 'twixt south and south-west side. 7. Learning, that cobweb of the brain, A trade of knowledge, as replete An art to encumber gifts and wit, And render both for nothing fit. BUTLER'S Hudibras. BUTLER'S Hudibras. 8. The clouds may drop down titles and estates, Wealth may seek us-but wisdom must be sought. YOUNG's Night Thoughts. 9. For just experience tells in every soil, That those who think must govern those who toil. GOLDSMITH's Traveller. 10. Mix'd reason with pleasure, and wisdom with mirth. GOLDSMITH's Retaliation. 11. Superior beings, when of late they saw A mortal man unfold all nature's law, Admir'd such wisdom in an earthly shape, And show'd a Newton, as we show an ape. POPE'S Essay on Man. 12. -Mingles with the friendly bowl POPE. 13. Love seldom haunts the breast where learning lies. POPE. 14. A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep, or taste not, the Pierian spring; For shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, And drinking deeply sobers us again. POPE'S Essay on Criticism. 15. True wit is nature to advantage drest, 16. That oft was thought, but ne'er so well exprest, POPE's Essay on Criticism. What is it to be wise? 'T is but to know how little can be known, POPE'S Essay on Man. 17. Nature and nature's laws lay hid in night; God said, let Newton be! and all was light. POPE. 18. O'er nature's laws God cast the veil of night, Out blaz'd a Newton's soul and all was light. AARON HILL. 19. His very name a title-page, and next His life a commentary on the text. WOODBRIDGE. 20. He learn'd the arts of riding, fencing, gunnery, And how to scale a fortress or-a nunnery. BYRON'S Don Juan. 21. The languages-especially the dead, The sciences and most of all the abstruse, 22. And stoic Franklin's energetic shade, BYRON'S Don Juan. Rob'd in the lightning which his hand allay'd. BYRON'S Age of Bronze. 23. Sorrow is knowledge; they, who know the most, 24. For Plato's love sublime, BYRON'S Manfred. And all the wisdom of the Stagyrite, WORDSWORTH-From the Italian. • 218 EDUCATION - WISDOM, &c. 25. For any man, with half an eye, What stands before him may espy; TRUMBULL'S McFingal. 26. On every point, in earnest or in jest, His judgment, and his prudence, and his wit, 27. The wish to know the endless thirst, J. H. FRERE. MOORE'S Loves of the Angels. 28. Extremes of fortune are true wisdom's test, And he's of men most wise, who bears them best. CUMBERLAND'S Philemon. 29. Lur'd by its charms, he sits and learns to trace 30. She had read CHARLES SPRAGUE. Her father's well-fill'd library with profit, And could talk charmingly; then she could sing And play too, passably, and dance with spirit; Yet she was knowing in all needle-work, And shone in dairy and in kitchen too, As in the parlour. 31. Youth it instructs, old age delights, J. N. BARKER. EGOTISM-SELF. 'T will comfort and solace us then. J. T. WATSON. 1. 'Tis with our judgments as our watches; none Are just alike, yet each believes his own. POPE'S Essay on Criticism. 2. To observations which ourselves we make, We grow more partial for the observer's sake. POPE'S Moral Essays. 3. Whate'er the passion, knowledge, fame, or pelf, POPE'S Moral Essays. 4. The selfish heart deserves the pain it feels, More generous sorrow, while it sinks, exalts; And conscious virtue mitigates the pang. YOUNG'S Night Thoughts. 5. All men think all men mortal but themselves. YOUNG's Night Thoughts. 6. In other men we faults can spy, And blame the mote that dims their eye; Each little speck and blemish find; To our own stronger errors blind. GAY's Fables. 7. For none more likes to hear himself converse. BYRON'S Don Juan. 8. What exile from himself can flee? BYRON'S Childe Harold. 9. Oh! wad some power the giftie gie us, To see oursels as ithers see us! BURNS. |