10. Self is the medium least refin'd of all, 11. For, as his own bright image he survey'd, 12. How often, in this cold and bitter world, Is the warm heart thrown back upon itself! MOORE. From OVID. ELEGANCE. MISS L. E. LANDON. 1. The feeling heart, simplicity of life, And elegance, and taste. 2. Trifles themselves are elegant in him. 3. To these resistless grace impart, That look of sweetness, form'd to please, 4. With all the wonders of external grace, THOMSON. POPE. CARTWRIGHT. CHURCHILL. 1. 2. ELOQUENCE - ORATOR. And when she spake. Sweet words, like dropping honey, she did shed; A silver sound, that heavenly music seem'd to make. SPENSER'S Fairy Queen. When he speaks, The air, a charter'd libertine, is still, 3. And aged ears play truant at his tales, SHAKSPEARE. SHAKSPEARE. 4. Power above powers! O heavenly eloquence! Dropp'd manna, and could make the worst appear DANIEL. MILTON'S Paradise Lost. 6. Men are more eloquent than women made, But women are more powerful to persuade. 7. Oh! speak that again! Sweet as the syren's tongue those accents fall, 8. Your words are like the notes of dying swans, Too sweet to last. RANDOLPH. SOUTHERN. DRYDEN. 222 9. ELOQUENCE-ORATOR. As I listen'd to thee, 10. His words of learned length and thundering sound, 11. Here rills of oily eloquence in soft ROWE. GOLDSMITH'S Deserted Village. Meanders lubricate the course they take. COWPER. 12. -The grand debate, The popular harangue, the tart reply, 13. For rhetoric, he could not ope 14. His mouth, but out there flew a trope. COWPER. BUTLER'S Hudibras. My listening powers Were aw'd, and every thought in silence hung, 15. Thy words had such a melting flow, And spoke of truth so sweetly well, AKENSIDE. MOORE. 16. He scratch'd his ear, the infallible resource To which embarrass'd people have recourse. BYRON'S Don Juan. 17. Henry, the forest-born Demosthenes, Whose thunder shook the Philip of the seas. BYRON'S Age of Bronze.. 18. His talk is the sweet extract of all speech, And holds mine ear in blissful slavery. 19. Thus stor'd with intellectual riches, BAILEY'S Festus. Skill'd was our squire in making speeches, TRUMBULL'S Mc Fingal. 20. Oh! as the bee upon the flower, I hang Upon the honey of thy eloquent tongue. 21. BULWER'S Lady of Lyons. His words seem'd oracles That pierc'd their bosoms; and each man would turn That with the like dumb wonder answer'd him. You could have heard The beating of your pulses while he spoke. GEORGE CROLY. 22. Eloquence, that charms and burns, Startles, soothes, and wins, by turns. J. H. CLINCH. 23. There's a charm in deliv'ry, a magical art, 24. Now with a giant's might He heaves the ponderous thought, MRS. A. B. WELBY. Vicksburg Whig. 224 EMBRACE - KISS. 25. He ceas'd; the solemn silence now was broke, Which reign'd triumphant while the hero spoke; J. T. WATSON. EMBRACE - KISS. 1. Teach not thy lip such scorn; for it was made For kissing, lady, not for such contempt. SHAKSPEARE. 2. Kiss the tear from her lip, you'll find the rose The sweeter for the dew. WEBSTER. 3. These poor, half kisses kill me quite; 4. Sweet were his kisses on my balmy lips 5. The fragrant infancy of op'ning flowers Flow'd to my senses in that melting kiss! 6. I felt, the while, a pleasing kind of smart; 7. The kiss you take is paid by that you give; The joy is mutual, and I'm still in debt. DRAYTON. BEHN. SOUTHERN. DRYDEN. LORD LANSDOWN. |