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13. Ah! fondly youthful hearts can press,
To seize and share the dear caress;
But love itself could never pant
For all that beauty sighs to grant,
With half the fervour hate bestows
Upon the last embrace of foes!

BYRON'S Giaour.

14. Now hatred is by far the longest pleasure; Men love in haste, but they detest at leisure.

BYRON'S Don Juan.



Won by the charm

Of goodness irresistible, and all

In sweet confusion lost, she blush'd assent.

2. 'Twas thy high purity of soul,

THOMSON'S Lavinia.

Thy thought-revealing eye,
That plac'd me, spell-bound, at your feet,
Sweet wand'rer from the sky!

3. Then take my flower, and let its leaves
Beside thy heart be cherish'd near-
While thy confiding heart receives
The thoughts it whispers to thine ear.


The Token-1830.

4. 'T was then the blush suffus'd her cheek,
Which told what words could never speak ;-....

The answer's written deeply now

"On this warm cheek, and glowing brow.


1. Prosperity is the very bond of love,
Whose fresh complexion, and whose heart together,
Affliction alters.

2. 'Tis not to any rank confin'd,

But dwells in every honest mind;
Be justice then your sole pursuit;
Plant virtue, and content's the fruit.


GAY's Fables.

3. Consider man in every sphere,

Then tell me is your lot severe ?
'Tis murmur, discontent, distrust,
That makes you wretched: God is just:
We're born a restless, needy crew;

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5. How beat our hearts, big with tumultuous joy !

6. But such a sacred and homefelt delight,
Such sober certainty of waking bliss,
I never felt till now.

7. Whate'er the motive, pleasure is the mark:
For her the black assassin draws his sword;
For her dark statesmen trim their midnight lamp;
For her the saint abstains; the miser starves;
The stoic proud, for pleasure, pleasure scorns;
For her affliction's daughters grief indulge,
And find, or hope, a luxury in tears ;-
For her, guilt, shame, toil, danger, we defy.


YOUNG'S Night Thoughts.



8. The spider's most attenuated web

Is cord is cable, to man's tender tie

Of earthly bliss; it breaks at every breeze.

YOUNG's Night Thoughts.

9. What thing so good which not some harm may bring? Even to be happy is a dangerous thing.

10. They live too long who happiness outlive; For life and death are things indifferent; Each to be chose, as either brings content.

11. If solid happiness we prize,

Within our breast this jewel lies,
And they are fools who roam ;
The world has nothing to bestow;
From our own selves our joys must flow,
And that dear hut-our home.

12. A perpetual feast of nectar'd sweets, Where no crude surfeit reigns.

13. He that holds fast the golden mean, And lives contentedly between The little and the great,





Feels not the wants that pinch the poor,
Nor plagues that haunts the rich man's door,
Embittering all his state.

COWPER'S Horace.

14. Pleasures, or wrong or rightly understood, Our greatest evil, or our greatest good.

15. Who that define it, say they more or less

Than this, that happiness is happiness?

POPE'S Essay on Man.

POPE's Essay on Man.

POPE'S Essay on Man.

16. Know then this truth, (enough for man to know,)

Virtue alone is happiness below.

17. Condition, circumstance is not the thing-
Bliss is the same in subject or in king;
In who obtain defence, or who defend,
In him who is, or him who finds, a friend.

POPE'S Essay on Man.

18. For the wild bliss of nature needs alloy,
And fear and sorrow fan the fires of joy.

19. I cannot think of sorrow now; and doubt
If e'er I felt it-'t is so dazzled from
My memory, by this oblivious transport.


BYRON'S Werner.

20. There is no sterner moralist than pleasure.

BYRON'S Don Juan.

21. Love-fame ambition-avarice-'t is the same,


For all are meteors with a different name.

BYRON'S Childe Harold.

Am I already mad?

And does delirium utter such sweet words
Into a dreamer's ear?

BULWER'S Lady of Lyons.

23. Oh! happy pair, to every blessing born!

For you may life's calm stream unruffled run;
For you its roses bloom without a thorn,
And bright as morning shine its evening sun!

24. And may the stream of thy maturing life
For ever flow, in blissful sunlight, through
A fairy scene with gladsome beauty rife,
As ever greeted the enraptur'd view!

25. The rapture dwelling within my breast,
And fondly telling its fears to rest,
Comes o'er me, wearing its charmed chain,
No vestige learning of sorrow's chain.


A. W. NONEY. 234


26. Too late I find how madly vain our toil
In search of happiness on mortal soil;
The gilded phantom we so dearly prize,
A moment glitters, then for ever flies.

27. The highest hills are miles below the sky, And so far is the lightest heart below True happiness.

28. My life has been like summer skies
When they are fair to view;

But there never yet were hearts or skies,
Clouds might not wander through.

29. Pleasure's the only noble end,

BAILEY'S Festus.


To which all human powers should tend;
And virtue gives her heavenly lore,
But to make pleasure please us more.

30. Gone-like a meteor, that o'er head
Suddenly shines, and ere we've said
"Look! look, how beautiful!"-'t is fled!


MOORE'S Loves of the Angels.

31. How deep, how thorough-felt the glow
Of rapture, kindling out of wo!
How exquisite one single drop
Of bliss, that, sparkling to the top
Of misery's cup!-how keenly quaff'd,
Though death must follow in the draught.

MOORE'S Lalla Rookh.

32. For she hath liv'd with heart and soul alive
To all that makes life beautiful and fair;
Sweet thoughts, like honey bees, have made their hive
Of her soft bosom cell, and cluster there.


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