33. There are some hours that pass so soon, Our spell-touch'd hearts scarce know they end. 34. May thy soul with pleasure shine, Lasting as the gloom of mine! MRS. A. B. WELBY. CHARLES WOLFE. 35. Ah Pauline! who can gaze upon thee now, And watch thy cheek all beaming with delight, J. T. WATSON. 36. May friendship open unto you The path of peace and holy love; May life continual joys renew; May hope not too deceptive prove;- 5. On such a theme 't were impious to be calm; Passion is reason, transport, temper, here! YOUNG'S Night Thoughts. 6. For virtue's self may too much zeal be had : The worst of madmen is a saint run mad. 7. -With all the zeal POPE. BYRON'S Siege of Corinth. 8. And rash enthusiasm, in good society, Were nothing but a moral inebriety. BYRON'S Don Juan. 9. But faith, fanatic faith, once wedded fast To some dear falsehood, hugs it to the last. MOORE'S Lalla Rookh. ENVY.- (See CALUMNY.) EQUALITY - SUPERIORITY. 1. Consider, man; weigh well thy frame, GAY's Fables. 2. Ask of thy mother earth, why oaks are made 3. Order is heaven's first law; and, this confest, Some are, and must be, greater than the rest. POPE'S Essay on Man. POPE'S Essay on Man. 4. None but thyself can be thy parallel. 5. To cope with thee, would be about as vain As for a brook to cope with ocean's flood. BYRON'S Don Juan. 6. As some fierce comet of tremendous size, To which the stars did rev'rence as it pass'd, Of fame's dread mountain sat. POLLOK'S Course of Time. 7. For mountains issue out of plains, and not BAILEY'S Festus. ERROR. 1. For he that once hath missed the right way, SPENSER'S Fairy Queen. 2. More proselytes and converts use t' accrue BUTLER. 3. Even so, by tasting of that fruit forbid, Where they sought knowledge, they did error find; Ill they desir'd to know, and ill they did, DAVIES' Immortality of the Soul. 4. Truth, crush'd to earth, shall rise again: 1. ESTEEM. Love is not love, W. C. BRYANT. When it is mingled with respects, that stand 2. For all true love is grounded on esteem. SHAKSPEARE. BUCKINGHAM. 3. O, why is gentle love A stranger to that mind, LORD LYTTLETON. 4. Take my esteem, if you on that can live; But, frankly, sir, 't is all I have to give. 5. She attracts me daily with her gentle virtues, So soft, and beautiful, and heavenly. DRYDEN. JAMES A. HILLHOUSE. 1. 2. ETERNITY - FUTURITY. O, that a man might know Beyond is all abyss, Eternity, whose end no eye can reach. SHAKSPEARE. MILTON'S Paradise Lost. 3. Too curious man! why dost thou seek to know DRYDEN. 4. Sure there is none but fears a future state; DRYDEN. 5. Eternity! thou pleasing, dreadful thought! ADDISON'S Cato. 6. Heaven from all creatures hides the book of fate, All but the page prescrib'd, their present state. 7. Oh! in that future let us think POPE'S Essay on Man. To hold each heart the heart that shares; BYRON. |