27. All beaming with light as those young features are, 28. One in whose love, I felt, were given MOORE. MOORE'S Loves of the Angels. 29. The fame that a man wins himself, is best; EXCESS.- (See DRINKING.) EXECUTION. MIDDLETON. 1. 'Tis now past midnight, and, by eight to-morrow, Thou must be made immortal. See they suffer death; But in their deaths remember they are men; 21* ArDISON'S Cato. 246 4. EXERCISE. Slave! do thine office! Strike as I struck the foe! strike as I would BYRON'S Marino Faliero. 5. These the last accents Hugo spoke, "Strike:"-and flashing fell the stroke- BYRON'S Parisina. EXERCISE. 1. Nobody's healthful without exercise; 2. He does allot for every exercise 3. A several hour; for sloth, the nurse of vices, Weariness Can snore upon the flint, when resty sloth ALEYN. MASSINGER. SHAKSPEARE. 4. Though sluggards deem it but a foolish chase, BYRON'S Childe Harold. 5. Rise early, and take exercise in plenty, EXILE.- (See BANISHMENT.) EXPECTATION - SUSPENSE. 1. But be not long, for in the tedious minutes, FROWDE. Fell demon of our fears! the human soul, 3. "Yet doth he live!" exclaims th' impatient heir, And sighs for sables which he inust not wear. MALLET. BYRON'S Lara. 4. Oh! how impatience gains upon the soul When the long-promis'd hour of joy draws near! MRS. TIGHE'S Psyche. 5. To the fond doubting heart, its hopes appear Strange hopes and fears in painful contest rise, MRS. TIGHE'S Psyche. 248 1. EXPERIENCE. EXPERIENCE. To wilful men, The injuries that they themselves procure, SHAKSPEARE. 2. He jests at scars, that never felt a wound. SHAKSPEARE. 3. -Experience, If wisdom's friend, her best; if not, worst foe. YOUNG's Night Thoughts. 4. Experience join'd to common sense, To mortals is a providence. GREEN. 5. Some positive, persisting fools we know, Who, if once wrong, will needs be always so; POPE's Essay on Criticism. 6. Experience, wounded, is the school 7. O, teach him, while your lessons last, 8. For most men, till by losing render'd sager, 9. LORD BROOK. Scorr's Rokeby. BYRON'S Beppo. Aught from experience, that chill touchstone whose Her hopes ne'er drew Sad proof reduces all things from their hue. BYRON'S Island. EXTRAVAGANCE. 1. The man who builds, and wants wherewith to pay, Provides a home from which to run away. 2. We sacrifice to dress, till household joys YOUNG. COWPER'S Task. 3. Dreading that climax of all human ills, The inflammation of his weekly bills. BYRON'S Don Juan. 4. In my young days they lent me cash that way, Which I found very troublesome to pay. BYRON'S Don Juan. EXTREMES. 1. These violent delights have violent ends And in their triumph die; like fire and powder, And in the taste confounds the appetite. 2. Those edges soonest turn, that are most keen; SHAKSPEARE. 3. Who gripes too hard the dry and slippery sand, Holds none at all, or little, in his hand. ALEYN. HERRICK. |