260 FAME - NOTORIETY. FAME - NOTORIETY. 1. Death makes no conquest of this conqueror, For now he lives in fame though not in life. 2. Talk not to me of fond renown, the rude, 3. I courted fame but as a spur to brave SHAKSPEARE. 4. Knows he that mankind praise against their will, And mix as much detraction as they can ? Knows he that faithless fame her whisper has, CROWN. MALLET. As well as trumpet? That his vanity Is so much tickled from not hearing all? YOUNG'S Night Thoughts. 5. They, spider-like, spin out their precious all, The momentary buzz of vain renown! YOUNG'S Night Thoughts. 6. With fame, in just proportion, envy grows; The man that makes a character, makes foes. 7. Fame is the spur that the clear spirit doth raise, To scorn delights, and live laborious days. YOUNG. MILTON. 8. The whole amount of that enormous fame, A tale that blends their glory with their shame. POPE'S Essay on Man. 9. What's fame? a fancied life in others' breath, A thing beyond us, even before our death. POPE'S Essay on Man. 10. Whose honours with increase of ages grow, As streams roll down, enlarging as they go. POPE'S Essay on Criticism. 11. A youth to fame, ere yet to manhood, known. 12. Absurd! to think to overreach the grave, And from the wreck of names to rescue ours: POPE. BLAIR'S Grave. 13. He left a name at which the world grew pale, To point a moral, or adorn a tale. DR. JOHNSON. 14. And glory long has made the sages smile; BYRON'S Don Juan. 15. What is the end of fame? 'Tis but to fill Whose summit, like all hills, is lost in vapour. BYRON'S Don Juan 16. And blaze with guilty glare thro' future time, Eternal beacons of consummate crime. BYRON'S English Bards, &c. 17. Far dearer the grave or the prison, MOORE. 262 FANCY-IMAGINATION. 18. What is fame, and what is glory? 19. A dream, a jester's lying story, A theme for second infancy. A word of praise, perchance of blame, MOTHERWELL. -To win the wreath of fame, 20. Lives of great men all remind us 21. We tell thy doom without a sigh, SANDS. H. W. LONGFELLOW. For thou art freedom's now, and fame's One of the few, th' immortal names That were not born to die! FITZ-GREEN HALLECK. FANCY-IMAGINATION. 1. Oh, who can hold a fire in his hand, 2. The lunatic, the lover, and the poet, SHAKSPEARE. SHAKSPEARE. 3. This busy power is working day and night; DAVIES' Immortality of the Soul. 4. Each change of many-colour'd life he drew, DR. JOHNSON, on Shakspeare. 5. Do what he will, he cannot realize 6. Pleasant at noon, beside the vocal brook, ROGERS. SOUTHEY. 7. Woe to the youth whom Fancy gains, Winning from Reason's hand the reins. Scott's Rokeby. 8. Where Fancy halted, weary in her flight, Where angels bashful look'd. 9. The beings of the mind are not of clay, POLLOK's Course of Time. BYRON'S Childe Harold. 10. Like the Chaldean, he could watch the stars Till he had peopled them with beings bright As their own beams. BYRON'S Childe Harold. 264 11. 12. 13. FANCY-FAREWELL, &c. -Immortal dreams, that could beguile The blind old man of Scio's rocky isle. And dream'd again The visions which arise without a sleep. BYRON'S Giaour. BYRON's Lament of Tasso. Oh! that I were BYRON'S Manfred. 14. One of those passing rainbow dreams MOORE'S Lalla Rookh. 15. Above, below, in ocean and in sky, Thy fairy worlds, Imagination, lie. 16. 'Mid earthly scenes forgotten or unknown, Lives in ideal worlds, and wanders there alone. CAMPBELL. CARLOS WILCOX. 17. I give you a legend from Fancy's own sketch, S. G. GOODRICH. FAREWELL. - (See ADIEU.) FARMER.- (See BLACKSMITH.) FASHION.- (See APPAREL.) |