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1. The truest characters of ignorance

Are vanity and pride and arrogance;
As blind men use to bear their noses higher
Than those who have their eyes and sight entire.

2. As lookers-on feel most delight,

That least perceive the juggler's sleight,
And still the less they understand,
The more they admire the sleight of hand.


BUTLER'S Hudibras.

3. But 't is some justice to ascribe to chance
The wrongs you must expect from ignorance :
None can the moulds of their creation choose,
We therefore should man's ignorance excuse;
When born too low to reach at things sublime,
'T is rather their misfortune than their crime.

4. By ignorance is pride increas'd;

Those most assume who know the least:
Their own self-balance gives them weight,
But every other finds them light.


GAY's Fables.

5. The lamb thy riot dooms to death to-day,
Had he thy reason, would he skip and play ?
Pleas'd to the last, he crops the flowery food,
And licks the hand just rais'd to spill his blood.

POPE's Essay on Man.

6. Where ignorance is bliss, 't is folly to be wise.

7. With just enough of learning to misquote.


BYRON'S English Bards, &c.



8. They cannot read, and so don't lisp in criticism;
Nor write, and so they don't affect the muse;
Were never caught in epigram or witticism;
Have no romances, sermons, plays, reviews.

BYRON'S Beppo.

9. Who laughs to scorn the wisdom of the schools, And thinks the first of poets first of fools.

SPRAGUE'S Curiosity.



1. One thinks the soul is air; another, fire;
Another, blood diffus'd about the heart;
Another saith the elements conspire,
And to her essence each doth give a part.

DAVIES' Immortality of the Soul.

2. But, as the sharpest eye discerneth nought,
Except the sunbeam in the air do shine,
So the best soul, with her reflecting thought,
Sees not herself without some light divine.

DAVIES' Immortality of the Soul.

3. Whate'er of earth is form'd, to earth returns; The soul alone, that particle divine,

Escapes the wreck of worlds, when all things fail.

4. The soul of man, a native of the skies,


High-born and free, her freedom should maintain

Unsold, unmortgag'd for earth's little bribes.

YOUNG's Night Thoughts.

5. 'Tis immortality - 't is that alone

Amid life's pains, abasements, emptiness,
The soul can comfort, elevate, and fill;
That only, and that amply this performs.

YOUNG's Night Thoughts.

6. Let earth dissolve-yon ponderous orb descend,
And grind us into dust-the soul is safe!
The man emerges-mounts above the wreck
As towering flame from nature's funeral pyre!

YOUNG'S Night Thoughts.

7. When nature ceases, thou shalt still remain,
Nor second chaos bound thy endless reign;
Fate's tyrant laws thy happier lot shall brave,
Baffle destruction, and elude the grave.

8. The soul, secure in her existence, smiles
At the drawn dagger, and defies its point:
The stars shall fade away, the sun himself
Grow dim with age, and nature sink in years:
But thou shalt flourish in immortal youth,
Unhurt amidst the war of elements,

The wreck of matter, and the crush of worlds!



9. It must be so: Plato, thou reasonest well:
Else whence this pleasing hope, this fond desire,
This longing after immortality?
Or whence this secret dread, and inward horror
Of falling into nought? Why shrinks the soul
Back on itself, and startles at destruction ?
"T is the divinity that stirs within us;
'T is heaven itself that points out a hereafter,
And intimates eternity to man.

10. The soul on earth is an immortal guest,
Compell'd to starve at an unreal feast;


A spark which upward tends by nature's force;
A stream, divided from its parent source;

A drop, dissever'd from the boundless sea;

A moment, parted from eternity;

A pilgrim, panting for the rest to come;

An exile, anxious for his native home.



11. Cold in the dust this perish'd heart may lie, But that which warm'd it once shall never die.


12. But I have liv'd, and have not liv'd in vain :
My mind may lose its force, my blood its fire,
And my frame perish even in conquering pain-
But there is that within me which shall tire
Torture and time, and breathe when I expire.


BYRON'S Childe Harold.

Immortality o'ersweeps

All pains, all tears, all time, all fears and peals
Like the eternal thunders of the deep
Into my ears this truth-Thou liv'st for ever!

14. A voice within us speaks that startling word-
"Man, thou shalt never die!" Celestial voices
Hymn it into our souls; according harps,
By angel fingers touch'd, when the mild stars
Of morning sang together, sound forth still
The song of our great Immortality.



1. A wretched soul, bruis'd with adversity, We bid be quiet, when we hear it cry;


But were we burden'd with like weight of pain,
As much, or more, we should ourselves complain.


2. For there was never yet philosopher,
That could endure the tooth-ache patiently.


3. How poor are they who have not patience! What wound did ever heal but by degrees?


4. That which in mean men we entitle patience, Is pale, cold cowardice in noble breasts.



So tedious is this day,
As is the night before some festival
To an impatient child, that hath new robes,
And may not wear them.



Patience! preach it to the winds;
To roaring seas, or raging fires! The knaves
That teach it, laugh at you when you believe them.

OTWAY's Orphan.

7. O ye cold-hearted, frozen formalists!

On such a theme 't is impious to be calm;
Passion is reason, transport, temper, here.

8. Patience and resignation are the pillars Of human peace on earth.

YOUNG's Night Thoughts.

YOUNG'S Night Thoughts.

9. But patience is the virtue of an ass,

That trots beneath his burden, and is quiet.


10. Oh! how impatience gains upon the soul,

When the long-promis'd hour of joy draws near!

How slow the tardy moments seem to roll!

What spectres rise of inconsistent fear!

MRS. TIGHE'S Psyche.


1. A prison! heavens, I loathe the hated name,
Famine's metropolis-the sink of shame-
A nauseous sepulchre, whose craving womb
Hourly inters poor mortals in its tomb !


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