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5. And with her graceful wit there was inwrought A mildly-sweet unworldliness of thought.



A spirit pure as hers

Is always pure, even while it errs,-
As sunshine broken in the rill,
Though turn'd aside, is sunshine still.


7. As the stain'd web, that whitens in the sun, Grows pure by being purely shone upon.

MOORE'S Lalla Rookh.

8. Hope may sustain, and innocence impart Her sweet specific to the fearless heart.



1. The careful bee amidst his work I view

Now from the flowers exhaust the fragrant dew;
With golden treasures load his little thighs,
And steer his distant journey thro' the skies;-
Some against hostile drones the hive defend,
Others with sweets the waxen cells distend;
Each in the toil his destin'd office bears,
And in the little bulk a mighty soul appears.

2. The spider, of mechanic kind, Aspir'd to science more refin'd.

GAY's Rural Sports.

GAY's Fables.

3. I'd be a butterfly born in a bower,
Where roses, and lilies, and violets meet,
Roving for ever from flower to flower,
And kissing all buds that are pretty and sweet.

4. The harmless locust of the western clime,
At intervals, amid the leaves unseen,
Is heard to sing with one unbroken sound,
As with a long-drawn breath, beginning low,
And rising to the midst with shriller swell,
Then in low cadence dying all away.



5. The russet grasshopper at times is heard, Snapping his many wings, as half he flies, Half hovers in the air.


6. Beside the stream, collected in a flock,
The noiseless butterflies, tho' on the ground,
Continue still to wave their open wings,
Powder'd with gold.




The butterfly, That seem'd a living blossom of the air. 8. The dandy of the summer flowers and woods. 9. Thou sweet musician, that around my bed Dost nightly come, and wind thy little horn, By what unseen and secret influence led, Feed'st thou my ear with music till the morn ?



10. Our veins' pure juices were not made for thee, Thou living, singing, stinging atomy.




1. The power is Sense, which from abroad doth bring
The colour, taste, and touch, and scent, and sound,

The quantity and shape of everything,
Within earth's centre or earth's circle found.

DAVIES' Immortality of the Soul.

2. And though things sensible be numberless,

But only five the Senses' organs be,

And in these five all things their forms express

Which we can touch, taste, smell, or hear, or see.

DAVIES' Immortality of the Soul.

3. If we had nought but sense, each living wight,

Which we call brute, would be more sharp than we,

As having sense's apprehensive might

In a more clear and excellent degree.

DAVIES' Immortality of the Soul.

4. Lastly, nine things to sight requir'd are;

The power to see, the light, the visible thing,
Being not too small, too thin, too nigh, too far,
Clear space, and time, the form distinct to bring.

DAVIES' Immortality of the Soul.

5. These wickets of the soul are plac'd on high,
Because all sounds do lightly mount aloft;
And that they may not pierce too violently,
They are delay'd with turns and windings oft.
For, should the voice directly strike the brain,
It would astonish and confuse it much;
Therefore these plaits and folds the sound restrain,

That it the organ may more gently touch..

DAVIES' Immortality of the Soul.

6. And yet good sense doth purify the brain,

Awake the fancy, and the wits refine;

Hence old devotion incense did ordain,

To make men's spirits apt for thoughts divine.

DAVIES' Immortality of the Soul. 7. By touch the first pure qualities we learn,


Which quicken all things - hot, cold, moist and dry;
By touch, hard, soft, rough, smooth, we do discern;
By touch, sweet pleasure and sharp pain we try.

DAVIES' Immortality of the Soul.

Here streams ascend,

That in mix'd fumes the wrinkled nose offend.

9. In the nice bee what sense, so subtly true,

GAY's Trivia.

From poisonous herbs extracts the healing dew?

POPE'S Essay on Man.

10. Learn from the birds what food the thickets yield;
Learn from the beasts the physic of the field;
The art of building from the bee receive;
Learn of the mole to plough, the worm to weave.

POPE's Essay on Man.

11. Reason raise o'er instinct as you can,

In this 't is God directs, in that 't is man.


Tell me why the ant


'Mid summer's plenty, thinks of winter's want?
By constant journeys careful to prepare
Her full stores, and bring home the corny ear?
By what instruction does she bite the grain,
Lest, hid in earth, and taking root again,
It might elude the foresight of her care?
Distinct in either insect's deeds appear
The marks of thought, contrivance, hope, and fear.

13. Evil like us they shun, and covet good;

Abhor the poison, and receive the food ;-
Like us they love or hate; like us they know
To joy the friend, or grapple with the foe.


PRIOR. 354


14. Reason's progressive, Instinct is complete;

Swift Instinct leaps; slow Reason feebly climbs.
Brutes soon their zenith reach. In ages they
No more could know, do, covet, or enjoy.
Were man to live coeval with the sun,
The patriarch pupil would be learning still.

YOUNG's Night Thoughts.

15. The meaner tribe the coming storm foresees;
In the still calm the bird divines the breeze;
The ox, that grazes, shuns the poison-weed;
The unseen tiger frights afar the steed;
To man alone no kind foreboding shows
The latent horror or the ambush'd foes;
O'er each blind moment hangs the funeral pall-
Heaven shines, earth smiles, and night descends on all!

The New Timon.





1. Foul jealousy! thou turnest love divine

To joyless dread, and mak'st the loving heart
With hateful thoughts to languish and to pine,
And feed itself with self-consuming smart:
Of all the passions of the mind, thou vilest art.

SPENSER'S Fairy Queen.

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