40 ANIMAL-BEAST - BRUTE. Those eyes, that late were bright with joy, As only woman feels when scorn'd. J. T. WATSON. ANIMAL - BEAST - BRUTE. 1. But they do want the quick discerning power, DAVIES' Immortality of the Soul. 2. The subtle dog scours, with sagacious nose, Along the field, and snuffs each breeze that blows; GAY's Rural Sports. 3. A colt, whose eyeballs flamed with ire, Elate with strength and youthful fire. GAY's Fables. 4. The lion is, beyond dispute, GAY's Fables. 5. Had fate a kinder lot assign'd, And form'd me of the lap-dog kind, And, like a gentleman caress'd, GAY's Fables. 6. The wily fox remain'd, A subtle, pilfering foe, prowling around SOMERVILE'S Chase. 7. 8. 9. Of all the brutes by nature form'd, The artful beaver best can bear the want Of vital air; yet, 'neath the whelming tide, He lives not long; but respiration needs At proper intervals. SOMERVILE'S Chase. Let cavillers deny That brutes have reason; sure 't is something more, 'T is heaven directs, and stratagems inspire SOMERVILE'S Chase. The snappish cur Close at my heel with yelping treble flies. 10. The hare, timorous of heart, and hard beset By death in various forms, dark snares, and dogs, POPE. THOMSON'S Seasons. 11. And, scorning all the taming arts of man, The keen hyena, fellest of the fell. THOMSON'S Seasons. 12. The lively, shining leopard, speckled o'er With many a spot, the beauty of the waste. THOMSON'S Seasons. 13. He stands at bay, And puts his last faint refuge in despair; The big round tears run down his dappled face; He groans in anguish. THOMSON'S Seasons. 42 14. ANTIQUARY. The tiger darting fierce, Impetuous on the prey his eye hath doom'd. THOMSON'S Seasons. 15. The watch-dog's voice, that bay'd the whispering wind. GOLDSMITH. 16. Both mongrel, puppy, whelp, and hound, And curs of low degree. GOLDSMITH. 17. 'T is sweet to hear the watch-dog's honest bark Bay deep-mouth'd welcome, as we draw near home. BYRON'S Don Juan. 18. They revel, rest, then fearless, hopeless, die. C. SPRAGUE. 19. The brindled catamount, that lies High in the boughs to catch his prey. ANTIQUARY. W. C. BRYANT. 1. They say he sits All day in contemplation of a statue SHAKERLY. 2. What toil did honest Curio take, PRIOR. 3. He shows, on holidays, a sacred pin, YOUNG's Love of Fame. 4. Rare are the buttons of a Roman's breeches, In antiquarian eyes surpassing riches : Rare is each crack'd, black, rotten, earthen dish, DR. WOLCOT's Peter Pindar. APPAREL - DRESS - FASHION. 1. Her snowy breast was bare to ready spoil 2. Of hungry eyes. SPENSER'S Fairy Queen. Neat, trimly drest, SHAKSPEARE. 3. Drew from the deep Charybdis of his coat SHAKSPEARE. 4. Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, But not express'd in fancy; rich, not gaudy; SHAKSPEARE. 5. The fashion Doth wear out more apparel than the man. SHAKSPEARE. 6. It is the mind that makes the body rich; And as the sun breaks through the darkest clouds, What! is the jay more precious than the lark, 44 APPAREL - DRESS - FASHION. Because his feathers are more beautiful? SHAKSPEARE. SHAKSPEARE. 7. Like a rich jewel in an Ethiop's ear. 8. Her polish'd limbs Veil'd in a simple robe, their best attire, THOMSON'S Seasons. 9. Let firm, well-hammer'd soles protect thy feet, GAY's Trivia. 10. Nor should it prove thy less important care, GAY's Trivia. 11. Let beaux their canes with amber tipt produce; GAY's Trivia. |