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12. In diamonds, curls, and rich brocades She shines the first of batter'd jades, And flutters in her pride.

13. Say, will the falcon stooping from above,
Smit with her varying plumage, spare the dove?
Admires the jay the insect's varying wings?
Or, hears the hawk when Philomela sings?

14. Be not the first by whom the new is tried, Nor yet the last to lay the old aside.

15. And even while Fashion's brightest arts decoy, The heart, distrusting, asks if this be joy?

16. Beppo! that beard of thine becomes thee not; It should be shaved before you 're a day older!




GOLDSMITH'S Deserted Village.

BYRON'S Beppo.

17. He had that grace, so rare in every clime, Of being, without alloy of fop or beau, A finish'd gentleman, from top to toe.

BYRON'S Don Juan.

18. But, next to dressing for a rout or ball, Undressing is a woe.

BYRON'S Don Juan.


1. Trust not the treason of those smiling looks,

Until you have their guileful trains well tried,
For they are like but unto golden hooks,
That from the foolish fish their baits do hide.

SPENSER'S Sonnets.

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2. Why should the sacred character of virtue
Shine on a villain's countenance? Ye powers!
Why fix'd you not a brand on treason's front,
That we might know t' avoid perfidious mortals ?


3. Mislike me not for my complexion,
The shadow'd liv'ry of the burnish'd sun,
To whom I am a neighbour, and near bred.


4. A man may smile and smile, and be a villain.


5. All that glitters is not gold,

Gilded tombs do worms enfold.

6. What! is the jay more precious than the lark,
Because his feathers are more beautiful!
Or is the adder better than the eel,
Because his painted skin contents the eye?



7. So the blue summit of some mountain height,
Wrapt in gay clouds, deludes the distant sight;
But as with gazing eyes we draw more near,
Fades the false scene, and the rough rocks appear.



He has, I know not what,

Of greatness in his looks, and of high fate,
That almost awes me.


9. The gloomy outside, like a rusty chest,

Contains the shining treasure of a soul,

Resolv'd and brave.


10. Tho' the fair rose with beauteous blush is crown'd, Beneath her fragrant leaves the thorn is found;

The peach, that with inviting crimson blooms,
Deep at the heart the cank'ring worm consumes.

GAY's Dione.

11. Not always actions show the man: we find
Who does a kindness is not therefore kind;
Who combats bravely is not therefore brave ;-
He dreads a death-bed, like the meanest slave;
Who reasons wisely is not therefore wise-
His pride in reasoning, not in acting, lies.

POPE'S Moral Essays.

12. She speaks, behaves, and acts just as she ought,
But never, never reach'd one generous thought;
Virtue she finds too painful an endeavour,
Content to dwell in decencies for ever.


POPE'S Moral Essays.

Your thief looks, in the crowd,

Exactly like the rest, or rather better;
'T is only at the bar, or in the dungeon,
That wise men know your felon by his features.

BYRON'S Werner.

14. That this is but the surface of his soul, And that the depth is rich in better things.

BYRON'S Werner.

15. Full many a stoic eye and aspect stern
Masks hearts where grief has little left to learn ;
And many a withering thought lies hid, not lost,
In smiles that least befit, who wears them most.

BYRON'S Corsair.

16. How little do they see what is, who frame Their hasty judgments upon that which seems.

17. The deepest ice that ever froze
Can only o'er the surface close;
The living stream lies quick below,
And flows, and cannot cease to flow.


BYRON'S Parisina.

18. As a beam o'er the face of the water may glow, While the tide runs in darkness and coldness below,

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So the cheek may be ting'd with a warm sunny smile,
Tho' the cold heart to ruin runs darkly the while.

-19. Appearance may deceive thee - understand, A pure white glove may hide a filthy hand.

20. Within the oyster's shell uncouth
The purest pearl may bide:-
Trust me, you'll find a heart of truth
Within that rough outside.

21. Who will believe? not I, for in deceiving



Lies the dear charm of life's delightful dream;
I cannot spare the luxury of believing
That all things beautiful are what they seem.

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24. Think not, because the eye is bright,
And smiles are laughing there,
The heart that beats within is light,
And free from pain and care.
A blush may tinge the darkest cloud
Ere Sol's last ray depart,
And underneath the sunniest smile
May lurk the saddest heart.



Our stomachs

Will make what's homely, savoury.


2. He was a man of an unbounded stomach.



Famine is in thy cheeks,

Need and oppression stareth in thine eyes,
Upon thy back hangs ragged misery;

The world is not thy friend, nor the world's law.


4. Read over this, and after this, and then

To breakfast with what appetite you have.



They would defy


That which they love most tenderly;
Quarrel with minced pies, and disparage
Their best and dearest friend, plum-porridge;

Fat pig and goose itself oppose,

And blaspheme custard thro' their nose.

He bore

A paunch of mighty bulk before,

Which still he had a special care

BUTLER'S Hudibras.

To keep well cramm'd with thrifty fare.

For finer or fatter

BUTLER'S Hudibras.


Ne'er ranged in a forest, or smoked in a platter.


8. Critiqu'd your wine, and analyz'd your meat, Yet on plain pudding deign'd at home to eat.

POPE'S Moral Essays.

9. The tankards foam; and the strong table groans
Beneath the smoking sirloin, stretch'd immense
From side to side, in which, with desperate knife,
They deep incisions make.


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