CHURCHILL. 5. Who's in or out, who moves the grand machine, POPULARITY. - (See APPLAUSE.) PORTRAIT. - (See PAINTING.) POVERTY.- (See INDIGENCE.) POWER.- (See GREATNESS.) PRAISE. - (See FLATTERY.) PRAYER - RELIGION - VIRTUE. 1. How far the little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world. 2. Had I but serv'd my God with half the zeal I serv'd my king, he would not, in mine age, Have left me to mine enemies. SHAKSPEARE. SHAKSPEARE. 3. Each must, in virtue, strive for to excel; HERRICK. 456 PRAYER-RELIGION – VIRTUE. 4. Shall ignorance of good and ill 5. GAY's Fables. His pure thoughts were borne 6. For blessings ever wait on virtuous deeds, And though a late, a sure reward succeeds. CONGREVE. CONGREVE'S Mourning Bride. 7. Virtue may be assail'd, but never hurt; Surpris'd by unjust force, but not enthrall'd; MILTON'S Comus. 8. Then to be good is to be happy; angels 9. He patient show'd us the wise course to steer, 10. ROWE. TICKELL, on the Death of Addison. Sure the last end Of the good man is peace! - how calm his exit! BLAIR'S Grave. 11. What nothing earthly gives or can destroy, POPE'S Essay on Man. 12. Know then this truth, (enough for man to know,) Virtue alone is happiness below. POPE'S Essay on Man. 13. She points the arduous height where glory lies, And teaches mad ambition to be wise. 14. Beside the bed where parting life was laid, 15. Virtue on herself relying, POPE. GOLDSMITH'S Deserted Village. Every passion hush'd to rest, 16. Virtue in itself commands its happiness, Of every outward object independent. GOLDSMITH. Stands like the sun, and all which rolls around 18. And let not this seem strange; the devotee 19. - While he lives, FRANCIS. BYRON. BYRON'S Island. To know no bliss but that which virtue gives; MOORE'S Lalla Rookh. 458 PREFERMENT-PRESS - PRESUMPTION. 20. Count life by virtues - these will last MRS. S. J. HALE. PREFERMENT. 1. For places in the court are but like beds WEBSTER. 2. 'Tis the curse of service; Preferment goes by letter and affection, That springs from sin and lust, shoots quickly up, PRESS.- (See Books.) PRESUMPTION. 1. I was indeed delirious in my heart, MIDDLETON. BYRON. 2. If 't is presumption for a wretch condemn'd To throw himself beneath his judges' feet, A boldness more than this I never knew. DRYDEN. 3. But think not, because at your words I ne'er frown, J. T. WATSON. PRIDE - VANITY. 1. Man, proud man, Dress'd in a little brief authority, SHAKSPEARE. 2. One whom the music of his own vain tongue Doth ravish, like enchanting harmony. SHAKSPEARE. 3. Of all the causes which conspire to blind Man's erring judgment, and mislead the mind, What the weak head with strongest bias rules, Is Pride - that never-failing vice of fools. 4. Here beggar pride defrauds her daily cheer, To boast one splendid banquet once a year. POPE'S Essay on Criticism. GOLDSMITH's Traveller. 5. Here vanity assumes her pert grimace. GOLDSMITH's Traveller. 6. Though the rock of my last hope is shiver'd, Though I feel that my soul is deliver'd BYRON. |