480 SCIENCE - SENSITIVENESS, &c. 3. Delightful task, to rear the tender thought, THOMSON'S Seasons. 4. Oh! ye who teach the ingenious youth of nations, BYRON'S Don Juan. SCIENCE.-(See EDUCATION.) SEA.- (See OCEAN.) SEASONS.- (See AUTUMN.) SECRESY. - (See CONCEALMENT.) SELF.- (See EGOTISM.) SENSES. - (See INSTINCT.) SENSIBILITY. - (See FEELING.) SENSITIVENESS. 1. Where glow exalted sense and taste refin'd, HANNAH MORE. 2. Dearly bought, the hidden treasure Chords that vibrate sweetest pleasure, 3. Upon my lute there is one string SEPARATION. - (See ABSENCE.) SERVILITY - SLAVERY. 1. And crook the pregnant hinges of the knee, Where thrift may follow fawning. To hurl the rooted mountain from its base, BURNS. SHAKSPEARE. SOUTHEY. 3. I would not imitate the petty thought, 4. And thus they plod in sluggish misery, To a new race of unborn slaves. BYRON. BYRON'S Childe Harold. SHAME. (See RIDICULE.) SHIP.-(See SAILING.) Thou wert ere nature's self began to be; 4. The tongue mov'd gently first, and speech was low, 5. There is a silence which hath been no sound; There is a silence which no sound may be In the cold grave. 6. She feels her inmost soul within her stir POPE. POPE. THOMAS HOOD. With thoughts too wild and passionate to speak; MRS. AMELIA B. WELBY. 7. 'T was night: All nature, far and wide, SIMPLICITY. 1. Fair nature's sweet simplicity, With elegance refin'd. J. T. WATSON. LORD LYTTLETON. 2. Beautiful one! thy look and tone Like light from heaven, thy magic glance - 1. What peremptory, eagle-sighted eye 2. To splendour only do we live? SHAKSPEARE. CARTWRIGHT. 3. Can wealth give happiness? look round and see, SPRING.- (See AUTUMN.) SPORTS.- (See FISHING.) STARS.-(See MOON.) YOUNG. |