STATESMAN. 1. A statesman, that can side with every faction, And yet most subtly can entwist himself, 2. When he hath wrought the business up to danger. Forbear, you things That stand upon the pinnacles of state, SHIRLEY. BEN JONSON. 3. Thus the court wheel goes round, like fortune's ball; 4. One statesman rising on another's fall. With grave Aspect he rose, and in his rising seem'd A pillar of state: deep on his front engraven R. BROME. MILTON'S Paradise Lost. STATION. - (See ANCESTRY.) STORM. - (See CLOUDS.) STUBBORNNESS. - (See OBSTINACY.) STYLE.- (See CRITICISM.) SUCCESS. 1. Had I miscarried, I had been a villain; HIGGONS. 2. 'T is not in mortals to command success; But we'll do more, Sempronius we 'll deserve it. 3. It is success that colours all in life; ADDISON'S Cato. Success makes fools admir'd, makes villains honest. All the proud virtue of this vaunting world THOMSON. 4. Applause Waits on success; the fickle multitude, Like the light straw that floats along the stream, FRANKLIN. 5. But who shall tax successful villany, Or call the rising traitor to account ? HAVARD. 1. SUICIDE. The dread of something after death, Than fly to others, that we know not of. 2. Oh! that this too, too solid flesh would melt, SHAKSPEARE. SHAKSPEARE. From this world's ills, that, at the very worst, BLAIR'S Grave. 4. Fear, guilt, despair, and moon-struck frenzy, rush 5. To cut his throat a brave man scorns; his corns. FENTON. BUTLER'S Hudibras. 6. He with delirious laugh the dagger hurl'd, 7. And burst the ties that bound him to this world. CAMPBELL's Pleasures of Hope. I mean not That poor-soul'd piece of heroism, self-slaughter; SUMMER.- (See AUTUMN.) SUN.- (See MOON.) G. DARLEY. SUPERIORITY.- (See EQUALITY.) SUPERSTITION. - (See Ghost.) SURFEIT.- (See SATIETY.) SURPRISE. - (See ASTONISHMENT.) SUSPENSE. - (See EXPECTATION.) SUSPICION. - (See JEALOUSY.) SYCOPHANT. - (See FLATTERY.) 488 SYMPATHY - TASTE, &c. SYMPATHY. 1. Kindness by secret sympathy is tied, 2. Shame on those breasts of stone, that cannot melt 3. Oh! ask not, hope thou not too much Few are the hearts whence one same touch DRYDEN. AARON HILL. MRS. HEMANS. 4. There's nought in this bad world like sympathy; BYRON'S Don Juan. 5. I know thee not - and yet our spirits seem MRS. AMELIA B. WELBY. 6. I know thee not - I never heard thy voice; Yet, could I choose a friend from all mankind, MRS. AMELIA B. WELBY. TASTE.-(See STYLE.) TEACHER.- (See SCHOOL.) TEARS. - (See GRIEF.) TEMPER.- (See ANGER.) TEMPERANCE. - (See DRINKING.) TEMPTATION. 1. What war so cruel, or what siege so sore, As that which strong temptation doth apply Against the fort of reason evermore, SPENSER'S Fairy Queen. 2. Think not that fear is sacred to the storm; Stand on thy guard against the smiles of fate. Its favours here are trials, not rewards. YOUNG'S Night Thoughts. 3. But Satan now is wiser than of yore, 4. There are crimes, Made venial by the occasion, and temptations, 5. It reign'd in Eden in that heavy hour When the arch tempter sought our mother's bower, POPE. BYRON. SPRAGUE'S Curiosity. SPRAGUE'S Curiosity. 6. There the fair tree in fatal beauty grew, THEATRE. - (See ACTOR.) THIEVES. - (See DISHONESTY.) |