490 THIRST-THOUGHT - TIME. THIRST. 1. That panting thirst, which scorches in the breath BYRON'S Lara. 2. The incessant fever of that arid thirst BYRON'S Island. 3. A small glass, and thirsty ! be sure never ask it; Man might as well serve up his soup in a basket. LEIGH HUNT - From the Italian. THOUGHT. - (See MIND.) TIME. 1. Time doth transfix the flourish set on youth, And delves the parallels in beauty's brow; Feeds on the rarities of nature's truth, And nothing stands but for his scythe to mow. SHAKSPEARE. 2. The greatest schemes that human wit can forge, 3. Think we, or think we not, Time hurries on ROWE. BLAIR'S Grave. 4. The bell strikes one. We take no note of time But from its loss. Is wise in man. To give it then a tongue, It is the knell of my departing hours: Where are they? With the years beyond the flood. YOUNG'S Night Thoughts. 5. Oh Time! thou beautifier of the dead, Adorner of the ruin - comforter 6. And only healer when the heart hath bled Time! the corrector when our judgments err, BYRON'S Childe Harold. Years steal Fire from the mind, as vigour from the limb. 9. Time, the tomb-builder, holds his fierce career, G. D. PRENTICE. 10. Compar'd with thee, even centuries in their might MRS. AMELIA B. WELBY. 492 TIMIDITY - TITLES – TOKEN. 11. While systems change, and suns retire, and worlds Slumber and wake - Time's ceaseless march proceeds. H. WARE. 1. TIMIDITY. Nor less was she in heart affected, But that she masked it with modesty, For fear she should of lightness be detected. 2. How long must I conceal SPENSER'S Fairy Queen. What yet my heart could wish were known? How long the truest passion feel, And yet that passion fear to own? 3. Hard is the fate of him who loves, Yet dares not tell his trembling pain. CARTWRIGHT. 4. The half-suppress'd glance of an eye admiring, TITLES.-(See ANCESTRY.) THOMSON. ELLIOT. TOKEN. 1. Accept of this; and could I add beside LYTTLETON. 2. She knew whose hand had gather'd them; she knew Whose sigh and touch were on their scent and hue. PICKERSGILL. 3. All the token-flowers that tell What words can never speak so well. 4. As a slight token of esteem, But soon these fragile flowers will fade And wither - 't is their doom: May you, unlike them, be array'd BYRON. J. T. WATSON. TORTURE. - (See CRUELTY.) TOWN AND COUNTRY. - (See RURAL SCENES.) TRANSPORT. - (See ECSTASY.) TRAVELLER. 1. Me other cares in other climes engage, Cares that become my birth, and suit my age; LYTTLETON. 2. Returning, he proclaims by many a grace, COWPER'S Progress of Error. |