50 APPETITE - DINNER - HUNGER, &c. 10. Their various cares in one great point combine, The business of their lives that is, to dine. YOUNG's Love of Fame. 11. The turnpike road to people's hearts, I find, Lies thro' their mouths, or I mistake mankind. DR. WOLCOT's Peter Pindar. 12. Behold! his breakfasts shine with reputation; His dinners are the wonder of the nation! With these he treats both commoners and quality, Who praise, where'er they go, his hospitality. DR. WOLCOT's Peter Pindar. 13. Dire was the clang of plates, of knife and fork, That merciless fell, like tomahawks, to work! DR. WOLCOT's Peter Pindar. 14. Famish'd people must be slowly nurst, And fed by spoonfuls, else they always burst. BYRON'S Don Juan. 15. Besides, I'm hungry, and just now would take, Like Esau, for my birthright a beef-steak. BYRON'S Don Juan. 16. And when he look'd upon his watch again, BYRON'S Don Juan. 17. Nothing's more sure at moments to take hold BYRON's Don Juan. 18. When dinner has oppress'd me, I think it is perhaps the gloomiest hour BYRON'S Don Juan. 19. He fell upon whate'er was offer'd-like A priest, a shark, an alderman, or pike. 20. But man is a carnivorous production, 21. BYRON'S Don Juan. And must have meat, at least one meal a day; BYRON'S Don Juan. -All human history attests BYRON'S Don Juan. 22. The big round dumpling rolling from the pot. D. HUMPHREYS. 23. The same stale viands serv'd up o'er and o'er, The stomach nauseate. WYNNE'S Ovid. APPLAUSE - POPULARITY. 1. Cries out upon abuses, seems to weep 2. O, he sits high in all the people's hearts; 3. O breath of public praise, SHAKSPEARE. SHAKSPEARE. Short-liv'd and vain! oft gain'd without desert, HAVARD. 52 APPLAUSE-POPULARITY. 4. Who most to shun or hate mankind pretend, POPE'S Essay on Man. 5. He spoke, and bow'd; with muttering jaws The wondering circle grinn'd applause. 6. The noisy praise GAY's Fables. 7. Some shout him, and some hang upon his ear, DRYDEN. COWPER'S Task. 8. Oh popular applause! what heart of man COWPER'S Task. 9. In murmur'd pity, or loud-roar'd applause. BYRON'S Childe Harold. 10. What if the popular breath should damn the sun DAWES' Athenia. ARCHITECTURE, &c. - ARGUMENT, &c. ARCHITECTURE - BUILDING. 1. The princely dome, the column and the arch, 2. The sculptur'd marble, and the breathing gold. Here the architect Did not with curious skill a pile erect And coldly entertain his sight; but clear AKENSIDE. And cheerful flames cherish and warm him here. 3. Windows and doors in nameless sculpture drest, 4. CAREW. BURNS. The high embower'd roof, With antique pillars, massy proof, 1. ARGUMENT - SOPHISTRY. But this juggler Would think to chain my judgment, as mine eyes, MILTON. MILTON'S Comus. 53 54 ARGUMENT - SOPHISTRY. 2. Enjoy thy gay wit and false rhetoric, 3. Reproachful speech from either side 4. Dogmatic jargon learnt by heart, MILTON'S Comus. GAY's Fables. GAY's Fables. 5. He'd undertake to prove, by force BUTLER'S Hudibras. 6. A man convinc'd against his will, Is of the same opinion still. BUTLER'S Hudibras. 7. Now with fine phrase, and foppery of tongue, YOUNG. 8. In subtle sophistry's laborious forge. YOUNG. 9. False eloquence, like the prismatic glass, 4 |