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General Remarks on the Canadian Insurrection-Historical Notice of the
Grievances of Lower Canada ) Nature of the Disputes concerning the
appropriation of the Revenue-Duties of 1774-" Permanent Appro-
priation"-Casual and Territorial Revenues-Law of Property-Tenures
-Report of the Commons Committee of 1828 - Conciliatory Policy of
the British Government--Surrender of the Duties of 1774-Factious
Conduct of the House of Assembly-Sir Francis Head's publication of
his Instructions-Crisis-Progress of the Insurrection in Lower
Canada-Conflicts at St. Denis and St. Charles-Revolt suppressed
South of the St. Lawrence-Sir John Colborne crosses the Ottawa-
Defeat of the Rebels at St. Eustache-Surrender and Burning of St.
Benoît-Termination of the Insurrection-State of Public Feeling in
the United States-Upper Canada—Mr. Mackenzie's Proclamations-
Policy of Sir F. Head-Outbreak near Toronto-Flight of Mackenzie
-Seizure of Navy Island-Affair of the Caroline-Aggressive Conduct
of Citizens of the United States-Opening of the Session-Evacuation
of Navy Island-Patriots successively defeated near Kingston, at Fight-
ing Island, and at Point Pelé Island-Conduct of the American Author-
ties-Sir Francis Head resigns the Government-Addresses from the
Two Houses-Prorogation of the Local Parliament-Report of the
Committee of the Assembly
Parliament re-assembles-Debates on Canada-Address to the Throne
moved by Lord John Russell, who states the intentions of Government
to send out Lord Durham-Mr. Hume and Mr. Grote oppose the
Address-Sir R. Peel-Lord Howick-Mr. Buller-Mr. Leader moves
Adjournment-Division thereon-Lord John Russell brings in the Bill
for suspending the Lower Canadian Constitution-Mr. Warburton-Sir
Husse Vivian-Mr. Hume's Eulogy on Mr. Mackenzie-Sir George
Grey-Sir Robert Peel's Criticism of the Bill-Lord John Russell's
Explanation-Mr. Grote's Notice respecting Mr. Roebuck-House of
Lords-Duke of Wellington-Lord Glenelg moves Address to Queen
-Lord Brougham's Attack on Ministers-Lord Melbourne-Duke of
Wellington-Lord Ripon-Lord Lansdowne-Lord Durham declares
his Views-Lord Glenelg's Reply to Lord Broughamn
Debates on Canada continued-Discussion as to hearing Mr. Roebuck-
His Speech-Mr. Hume moves that the Bill be read that day six
months-Sir G. Grey-Lord Francis Egerton's comments on the Des-
patches-Mr. Leader-Mr. Pakington's Appeal in favour of the Church
of England in Lower Canada-Sir W. Molesworth-Mr. E. L. Bulwer
warmly supports Ministers, and attacks the Radicals-Rebuked by Mr.
Grote Sir E. Sugden-Mr. Labouchere-Mr. Gladstone-The Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer-Sir Robert Peel-Lord John Russell's De-
fence of his Measure--Division-" Verbal Amendments" in the Bill—
Their important Character-Mr. Warburton's Speech--Mr. E. Ellice
interposes on behalf of Ministers-Discussion concerning the Preamble
of the Bill-Ministers abandon the Preamble-Sir Robert Peel's
Triumph-He attacks the Instructions-Mr. Harvey ridicules the Mi-
nisters-Lord Howick-Mr. Hume compliments Lord Howick-Dis-
cussion on the restrictive Clause of the Bill-Sir W. Follett's Amend-
ment-Bill read a third time-Debates in the House of Lords on the
Bill-Lord Brougham and Lord Melbourne-Apology for Sir Francis
Head-Mr. Roebuck heard at the Bar-Lord Ellenborough and Lord
Fitzwilliam oppose the Bill-Bill passes the Lords -Protests-Sub-
stance of the Bill
State of the Law on Controverted Elections-Election Committees—
Question of Opening the Irish Registry-Mr. C. Buller's Bill for the
Purpose of Amending the System-Mr. O'Connell's Scheme-Mr. Bul-
ler's Bill Read a Second Time-Course pursued by Lord John Russell
with respect to Election Petitions Spottiswoode Fund-Mr. W. S
O'Brien's Petition-Sir Francis Burdett-Mr. Blewitt's Resolutions-
Speaker's Threat to Resign in consequence of the Disorderly Conduct
of the House-Debate on Mr. W. S. O'Brien's Motion to referi
Petition to a Select Committee-Mr. Harvey's Amendment-Sir W.
Follett-The Attorney General-Mr. O'Connell-Sir F. Burdett-Lord
John Russell-Sir R. Peel's Defence of Sir F. Burdett-Lord Maid-
stone's Motion against Mr. O'Connell-Lord John Russell's Notice of
Motion Against the Bishop of Exeter-Debates and Successive Divi-
sions on Lord Maidstone's Motion-Mr. O'Connell Reprimanded by
the Speaker-Mr. Poulter's Affair-Mr. Poulter appears at the Bar-
Sir R. Peel's Plan for Amending the Election Committees-Freemen
and Parliamentary Electors Bill-Mr. T. Duncombe's Amendment-
Bill passes the Commons, and is lost in the House of Lords-Free-
men's Relief Bill-Mr. Grote's Motion for the Ballot-Course taken
by Government-Remarks on the Division-Rejection of Mr. Slaney's
Bill for the Protection of Voters-Opinions of Lord Melbourne, the
Duke of Wellington, and Lord Brougham, on the Ballot-Parliamentary
Qualification Bill
Sir William Molesworth's Motion against Lord Glenelg Lord Palmerston
defends the Colonial Secretary-Lord Sandon's Amendment-Lord
Stanley's Attack on Lord Palmerston-Mr. Warburton's Disapproba-
tion of the Motion-Sir George Grey-The Chancellor of the Exche-
quer-Sir Robert Peel's taunting Speech-Lord John Russell-Sir W.
Molesworth withdraws his Motion-Division on the Amendment-Re-
vival of Anti-Slavery Agitation-Lord Brougham's Conduct on the
Slavery Question-Ilis Speech on the Slave Trade-Lord Glenelg's
Admissions on that Subject-Lord Brougham's Resolutions and Speech
in favour of the immediate Emancipation of the Negro Apprentices-
Lord Glenelg opposes the Resolutions-Division-Lord Brougham's
Resolutions and Speech on the Importation of Labourers to the West
Indies from the East-Orders in Council on that Subject-Lord Gle-
nelg's Explanation-Duke of Wellington's Suggestions-Division-Sir
George Strickland moves the Abolition of the Apprenticeship in the
House of Commons-Sir George Grey opposes the Motion-Dr. Lush-
ington supports it-Lord Howick's Disclosure respecting Lord Broug-
ham-Lord John Russell-Mr. Gladstone-Motion Negatived on a
Division-Sir Eardley Wilmot repeats the Motion, and carries it on a
Division-Declines to take further Steps-Abolition of Slavery Amend-
ment Bill-West India Prisons Regulation Bill
House of Lords-Lord Roden's Motion on the State of Ireland-Lord
Mulgrave's Defence-Earl of Donoughmore-Address of the Tipperary
Magistrates to the Lords Justices-Duke of Wellington-Lord Mul-
grave in Explanation-Lords Melbourne and Brougham-Debates on
Colonel Verner's Motion concerning the Battle of the Diamond, in the
House of Commons-Bishop of Exeter and the Roman Catholic Oath
-Case of the Roman Catholic Bishop of Malta-Dr. M'Hale's assump-
tion of the title of Archbishop of Tuam-Prospect of a Settlement of
the three great_Irish Questions-Declarations of the Duke of Wel-
lington and Sir Robert Peel-Debates on the Irish Poor-law Bill in the
House of Commons-Opposition of Mr. O'Connell-Lord John Rus-
sell's Speech in support of the Measure-Mr. Shaw agrees with Mr.
O'Connell-Mr. Shaw's Amendment, limiting Relief to the Aged, Im-
potent, &c.-Messrs. O'Brien, Lucas, Redington, Litton, Barron, and
Young, support the Bill-Mr. O. Gore, Mr. Gibson, and Sir F. Trench
oppose it-Division in favour of the Bill-House in Committee-Lord
Clements-Sir E. Sugden-Sir F. Burdett-Division on the First
Clause-Mr. Shaw's Amendment to the 35th Clause-Lord Morpeth-
Colonel Conolly-Mr. Wrightson-Mr. O'Connell supports the Amend-
ment-Division-Remarks on Mr. O'Connell's conduct with respect to
the Bill-Unpopularity of the Measure in Ireland-Bill read a third
time-Negotiations between Sir R. Peel and Lord John Russell, with
respect to the Irish Questions-Declarations of the Parties
Dinner given to Sir Robert Peel by the Conservative Members of the
House of Commons-His Speech, describing his Policy as a Leader of
Opposition-Sir Thomas Acland's Motion for the Repeal of the Appro-
priation Clause-Lord John Russell opposes it-Ministerial Plan for
settling the Tithe Question-Lord Stanley-Lord Morpeth-Adjourned
Debate-Mr. Ward-Mr. Shaw-Mr. O'Connell-Disorder occasioned
by his Speech-Sir Robert Peel-Sir Thomas Acland's Motion nega-
tived on a Division-Sir Robert Peel declares his intentions with respect
to the Irish Questions-Lord John Russell-House in Committee upon
the Irish Municipal Bill-Debate on the mode of taking the Value of
the Qualification-Meeting of the Whig Party at the Foreign Office -
Division on the Franchise Clause-Division on the Third Reading-
Debates in the House of Lords on the Bill-Lord Lyndhurst's Amend-
ment to the Franchise Clause-Bill read a Third Time as amended—
Amendments altered in the House of Commons-Conference between
the Two Houses-Lords' Amendments finally rejected by the Commons
The Bishop of Exeter's three Resolutions on the subject of Irish Edu-
cation-Duke of Wellington's opinion on the subject-Debate and
Division-Sir Samuel Whalley, the Member for Marylebone, unseated
for want of Qualification-Four Candidates-Lord Nugent retires
Rivalry between Colonel Thompson and Mr. Ewart-Lord Teignmouth
Preparations for the Coronation-Lord Londonderry's Dissatisfaction-
Discussions in the House of Lords-Lord Fitzwilliam's Opinion of the
Ceremony Marquess of Salisbury Lord Londonderry Lord
Brougham-Coronation-Exemplary conduct of the Populace-Mar-
shal Soult's Popularity-City Banquet-Expences of the Coronation-
Debate in the House of Commons on the Tithe resolutions - Mr.
Ward's attack on Ministers for abandoning the Appropriation Clause--
Lord Morpeth-Mr. Hume-Mr. O'Connell-Mr. Harvey-Mr. Shaw's
Amendment, that the proposed Deduction shall be 25 per cent. instead
of 30 per cent., carried-Lord Howick's anticipations of the results of
the Bill-Million Loan-Settlement of the Arrears--Proposals of Sir
R. Peel and Lord John Russell on this Subject-Debates on the third
Reading Mr. D. Brown moves that the Bill be read that Day six
Months-Lord Ebrington's strong Declaration against the Irish Church
Establishment-Sir Robert Peel states his readiness to support Church
Reform in Ireland-Mr. O'Connell's Opinion of the Bill-Mr. Grote
charges the Ministers with Tergiversation-Lord John Russell-Divi-
sion-Bill passes-Lord Melbourne introduces the Bill in the House
of Lords-Lord Brougham's Observations on the Abandonment of the
Appropriation Principle-Bill passes the Lords-Debate on Grant to
Maynooth College-Lord Morpeth's Remarks on "Froude's Remains"
-Mr. Gladstone's Vindication of the University of Oxford-Debates on
the Irish Poor-law Bill in the House of Lords-Lord Fitzwilliam-
Duke of Wellington supports the Bill-Lord Lyndhurst's Speech
against it-Lord Radnor-Lord Devon-Lord Brougham-Marquess of
Lansdowne-Division on second Reading-Amendments in Committee
-Division on Lord Fitzgerald's Amendment-Bill passes the House of
Lords- Debate on the Malta Commission-Lord Ripon-Lord Glenelg
-Duke of Wellington-Projected Formation of a Colony in New
Zealand-Mr. F. Baring brings in a Bill for the Purpose of sanctioning
the Scheme Opposed by Government-Mr. Hawes and Mr. Ward
complain of a Breach of Faith on the Part of Ministers-Lord Howick's
Vindication of his Conduct-Sir R. Inglis and Mr. W. Gladstone speak
against the Bill, which is also opposed by Sir W. James-Mr. Goul-
burn, Mr. Pease, and Lord Sandon, object to its Details-Bill lost-
Attempt to persuade the House of Commons to reconsider its Decision
with respect to the Site of the New Houses of Parliament-Colonel
Davies moves for a Select Committee-Is supported by Mr. Mackinnon
and Mr. Hume-Sir Robert Peel defends the present Site-Discussion
on the Subject generally-Motion negatived [134
Remarks on the Policy of the Government in respect to Spain-Colonel
Evans appointed a Knight Commander of the Bath-Lord Palmerston's
Reply to enquiries made upon the subject-Sir De Lacy Evans's Speech