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Zion the the pure whose hearts are clean
And defiling pow'r of sin ;

dless pleasure they shall see

2. Bul of spotless purity,

ss'd are the men of peaceful life,
Who quench the coals of growing strife;
They shall be call'd the heirs of bliss,
The sons of God, as sons of peace.
8. Bless'd are, the suff'rers who partake
Of pain and shame for Jesus' sake;
Their souls shall triumph in the Lord.
Glory and joy are their reward.

Hymn 335. L. M.

1. ORD, how secure and blest are they Who feel the joys of pardon'd sin!

Should storms of wrath shake earth and sea,
Their minds have heav'n and peace within.
2. The day glides swiftly o'er their heads,
Made up of innocence and love;
And soft and silent as the shades
Their nightly minutes gently move.
2. They scorn to seek our golden toys,
But spend the day, and share the night,
In numb'ring o'er the richer joys
Which heav'n prepares for their delight.
4. Whilst wretched, we like worms and moles
Lie grov❜ling in the dust below.

Almighty grace renew our souls,
And we'll aspire to glory too.



Hymn 336. c. M.

ALVATION, O the joyful sound!
'Tis pleasure to our ears;

A sov'reign balm for ev'ry wound,
A cordial for our fears.

2. Buried in sorrow and in sin,
At hell's dark door we lays
But we arise by grace divine,
To see a heav'nly day.

3. Salvation! let the echo fly

The spacious earth around;
While all the armies of the sky
Conspire to raise the sound.

Hymn 337. s. M.

Rejoicing in the ways of God. Psalm. cxxxviii. 5.

I. OW let our voices join


To form a sacred song;

Ye pilgrims in Jehovah's ways
With music pass along.

2. How straight the path appears!
How open and how fair!
No lurking gins t' entrap our feet;
No fierce destroyer there.

3. But flow'rs of Paradise

In rich profusion spring;
The sun of glory gilds the path,
And dear companions sing.

4. See Salem's golden spires

In beauteous prospect rise;
And brighter crowns than mortals wear,
Which sparkle thro' the skies.

5. All honour to his Name,

Who marks the shining way;

To him who leads the wanderers on
To realms of endless day.



Hymn 338. c. M.

"HEN I can read my title clear
To mansions in the skies,

I bid farewell to ev'ry fear,

And wipe my weeping eyes.

2. Should earth against my soul engage,
And hellish darts be hurl'd,
Then I can smile at satan's rage,
And face a frowning world.

3. Let cares like a wild deluge come,
And storms of sorrow fall;

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May I but safely reach my home,
My God, my heav'n, my all.

4. There shall I bathe my weary soul
In seas of heav'nly rest;
And not a wave of trouble roll
Across my peaceful breast.

Hymn 339. L. M.

The beneficence of Christ for our imitation. Acts. x. 38.


WHEN Jesus dwelt in mortal clay,

What were his works from day to day, But miracles of pow'r and grace,

Which spread salvation through our race?
2. Teach us, O Lord, to keep in view
Thy pattern, and thy steps pursue;
Let alms bestow'd, let kindness done,
Be witness'd by each rolling sun.

3. That man may last, but never lives,
Who much receives, but nothing gives,
Whom none can love, whom none can thank;
Creation's blot, creation's blank.

4. But he, who marks from day to day,
In gen❜rous acts his radiant way,
Treads the same path his Saviour trod,
The path to glory and to God.



Hymn 340. c. M.

1.ORD, thou wilt hear me when I pray ;
I am for ever thine;

I fear before thee all the day, `
Nor would I dare to sin.

2. And whilst I rest my weary head,
From cares and bus'ness free, ́
'Tis sweet conversing on my bed
With my own heart and thee.

3. I pay this ev'ning sacrifice:

And when my work is done,
Great God! my faith and hope relies
Upon thy grace alone.

4. Thus, with my thoughts compos'd to peace,
I'll give mine eyes to sleep;
Thy hand in safety keeps my days,,
And will my slumbers keep.

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Hymn 341. L. M.

Self-examination. Gal. iv. 19, 20.
HAT strange perplexities arise?
What anxious fears and jealousies!
What crowds in doubtful light appear?
How few, alas, approv'd and clear!
2. And what am I?-My soul, awake,
And an impartial survey take:
Does no dark sign, no ground of fear,
In practice, or in heart appear
3. What image does my spirit bear?
Is Jesus form'd, and living there?


Say, do his liniaments divine

In thought, and word, and action shine?
4. Searcher of hearts, O search me still;
The secrets of my soul reveal;
My fears remove, let me appear
To God, and my own conscience clear.


Hymn 342. L. M.

Family religion. Gen. xviii. 19.
ATHER of all, thy care we bless,
Which crowns our families with
From thee they spring, and by thy hand
They have been, and are still sustain'd.
2. To God, most worthy to be prais'd,
Be our domestic altars rais'd;'

Who, Lord of heaven, scorns not to dwell
With saints in their obscurest cell.
3. To thee may each united house,
Morning and night, present its vows;
Our servants there, and rising race
Be taught thy precepts, and thy grace.
4. O may each future age proclaim
The honours of thy glorious name;
While, pleas'd and thankful, we remove
To join the family above,


Hymn 343. s. M.

CREATE my soul anew,

Else all my worship's vain ;.

This wretched heart will ne'er prove true, "Till it be form'd again.

2. Descend, celestial fire,

And seize me from above !
Wrap me in flames of pure desire,
A sacrifice of love.

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