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and doubtless ought to have the fame interpretation in this paragraph. This another of the brothers difliked, because of that epithet filver, which could not, he humbly conceived, in propriety of fpee h be reasonably applied to a broom-ftick: but it was replied upon him, that this epithet was understood in a mythological and allegorical fenfe. However, he objected again, why their father should forbid them to wear a broom-flick on their coats, a caution that feemed unnatural and impertinent; upon which he was taken up short, as one that spoke irreverently of a mystery, which doubtless was very useful and fignificant, but ought not to be over-curiously pried into, or nicely reasoned upon. And in fhort, their father's authority being now confiderably funk, this expedient was allowed to ferve as a lawful difpenfation for wearing their full proportion of filver fringe.

A while after was revived an old fashion, long antiquated, of embroidery with Indian figures of men, women, and

The images of faints, the bleffed virgin, and our Saviour

an infant.

Ibid. Images in the church

of Rome give him but too fair a handle, the brothers remem bered, &c. The allegory here is direct. W. Wotton. O 2


children. Here they remembered but too well, how their father had always abhorred this fashion; that he made feveral paragraphs on purpose, importing his utter deteftation of it, and bestowing his everlasting curfe to his fons, whenever they should wear it. For all this, in a few days they appeared higher in the fashion than any body else in the town. But they folved the matter by faying, that these figures were not at all the fame with those, that were formerly worn, and were meant in the will. Befides, they did not wear them in the fense, as forbidden by their father; but as they were a commendable custom, and of great use to the public: That these rigorous claufes in the will did therefore require fome allowance, and a favourable interpretation, and ought to be understood cum grano falis.

But fashions perpetually altering in that age, the scholastic brother grew weary of fearching farther evafions, and folving everlasting contradictions. Resolved therefore at all hazards to comply with the modes of the world, they concerted matters together, and agreed unanimously to


lock up their father's will in a frong box, brought out of Greece or Italy, I have forgotten which, and trouble themfelves no farther to examine it, but only refer to its authority whenever they thought fit. In confequence whereof, a while after it grew a general mode to wear an infinite number of points, most of them tagged with filver: upon which, the scholar pronounced ex cathedra, that points were absolutely jure paterno, as they might very well remember. It is true indeed, the fashion prescribed fomewhat more than were directly named in the will; however, that they, as heirs general of their father, had power to make and had certain claufes for public emolument, though not dedu

The papifts formerly forbad the people the ufe of fcripture in a vulgar tongue, Peter therefore locks up his father's will in aftrong box, brought out of Greece or Italy: thefe countries are named, because the New Teftament is written in Greek; and the vulgar Latin, which is the authentic edition of the bible in the church of Rome, is in the language of old Italy. W. Wotton.

The popes, in their de

cretals and bulls, have given their fanction to very many gainful doctrines, which are now received in the church of Rome, that are not mentioned in fcripture, and are unknown to the primitive church: Peter, accordingly, pronounces cathedra, that points tagged with filver were abfolutely jure paterno; and fo they wore them in great numbers. W. Wotton.




cible, totidem verbis, from the letter of the will, or else multa abfurda fequerentur. This was underftood for canonical, and therefore on the following Sunday they came to church all covered with points.


The learned brother so often mentioned was reckoned the best scholar in all that, or the next street to it; infomuch as, having run something behind-hand in the world, he obtained the favour of a certain lord, to receive him into his house, and to teach his children. A while after the lord died, and he, by long practice of his father's will, found the way of contriving a deed of conveyance of that house to himself, and his heirs : upon which he took poffeffion, turned the young fquires out, and received his brothers in their ftead*.

This was Conftantine the Great; from whom the popes pretend a donation of St. Peter's patrimony, which they have been never able to produce.

* lbid. The bishops of Roms enjoyed their privileges in Rome at firft by the favour of emperors, whom at last they

fhut out of their own capital city, and then forged a donation from Conftantine the Great, the better to juftify what they did. In imitation of this, Peter, having run fomething behind hand in the world, obtained leave of a certain lord, &c. W. Wotton.




A digreffion concerning critics.

LTHOUGH I have been hitherto as cautious as I could, upon all occafions, most nicely to follow the rules and methods of writing laid down by the example of our illuftrious moderns; yet has the unhappy fhortness of my memory led me into an error, from which I must extricate myfelf, before I can decently. purfue my principal fubject. I confefs with fhame, it was an unpardonable omiffion to proceed fo far as I have already done, before I had performed the due discourses, expoftulatory, fupplicatory, or deprecatory, with my good lords the critics. wards fome atonement for this grievous neglect, I do here make humbly bold to present them with a fhort account of themfelves and their art, by looking into the original and pedigree of the word, as it is generally understood among us, and very briefly considering the antient and present ftate thereof.


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