OF THE LIFE OF THE RIGHT HON. WILLIAM PITT, EARL OF CHATHAM. AND OF THE PRINCIPAL EVENTS OF HIS TIME. WITH HIS SPEECHES IN PARLIAMENT, FROM THE YEAR 1736 TO THE YEAR 1778. PRINTED FOR L. B. SEÉLEY, No. 56, PATERNOSTER-ROW. The following Letter was fent, to the Right « MADAM, ( COPY.) Herts, December 5, 1791. "I beg your Ladyfhip's pardon for trefpaffing upon your retirement. It is to folicit, Madam. the honour of your acceptance of thefe Volumes, Although they contain but a weak, yet it is a wellintended effort to do juftice to a great and splendid Character. "From your Lady fhip's noble Brother, the late, EARL TEMPLE, I received the most interesting part of thefe Anecdotes; his Lordfhip honoured me with his friendship and efteem many years. From the first LORD LYTTELTON, the late LORDS FORTESCU, and CARYS FORT, RIGHT HON. W. G. HAMILTON, RIGHT HON. R. RIGBY, GOVERNOR POWNAL, Mr. CALCRAFT, Mr. Rous, and a number of othe, Noblemen and Gentlemen, I received the remainder. "After much labour and expence, I now prefume to lay the work before your Ladyfhip; humbly hoping that it will be honoured with your approbation, and that I may have your Lady ship's permiffion to fubfcribe my felf "Madam, "Your most obedient, and "most humble servant, **** ***** |