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leffer Council of Twenty-three, which was in every City of Judea.

Note, Thefe were called Rulers, or Elders, or CounJellors; fuch were Nicodemus, Jofeph of Arimathea,

and Gamaliel.

Note here alfo, That in the Jewish Talmudical Books, or their fabulous Writings, on which we cannot much depend, we are told, that about this time one Sadoc miftook the Doctrine of Antigonus of Socho his Master, who taught, that we ought not to serve God in a fervile manner, merely with respect to the Reward: and inferred from hence, that there were no Rewards after this Life, and begun the Sect of the Sadducees; though it may be justly doubted whether this, and other dangerous Doctrines of this Sect, arose so early among the Jews.

10 Q. Since the Jews were difperfed into fo many Countries, did they not acquaint the Gentiles with their Religion? A. Yes; for Ptolemy Soter fet up a College of learned Men at Alexandria, in Egypt, and began a Library there; which Ptolemy Philadelphus, his youngest Son and Succeffor, improved no one hundred thousand Volumes: This Prince is reported to have commanded the Hebrew Law to be tranflated into Greek, to add to this Library of his, that the Gentiles might read it, and accordingly it was done.

Note, This College of learned Men was encouraged, and the Library increased by several Ptolemies fucceffively, till it arose to seven hundred thousand Books; both these things made Alexandria a famous Place of Refidence and Refort for learned Men for feveral Ages. It happened that the larger half of this Library was burnt by Julius Cæfar in his Alexandrian War: the other part was, by continual Recruits, enlarged to a vafter Number than the whole Library before;


Chap. XIX. but 'twas finally burnt and deftroyed by the Saracens, in the Year of our Lord 642.

IIQ. In what manner is this Tranflation reported to be made? A. Arifteas, the most ancient Writer on this Subject, and Jofephus the Hiftorian,' who follows him, acquaint us, that after this Pto-. lemy had gained the Favour of the Jews, by paying the Ranfom of a hundred thoufand of their Countrymen, who were enflaved in Egypt, he procured fix Elders, out of every Tribe of Ifrael, (which were in all Seventy-two) to come to his Court; and after a Trial of their Wisdom, by fome particular Queftion being put to each of them, he appointed them to tranflate the Law of Mofes, by conferring together about the Senfe of it, in the Ifle of Pharos: which being afterwards read to him, and approved by him, he gave them a liberal Reward. Upon this Account this Tranflation is called the Septuagint, i. e. the Tranflation of the Seventy, or Seventy-two Elders.

12 Q. But did not this Story, in following times grow much more fabulous? A. Phile the Jew, who lived about our Saviour's time, reports, that each of these Seventy-two Elders were put into a diftinct Cell, and were required to tranflate the whole Bible apart; and that they performed it fo exactly alike, Word for Word, that it was approved as Miraculous and Divine: And even feveral Fathers of the Chriftian Church, being too credulous and fond of Miracles, have received this Story, and conveyed it down in their Writings.

13 Q. How doth it appear to be a Fable? A. The great Imperfection of this Translation, discovers that it was no divine Work, nor performed by Miracle: Befides, the feveral Contradictions,


and the Uncertainties that are mingled up and down with this Story, do utterly overthrow the Credit of it.

14 Q. Upon the whole View of Things, what is the best Account of this Tranflation? A. In the Reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus there was such a Verfion made of the five Books. of Mofes by the Jews of Alexandria, into the Greek Language, probably for their own Ufe, and for the Ufe of their Countrymen: for the Jews in their Difperfions had ufed themselves to the Greek Tongue, the Conquefts of Alexander and his Grecian Army having spread their Language through the World: and when Ptolemy Philadelphus had erected fuch a noble Library, he was defirous to have this Book repofited there. Whether his Request or Command gave any Occafion to this Tranflation, is hard to determine.

15 Q. Were not the other facred Writings tranflated into Greek also, as well as the five Books of Mofes? A. When the Reading of the Prophets as well as the Law came into Ufe in the Synagogues, many Years afterwards, in the Time of Antiochus Epiphanes, this occafioned a Greek Tranflation of the Prophets to be made, and fo the whole Old Teftament was complete, which we now call the Septuagint.

16 Q Did the Jews generally come to use this Greek Tranflation of the Bible? A. In and after the time of Ezra the Scriptures were read to the Jews in Hebrew, and interpreted into the Chaldee Language, which they had learnt in Babylon, and was become most familiar to them. But at Alexandria, after the making of this Greek Verfion, it was interpreted to them in Greek, which was afterwards done alfo in all other Gre

cian Cities, whither the Jews were dispersed. And from hence thofe Jews were called Hellenifts, or Grecizing Jews, because they used the Greek Language in their Synagogues: and by that Name they were diftinguished from the Hebrew Jews, who used only the Hebrew and Chaldee Languages in their Synagogues. And this Diftinction we find made between them, A&ts vi. 1. For the Word which we there tranflate Grecians, is in the Original Envisav, i. e. Hellenists. So Dr. Prideaux.

17 Q. But did not the Evangelifts and the Apofiles, who were the Writers of the New Teftament, pay great Honour to this Greek Tranflation? A. Yes, they cited many Scriptures of the Old Teftament, according to this Tranflation, because it was the best Greek Translation they had; and it was by this Time well known amongst the Jews in Judea, as well as those who were scattered round the Nations.

18 Q. Did the Jews in Judea continue in Peace under the Government of the Kings of Egypt? A. The Succeffors of the four Generals of Alexander the Great, who divided the World amongst them, and particularly the Kings of Egypt and Syria, being frequently engaged in Wars for enlarging their Kingdoms, the Jews were reduced to very great Difficulties, and fometimes were at a lofs what fide to chufe; they were in Danger on both fides, and were fometimes diftreft and miferably grinded between the one and the other,

19 Q. Did they maintain the Purity of their Temple and Worship? A. They were often expofed to grievous Difficulties on this Account. When Ptolemy Philopator of Egypt reigned over those Provinces, he would offer up Sacrifices to the God


of Ifrael for his Success against Antiochus the Great, the Succeffor of Seleucus, King of Syria; and he was not content to stay in the outer Court, but he would have preffed into the Sanctuary, and even the Holy of Holies.

20 Q. How was he prevented from entering? A. The Priefts and the Levites, and all the People lifted up their Hands to God in Prayer, and when the King had pafled the inner Court, and was entering into the Temple, he was fmitten from God with fuch Terror and Confusion of Mind, that he was carried out of the Place halfdead.

21 Q. But did not Ptolemy refent this afterwards? A. He purpofed to be revenged on all the Jewish Nation: when he came to Alexandria he ordered them to facrifice to his Gods; and if they refused, he took away their Privileges, which they had enjoyed in Egypt from the Time of Alexander the Great: he ordered them to be enrolled among the common People of Egypt, and to have the Mark of an Ivy-leaf, the Badge of his God Bacchus, impreffed upon them by a hot Iron; and those who refused it, fhould be made Slaves, or put to death.

22 Q. What did the Jews of Alexandria do on this Occafion? A. A few of them forfook their God to gain the Favour of their King: but many thoufands ftood firm to their Religion; and though feveral of them were enrolled, and branded with the Ivy-leaf againft their Will, yet they fhewed a great Abhorrence of all their Countrymen, that facrificed to the Gods of the King.

23 Q. How did Ptolemy bear with this Conduct of theirs A. He refolved to deftroy the whole Nation of the Jews; and therefore, first he or


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