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Redeemed from Falsehood's ban, When the fetters shall be broken, And the slave shall be a man!

Joy to thy spirit, brother!
A thousand hearts are warm-
A thousand kindred bosoms
Are baring to the storm.
What though red-handed Violence
With secret Fraud combine,
The wall of fire is round us-

Our Present Help was thine!

Lo-the waking up of nations,
From Slavery's fatal sleep-
The murmur of a Universe-
Deep calling unto Deep!
Joy to thy spirit, brother!
On every wind of heaven
The onward cheer and summons
Of FREEDOM'S VOICE is given!

Glory to God forever!

Beyond the despot's will The soul of Freedom liveth

Imperishable still.

The words which thou hast uttered
Are of that soul a part,

And the good seed thou hast scattered
Is springing from the heart.

In the evil days before us,

And the trials yet to come

In the shadow of the prison,
Or the cruel martyrdom-

We will think of th

of thee, O brother!

And thy sainted name shall be

In the blessing of the captive,

And the anthem of the free.




GONE before us, O our brother,
To the spirit-land!
Vainly look we for another
In thy place to stand.
Who shall offer youth and beauty
On the wasting shrine
Of a stern and lofty duty,
With a faith like thine?

Oh! thy gentle smile of greeting
Who again shall see ?
Who amidst the solemn meeting
Gaze again on thee?-
Who, when peril gathers o'er us,
Wear so calm a brow?
Who, with evil men before us,
So serene as thou?

Early hath the spoiler found thee,
Brother of our love!

Autumn's faded earth around thee,
And its storms above!
Evermore that turf lie lightly,
And, with future showers,
O'er thy slumbers fresh and brightly
Blow the summer flowers!

In the locks thy forehead gracing,
Not a silvery streak;
Nor a line of sorrow's tracing
On thy fair young cheek;
Eyes of light and lips of roses,
Such as Hylas wore-
Over all that curtain closes,
Which shall rise no more!


Will the vigil Love is keeping
Round that grave of thine,
Mournfully, like Jazer weeping
Over Sibmah's vine 5-
Will the pleasant memories, swelling
Gentle hearts, of thee,
In the spirit's distant dwelling
All unheeded be?

If the spirit ever gazes,

From its journeyings, back;
If the immortal ever traces
O'er its mortal track;
Wilt thou not, O brother, meet us
Sometimes on our way,
And, in hours of sadness, greet us
As a spirit may?

Peace be with thee, O our brother,
In the spirit-land!
Vainly look we for another
In thy place to stand.
Unto Truth and Freedom giving
All thy early powers,
Be thy virtues with the living,
And thy spirit ours!


-"The parted spirit,

Knoweth it not our sorrow? Answereth not
Its blessing to our tears?"

THE circle is broken-one seat is forsaken, —

One bud from the tree of our friendship is


One heart from among us no longer shall thrill
With joy in our gladness, or grief in our ill.

Weep!-lonely and lowly, are slumbering now
The lig

light of her glances, the pride of her brow, Weep!-sadly and long shall we listen in vain To hear the soft tones of her welcome again.

Give our tears to the dead! For humanity's


From its silence and darkness is ever the same ; The hope of that World whose existence is


May not stifle the tears of the mourners of this.

For, oh! if one glance the freed spirit can throw On the scene of its troubled probation below, Than the pride of the marble-the pomp of the


To that glance will be dearer the tears which we shed.

Oh, who can forget the mild light of her smile, Over lips moved with music and feeling the whileThe eye's deep enchantment, dark, dream-like, and clear,

In the glow of its gladness-the shade of its tear.

And the charm of her features, while over the whole Played the hues of the heart and the sunshine of soul,And the tones of her voice, like the music which Murmured low in our ears by the Angel of dreams!


But holier and dearer our memories hold

Those treasures of feeling, more precious than

goldThe love and the kindness and pity which gave Fresh flowers for the bridal, green wreaths for the


The heart ever open to Charity's claim,
Unmoved from its purpose by censure and blame,
While vainly alike on her eye and her ear

Fell the scorn of the heartless, the jesting and jeer.

How true to our hearts was that beautiful sleeper! With smiles for the joyful, with tears for the


Yet, evermore prompt, whether mournful or gay, With warnings in love to the passing astray.

For, though spotless herself, she could sorrow for them

Who sullied with evil the spirit's pure gem;
And a sigh or a tear could the erring reprove,
And the sting of reproof was still tempered by


As a cloud of the sunset, slow melting in heaven,
As a star that is lost when the daylight is given,
As a glad dream of slumber, which wakens in bliss,
She hath passed to the world of the holy from this.


[DANIEL WHEELER, a minister of the Society of Friends, and who had labored in the cause of his Divine Master in Great Britain, Russia, and the islands of the Pacific, died in New York In the spring of 1840, while on a religious visit to this country.]

Он, dearly loved!

And worthy of our love!-No more
Thy aged form shall rise before
The hushed and waiting worshipper,
In meek obedience utterance giving
To words of truth, so fresh and living,
That, even to the inward sense,

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