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tember 10, 1812, before the battle of Borodino, to September 9, 1813, inclusive, after the battle of Dennevitz, there fell in battle, died of wounds and in army hospitals, in prison-ships and jails, and in consequence of army sicknesses, at least 800,000 men in the prime of life, the great majority of whom were between 20 and 30 years of age. Of this number the United States may come in for a share of 10 or 15 thousand. Not less than 200,000 more were maimed for life, or had their constitutions broken so as to be helpless, and, in a pecuniary point of view, worse than dead. The loss of property by the death of an able bodied man in this country, is not less than $1500. In Europe it is less nominally, but perhaps not proportionably; that is, perhaps on an avarage throughout Europe the labor of an industrious man will go as far in clothing and schooling his children, &c. &c. as in this country. Perhaps noi; we will therefore estimate the value of a man there to be half what it is here. We have, then, a result of $750,000,000 in a single year, lost to the Christian world, in consequence of the destruction of life and limbs in war. The Christian world had in arms, the last year, full three millions of men. The losses have been repaired by new enlistments and new conscriptions. The loss of the productive industry of these men, beyond what would be necessary to feed and clothe themselves, may be placed at $75 each, or $225.000,000, in the whole.

I have not yet noticed the loss of property by the derangement of business which war occasions, by the sudden depression of landed estate, by the despondency, which, in many places. prevents all exertion, &c. &c. The losses of this kind defy all computation. I merely observe, that in this country such losses have exceeded all other war expenses by more than double.

I intend to pursue this subject, by specifying some of the good purposes to which this money might be applied. Panoplist.

A. B.


Extracts from the statute Laws of the State of New-York-Chap. 34. * ·

< Be it enacted by the people of the state of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That there shall be no travelling, servile labor, or working, (works of necessity and charity excepted)

shooting, fishing, sporting, playing, horse racing, hunting, or frequenting tippling houses, or any unlawful exercises and pastimes, by any person or persons within the state, on the first day of the week, &c. And further, That if any person shall be found fishing, sporting, horseracing, hunting, gaming, or going to or from any market or landing, with carts, waggons or sleds, on the first day of the week, called Sunday, it shall be lawful for any constable or other citizen, to stop every person so offending, and to detain him or her, until the next day, and then to convey him or her to some justice of the peace, to be dealt with according to law, except in cases provided by this act,' &c.-Persons convicted of the above offences, under this statute, &c. 'shall pay the sum of twenty-five cents for every such offence."

'3. And be it further enacted, That no tavern keeper, inn-keeper, &c. shall sell or dispose of any strong or spirituous liquors, on the first day of the week, except in cases provided by this act, under the penalty of $2 50 cts. for every offence of which he is convicted,' &c.

5. That if any person shall profanely swear or curse, and be convicted thereof, shall, for every such offence, forfeit the sum of thirty seven and an half cents.' &c.

'8. That if any person shall be drunk, and be thereof convicted, &c. he shall pay for every such offence the sum of 373 cents,' &c.


THE Presbytery of Cayuga, at their meeting in February 1813, at Genoa, appointed Rev. Messrs. Hezekiah N. Woodruff, Levi Parsons, and Mr. Dan Bradley, a committee to take into consideration, and report a plan to prevent immoral practices, especially intemperance, Sabbath breaking and profane swearing. The committee reported the following resolutions, and a Constitution for the formation of Moral Societies, at the meeting of the Presbytery in August; which were approved and ordered to be printed. The committee were also directed to prepare and publish an address to the Churches and Congregations on the foregoing subjects, to accompany the following resolutions : H. N. WOODRUFF, Mcderator.

1. Resolved, That it be recommended to the Ministers of this Pres-bytery, to pay more particular attention in their public discourses to the above mentioned vices, and to lift up the warning voice against all those habits and practices which have a tendency to lead to them.

2. Resolved, That it be recommended to the Ministers of this Presbytery, and to the individual members of the Churches, to make exertions for diffusing, as much as possible, among the people of their congregations; and wherever there may be a prospect of beneficial effects, suitable tracts, addresses, and sermons, on the foregoing subjects.

3. Resolved, That it be recommended to all ministers, professors of religion, and the friends of morality, as far as practicable, to refrain from the use of ardent spirits themselves; to admit the use of them cautiously, if at all, in their public meetings, and private families, and be studious to devise ways and means for lessening, if not discontinuing the use of them among their servants and hired labor

ers, by giving greater wages, or otherwise, as experience may show, will best promote the object.

4. Resolved, That it be recommended to all the friends of morality, to unite their efforts in devising and pursuing means which may have a tendency to reduce the number of disorderly taverns and tippling houses, and prevent the illegal sale and use of ardent spirits in stores and other places.

5. Resolved, That it be recommended to the ministers and churches of the Presbytery, to be more strict in the observance of the Sabbath, to discountenance by example, and by all other prudent and legal means, unlawful travelling, especially commencing journeys on the Sabbath, or at the last of the week, with a view to an excuse for travelling on that day, and that it be recommended to the heads of families, to be more watchful over their children and domestics, to prevent them from making or receiving visits on that day, unless for charitable or religious purposes; and to the utmost of their power, to suppress all kinds of Sabbath breaking in their own families, and among their neighbors.

6. Resolved, That it be recommended to the officers and members of the churches, to encourage associations of persons of a moral and religious character, who will bind themselves to each other, and to the public, to obey the laws, and to prevent, by all lawful and prudent means, the practice and indulgence of the above mentioned vices.

7. Resolved, That the Presbytery publish an address to the publie to be accompanied with these resolutions, and to be read with said resolutions at least once a quarter, in the churches and congregations of said Presbytery.


ART. 1. THE Society shall be known by the name and style of the Moral Society of the town of and county of ART. 2. The officers of the society shall be a standing committee, a committee of correspondence, a treasurer and secretary.

ART. 3. The office of the standing committee shall be, to receive complaints, to judge of their nature, and of the best manner of attending to them, in order to promote the desired object; to administer reproof or admonition, in the name of the society, or to make presentments and prosecute offenders in a legal manner, agreeably to the statutes of this state.


ART. 4. It shall be the duty of the committee of correspondence, to correspond with committees of correspondence in like societies or. with individuals, concerning the mode of effecting the object of the society, to lay all information before the society, or their committee, for their benefit, and to communicate useful information to others.

ART. 5. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to keep the funds of the society, and to pay them out at the order of the committee.

ART. 6. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep the record of the society.

ART. 7. It shall be the duty of every individual member of the society, to reprove, rebuke, and exhort offenders, in the most plain and prudent manner; but if they persist, to complain or inform of such offenders, and endeavor to prevent such offences in others.

ART. 8. Any moral or religious character may become a member of the society on subscribing to the constitution.

ART. 9. Any member may cease to be a member after months notice to the society.

ART. 10. There shall be

stated meetings every year.

ART. 11. At each stated meeting there shall be a chairman chosen, who shall continue in office until the next stated meeting, whose duty it shall be to keep order at the meetings, and who may, with the advice of two of the members call a special meeting.

ART. 12. If any member be proved guilty of any of the above vices, he may be either admonished or expelled the society, as the nature of the case may require.

WE, the subscribers, sensible that intemperance, sabbath breaking, and profane swearing, sins highly provoking to God, defiling to our land, and destructive to our country, too generally prevail; do solemnly covenant and agree to and with each other, to use every exertion, both in our private and united capacity, by every prudent, and if necessary, by every legal method, to suppress these sins. Knowing the more we unite men of influence the greater probability of success. Confident that in the accomplishment of these objects we shall meet with the approbation of God and the encouragement of all good men, we do agree for ourselves, to adopt the foregoing resolutions and recommendations of the Presbytery of Cayuga; and that we may be more able to carry them into effect with respect to others, we do hereby form ourselves into a Moral Society, and bind ourselves to the performance of such duties as are required by the constitution of said society.

In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands.

The Address in our next Number.

A Narrative of Missions, directed by the Trustees of the GENESEE MISSIONARY SOCIETY, in the state of New-York, to which is subjoined, a statement of the Funds and of the Expenditures of the Society.

THIS Society originated in the Genesee Country and its vi. cinity and has been incorporated by an act of the Legislature. A number of Congregational and Presbyterian ministers, and Delegates from churches, being convened at Phelps on the second Tuesday of January, 1810, and taking into consideration the state of the new settlements in many parts of their country, destitute of the preaching of the Gospel and other means of instruction, and considering their obligations to use all proper means to promote the enlargement and prosperity of the kingdom of Christ, and the best good of mankind, especially in their own vicinity, and within the

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sphere of their influence and exertions-encouraged also by the example of their christian brethren, in other parts of the world, and animated with the hope that their labors would not be in vain, were induced to form themselves into a Missionary Society.

The Society thus formed, were soon enabled by contributions from several religious congregations, and from individuals to employ Missionaries. Stimulated with the pleasing hope of administering to the light and joy of such as love the prosperity and extention of the Redeemer's kingdom, and excited by the motive of discharging official duty, the trustees of the society lay before the public the folLowing narrative of services performed by their Missionaries among the destitute.

In the year 1810, Rev. Simeon R. Jones, under an appointment from the Committee of Trustees, labored as a Missionary ten weeks. He travelled about 700 miles, preached 65 times, administered the sacrament of the Lord's Supper once, visited 4 schools, 103 families, and collected in contributions for the use of the society, 20 dollars and 81 cents.

In the Report of the Trustees, in 1811, is stated that since the last annual meeting of the Society, Rev. Reuben Parmele, and Messrs. Robert Hubbard, Silas Hubbard and Lyman Barritt have been employed as Missionaries. Mr. Robert Hubbard commenced his mission in the month of November last, and was in the service of the Society ten weeks. On his misson he visited the counties of Ontario, Steuben and Allegany. From his journal it appears that ke preached 70 times, visited 8 schools and 66, families, and received for the society 20 dollars and 58 cents.

Mr. Barritt labored as a Missionary four weeks. His labors were confined to the towns of Boyle, Penfield and the northern part of Bloomfield. During his short mission he preached 14 times, attended 4 conferences, visited 26 families, and received in contributionone dollar and 50 cents.

Mr. Silas Hubbard commenced his mission in the month of July, and was employed eight weeks. He visited most of the settlements in the counties of Steuben and Allegany, travelled 500 miles, preached 43 times visited 80 families, and received in contributions for the Society 7 dollars and fifty cents.

Mr. Parmele commenced his mission in August, and was employed in missionary labors 32 days. He travelled about 360 miles, preached 24 times, attended 4 conferences, 1 church meeting, and administered the Lord's supper once, admitted to churches 2 persons, and baptized one adult. He visited private families as he had opportunity, and received for the Society 2 dollars and 65 cents.

From the journals of these missionaries it appears, that they were, in general, cordially received, and the people among whom they labored expressed their gratitude to the missionary society.

The report of the trustees in 1812, states, that since the last annual meeting of the society, three persons have been employed in the missionary field, viz. Rev. Messrs Reuben Parmele, Aaron C. Collins, and Mr. Samuel Parker.

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