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" Give the vengeance due To the valiant crew ! Behold how they toss their torches on high, How they point to the Persian abodes And glittering temples of their hostile gods. "
The Poetical Works of John Dryden - Page 19
by John Dryden - 1854 - 324 pages
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The Art of English Poetry Containing: Rules for making verses. A collection ...

Edward Bysshe - 1710 - 624 pages
...The Princes applaud with a furious Joy; ' And the King fiez'da Flambeau with Zeal to deftro? * Thau led the Way, To light him to his Prey • And like another Hellen, fir'd another Trty. Thus long agtt, E'er heaving Bellows learn'd to blow, While Organs yet...
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Fables Antient and Modern: Translated Into Verse from Homer, Ovid, Boccace ...

John Dryden - 1713 - 620 pages
...The Princes applaud, with a furious Joy»rftrOy . And the King feiz'da Flambeau, with Zeal to deThais led the Way, To light him to his Prey, And, like another Hellen, fir'd another Troy. CHORUS. AndtheKingfeisfdaFlambeaujwithZeal to deflrty\ Thais led the Way,...
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The Miscellaneous Works of John Dryden, Esq;: Containing All His Original ...

John Dryden - 1760 - 528 pages
...gods. The princes applaud, with a furious joy ; And the king feiz'da flambeau with zeal to deftroy; Thais led the way, To light him to his prey, And, like another Helen, fir'd another Troy. CHORUS. And the king feiz da flambeau with zeal to deftroy ; Thais led the way, To light him to his...
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The Miscellaneous Works: Containing All His Original Poems, Tales ..., Volume 2

John Dryden - 1760 - 488 pages
...gods. The princes applaud, with a furious joy j And the king feiz'da flambeau with zeal to deftroy; Thais led the way, To light him to his prey, And, like another Helen, fir'd another Troy. CHORUS. 'And tie king feiz da flambeau with zeal to deftroj ; Thais led the way, To light him to his...
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The Miscellaneous Works of John Dryden, Esq: Containing All His Original ...

John Dryden - 1767 - 384 pages another Helen, fir'd another Troy. CHORUS. And tlie kmgfei^da flambeau ivith zeal to dejlroy, Thais led the 'way, To light him to his prey, And, like another Helen, ftr'd another Troy. VII. Thus, long ago, Ere heaving bellows learn'd to blow, While organs yet were...
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The Miscellaneous Works of John Dryden, Esq: Containing All His Original ...

John Dryden - 1767 - 386 pages another Helen, fir'd another Troyv CHORUS. And the kingfciy?da flambeau tvith zeal to defray ; Thais led the way, To light him to his prey, And, like another Helen, fr'd another Try' VII. Thus, long ago, Ere heaving bellows learn'd to Mow, While organs yet were mute;...
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The Beauties of English Poesy, Volume 1

Oliver Goldsmith - 1767 - 294 pages
...! The princes applaud, with, a furious joy ; And the king feiz'da flambeau, with zeal to deftroy ; Thais led the way, To light him to his prey, And, like another Helen, fir' d another Troy. CHORUS. And the king feiz'da flambeau, with zeal to deftroy ; Thais led the way,...
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Bell's Edition, Volumes 41-42

John Bell - 1777 - 636 pages
...Persian ahodes, And glitt'ring temples of their hostile gods ! The princes applaud with a furious joy, And the king seiz'da flambeau, with zeal to destroy...prey ; And, like another Helen, fir'd another Troy. CHORUS. " And the King seiz'da flambeau, with zeal to " Thais led the way, [destroy: Never ending,...
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The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces ..., Volume 14, Page 2

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 326 pages
...another Troy. CHORUS. And the king feiz'da flamheau with zeal ta tieflny ; Thais led the <u>ay, Ta^ light him to his prey, And, like another Helen, fir'd another Troy. VII. Thus, long ago, Ere heaving bellows learn'd to blow, While organs yet were mute; Timotheus, to his breathing flute,...
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The Lady's Poetical Magazine; Or, Beauties of British Poetry, Volume 1

1781 - 510 pages
...applaud with a furious joy, And the king feiz'da flambeau,, with zeal to -deftroy : BEAUTIES OF POETRY. Thai.s led the way, • • . . . . To light him to...prey; . And, like another Helen, fir'd another Troy. Thus, long ago, Ere heaving bellows learn'd: to blow, While organs yet were mute, Timotheus, to his...
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