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order to watch the people, that they might not there attempt to make any innovations. For the temple was a fortress, that guarded the city; as was the tower of Antonia a guard to the temple. And in that tower were *the guards of those three. There was also a peculiar fortress belonging to the upper city, which was Herod's palace. But for the hill Bezetha, it was divided from the tower of Antonia, as we have already observed. And as that hill on which the tower of Antonia stood was the highest of these three, so did it adjoin to the fnew city and was the only place that hindered the sight of the temple on the north. And this shall suffice at present to have spoken respecting the city, and the walls about it.





NOW the warlike men that were in the city, and the multitude of the seditious that were with Simon, were ten thousand, besides the Idumeans. Those ten thousand had fifty commanders; over whom this Simon was supreme. The Idumeans that paid him homage were five thousand, and had eight commanders. Among those of the greatest fame were Jacob the son of Sosas, and Simon the son of Cathlas. John, who had seized upon the temple, had six thousand armed men, under twenty commanders. The zealots also that had come over to him, and left off their opposition, were two thousand four hundred and had the same commander that they had formerly, Eleazar; together with Simon the son of Arius. Now while these factions fought one against another, the people were their prey on both sides. And that part of the people which would not join with them in their wicked practices were plundered by both factions. Simon held the upper city, and the great wall as far as Cedron; and as much of the old wall as bent from Siloam to the east; and which went down to the palace of

*These three guards that lay in the tower of Antonia must be those that guarded the city, the temple, and the tower of Antonia.

+ Bezetha.

Monobazus, who was king of the Adiabeni, beyond Euphrates. He also held that fountain: and the area, which was no other than the lower city. He also held all that reached to the palace of queen Helena, the mother of Monobazus. But John held the temple, and the parts thereto adjoining, for a great way; as also Ophla, and the valley of Cedron. And when the parts that were interposed between their possessions were *burnt by them, they left a space wherein they might fight with each other. For this internal sedition did not cease, even when the Romans were encamped near their very walls. But although they had grown wiser at the first onset the Romans made upon them, this lasted but a while for they returned to their former madness, and separated one from another, and fought it out; and did every thing that the besiegers could desire them to do. For they never suffered any thing worse from the Romans, than they made each other suffer. Nor was there any misery endured by the city, after these men's actions, that could be esteemed new. But it was

most of all unhappy before it was overthrown. While those that took it did it a greater kindness. For I venture to affirm, that the sedition destroyed the city, and the Romans destroyed the sedition: which it was a much harder thing to do than to destroy the walls. So that we may justly ascribe our misfortunes to our own people, and the just vengeance taken on them to the Romans. As to which matter let every one determine by the actions on both sides.

Now when affairs within the city were in this posture, Titus went round the city, on the outside, with some chosen horsemen ; and looked about for a proper place, where he might make an impression upon the walls. But he was in doubt where he could possibly make an attack, on any side for the place was no way accessible where the vallies were; and on the other side, the first wall appeared too strong to be shaken by the engines. He, therefore, thought it best to make an assault about the monument of John, the high-priest. For there it was that the first fortification was lower, and the second was not joined to it. The builders neglecting to build the wall strong, where the new city was not much

* See Book V. chap. 4.

inhabited. Here also was an easy passage to the third wall, through which he thought to take the upper city and through the tower of Antonia the temple itself. But at this time, as he was going round about the city, one of his friends, whose name was Nicanor, was wounded with a dart on his left shoulder, as he approached, together with Josephus, too near to the wall; and attempted to discourse to those that were upon the wall about terms of peace. For he was a person known by them. On this account it was that Cæsar, as soon as he knew their vehemence, that they would not bear even such as approached them, to persuade them to what tended to their own preservation, was provoked to press on the siege. He also, at the same time, gave his soldiers permission to set the suburbs on fire and ordered that they should bring timber together, and raise banks against the city. And when he had divided his army into three parts, in order to set about those works, he placed those that shot darts, and the archers, in the midst of the banks that were then raising. Before whom he placed those engines that threw javelins, and darts, and stones; that he might prevent the enemy from sallying out upon their works and might hinder those that were upon the wall from being able to obstruct them. So the trees were cut down immediately, and the suburbs left naked. But while the timber was carrying to raise the banks, and the whole army was earnestly engaged in their works, the Jews were not quiet. And it happened that the people of Jerusalem, who had been hitherto plundered and murdered, were now of good courage; and supposed they should have a breathing time while the others were very busy in opposing their enemies without the city: and that they should now be avenged on those that had been the authors of their miseries, in case the Romans did but get the victory.

However, John staid behind, out of his fear of Simon; even while his own men were earnest in making a sally upon their enemies without. Yet did not Simon remain inactive but, continuing near the place of siege, he brought his engines of war, and disposed of them at due distances upon the wall; both those which they took from *Cestius formerly; and those which they got when

*Book II. chap. 19.

they seized the garrison that lay in the tower Antonia.


though they had these engines in their possession, they had so little skill in using them, that they were in a great measure useless to them. But a few there were who had been taught by deserters how to use them: which they did, though after an awkward manner. So they cast stones and arrows at those that were making the banks. They also ran upon them by companies, and fought with them. Now those that were at work covered themselves with hurdles, spread over their banks; and their engines were opposed to them when they made their excursions. These engines, that all the legions had ready prepared for them, were admirably contrived: but still more extraordinary ones belonged to the tenth legion. Those that threw darts, and those that threw stones, were more forcible, and larger than the rest; by which they not only repelled the excursions of the Jews, but drove those away that were upon the walls also. Now the *stones that were cast were of the weight of a talent; and were carried upwards of two furlongs. The blow they gave was no way to be sustained; not only by those that stood first in the way, but by those that were beyond them, for a great space. As for the Jews, they at

for it was of a white co

first watched the coming of the stone lour; and could, therefore, not only be perceived by the great noise it made, but could be seen also before it came, by its brightAccordingly the watchmen that sat upon the towers gave them notice when the engine was let go, and the stone came from it; and cried out aloud, in their own country language, †THE SON


* Πέτρος, in the masculine, is here a rock, or large stone, as in the name of St. Peter, and not Пerpa only; as Matt. xvi. 18. John i. 42.

+ What should be the meaning of this signal, or watch-word, when the watchmen saw a stone coming from the engine, THE SON COMETH; or what mistake there is in the reading I cannot tell. The MSS. both Greek and Latin, all agree in this reading. And I cannot approve of any groundless conjectural alteration of the text from YIOE to IOE : that not the son, or a stone, but that the arrow or dart cometh: as hath been made by Dr. Hudson, and not corrected by Havercamp. Had Josephus written even his first edition of these books of the war in pure Hebrew, or had the Jews then used the pure Hebrew, at Jerusalem, the Hebrew word for a son, is so like that for a stone, Ben, and Eben, that such a correction might have been more easily admitted. But Josephus wrote his former edition for the use of the Jews beyond Euphrates, and so in the Chaldee language: as he did this second edition in the Greek language; and Bar was the Chaldee word for son, instead of the He VOL. IV. 27

COMETH. So those that were in its way stood off, and threw themselves down upon the ground. By which means, and by their thus guarding themselves, the stone fell down, and did them no harm. But the Romans contrived how to prevent that, by who then could aim at them with success, when the stone was not discerned beforehand, as it had been till then and so they destroyed many of them at one blow. Yet did not the Jews, under all this distress, permit the Romans to raise their banks in quiet. But they shrewdly and boldly exerted themselves, and repelled them, both by night and by day.

blacking the stone

And now, upon finishing the Roman works, the workmen measured the distance there was from the wall, and this by lead and a line, which they threw to it from their banks. For they could not measure it any otherwise; because the Jews would shoot at them, if they came to measure it themselves. And when they found that the engines could reach the wall, they brought them thither, Then did Titus set his engines at proper distances, so much nearer to the wall, that the Jews might not be able to repel them and gave orders that they should go to work. And when thereupon a prodigious noise echoed round about from three places, and that on the sudden; there was a great noise made by the citizens that were within the city; and no less a terror fell upon the seditious themselves. Whereupon both sorts, seeing the common danger they were in, contrived to make a like defence. So those of different factions cried out one to another, that they acted entirely as

brew Ben; and was used not only in Chaldea, &c. but in Judea also, as the New Testament informs us. Dio also lets us know, that the very Romans at Rome pronounced the name of Simon, the son of Gioras, bar Poras, for bar Gioras, as we learn from Xiphiline, page 217. Reland takes notice, that "Many will here look for a mystery; as though the meaning were, that the Son of God came now to take vengeance on the sins of the Jewish nation." Which is, indeed, the truth of the fact; but hardly what the Jews could now mean. Unless, possibly, by way of derision of Christ's threatenings so often made, that he would come at the head of the Roman army for their destruction. But even this interpretation has but a very small degree of probability. If I were to make an emendation, by mere conjecture, I would read ΠΕΤΡΟΣ instead of ΥΙΟΣ : though the likeness be not so great as in ΟΙΣ. Because that is the word used by Josephus just before, as I have already noted, on this very occasion. While 102, an arrow, or dart, is only a poetical word, and never used by Josephus elsewhere; and is, indeed, no way suitable to the occasion This engine not throwing arrows or darts, but great stones, at this time.

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