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Adirondack fishing days, 148
Adirondack Woods, Vandalism
in, 159; Importance to water-
supply of Hudson valley, 160;
Necessity for protection of,

Albemarle, the ram, Sinking

of, 311

Allen, Gen. Ethan, his daugh-

ter enters a convent, 79
Allen, Fanny, the beautiful
American Nun, 83
Armory, Burning of, in Savan-
nah, 260

Armstrong, Jack, his fight

with Lincoln, 353

Artist, An American, and his
Scotch wife, 141

Bang, a favorite Irish setter,
178, 181

Barber, Edward D., the poet of
Free Soil, 206

Barn and other swallows, 111
Barney, Valentine and Elisha,

Bear, how I lost one in the
Adirondacks, 144

Beckwith, Gen. Amos, Sher-
man's Quartermaster, 255
Bench and bar, Early, of Ver-
mont, 18

Bennett, Milo L., a Vermont
judge, 200

Bible, Mr. Lincoln's opinion
of the, 421

Birds, Notes on, 101, 106

Auditor, Opinion of a "hold- Blair, Francis P., letter on

over," 318

Lincoln's death, 243

Book chase, The, 279

Bar supper, The annual, 205, Book thieves, their work, 295

Book-account, Action of, 209

Barn-Burners, The New York, Boorn case, The, 330

Banks, A skilful fraud on Ver-
mont, 29; A way to swindle
with fraudulent notes, 54;
State effect of National Cur-
rency Act on, 96

Bradley, William C., Mr. Van
Buren's opinion of, 15
Bramble, Hiram, his wife and
his trials, 170, 174, 176
British captain, A disap-
pointed, 254

Bank swindler, How to know Bronx River, its diminution,

[blocks in formation]

Bryant, W. C., on Diminution | Comanche Indians, how best
of Streams, 107
disposed of, 118

Bucking the tiger in Nevada, Contempt of court goes unpun-
ished, 214
Buffalo Convention, 1848, Call Contrast, The, the first Ameri-
for, 16
can play, 287
Bulwagga Bay, Duck-shooting Crow family, The, habits of,
in, 182
Burlington, her misfortunes, Cushing, Lieut., sinks the Albe-

Cabinet officers, Lincoln's rea-

son for their selection, 386
Cartier, Jacques, his men cured
of scurvy by an Indian, 196
Case, A celebrated, 200
Catholicism, Fanny Allen's
conversion to, 88
Chase, Secretary, his policy, 90
Champlain, Autumn on, 169;
Game on, 185

China, "La Chine," supposed

to be by Cartier's men, 196
Chipman, George, a side judge
and a gentleman, 206
Chipman, Daniel, an early Ver-
mont lawyer, 22
Client, A grateful, 53

Circumstantial evidence, Dan-
gers of, 330


marle, 311

Cooper Institute speech, Lin-
coln's, 381

Conkling, J. C., Lincoln's let-
ter to, 405

Dams on Adirondack rivers,
their injury, 163
Deer, Floating for, 141
Democratic Convention in Ver-
mont in 1848, 4
Dialects, Canuck-French and
Yankee, 169

Douglas, debate with Lincoln,
Duck-shooting in East Creek,
Dunderberg, The ram, sold to
Russia, 313

Cold River and its trout in Eagle, The white-headed, a
1846, 148

robber, 225

Collamer, Hon. J., assists in East Creek, Duck-shooting in,
Bank Act, 98

College graduate, A, mining Emancipation Proclamation,

in Nevada, 129

man's army, 267


The, 403

lows, 113

Colored people following Sher- Engineering taught by swal-

Colored pilot on the Savannah Essex Junction, its miseries,

[blocks in formation]

Faro, A game of, and its re- | Haynes, Rev. Lemuel, a col-
sults, 136
ored minister, 335
Fires, Forest, and their inju- Hog Island, Teaching school
ries, 163

on, 269-273

cism, 285

Fisher, Fort, Second attack on, Hough, Prof. John, his criti-
Floodwood, The Vermont, 47
Forests destroyed for charcoal,

Fox, Capt. G. V., his charac-
ter, 107

Free Soil Party, Origin of, 1
Free Soil Courier, Publication
of, 9

Gambler, A Western, 126
Geary, General, his division
in Savannah, 132
Goesbriand, Bishop, of Ver-
mont, his cathedral, 81, 89
Greaser, a Mexican, A chase
for, 117

Hudson River, its diminution
from forest destruction, 165
Hypnotism, Experiences in, 70

Indian medical remedies, 196
Inaugural address, Lincoln's,

Italy, Destruction of forests
in, 166

Judges, Early Vermont, 19
Judges, Wooden side, 44

Keyes, Elias, Anecdote of, 20

Greenbacks, their first issue, Law, a progressive science, 328


Green River Station, a tender-
foot, 116

Law and order at a discount in

a mining country, 130
Lecompton fraud, 372

Greeley, Horace, The Presi- Lincoln, Abraham, Notes on the

dent's letter to, 404

Grizzly Gulch under Lynch
law, 132

Gurowski, Adam, his notes, 320
Gurley, Rev. P. D., Lincoln's
pastor, 420

Hall, Mr. and Mrs., their spir-
itualism, 70
Harrington, Theophilus, on title
to a slave, 21

Hatteras Inlet, Fishing in, 263

day of his death, 236; Effect
of his death in New York,
242; Blair, F. P., letter on,
243; Clears a steamer for Sa-
vannah, 247; How he rein-
forced Grant, 315; A wood-
chopper, 316; His origin and
early life, 340; His ancestors,
344; His books, 347; His fail-
ures, 349; Was he a rail-split-
ter? 350; His fight with
Armstrong, 353; His success
as a lawyer, 356; Defends

school, 191

the "Ecolectic"

Militia Act of the Third House,

Minister and his boys in the
forest, 140

Miracle, A Vermont, 81
Monte, A game of, 128
Moosalamoo Bank charter, 37
Moose Creek, Floating for
deer in, 145

Mosby "can't have them
hosses," 325

young Armstrong, 358; His | Medicine,
popularity, 365; A popular
speaker, 367; His letter to
Joshua Speed, 370; His study
of slavery, 377; Opposes Le-
compton fraud, 372; His " Di-
vided House" speech, 375; His
debate with Douglas, 374; His
reply to Douglas in Chicago,
375; His speeches in Ohio in
1859, 379; Speeches in Kan-
sas and in Cooper Institute,
New York, 381; Nominated
for the Presidency, 383; His
election, 356; His first inau-
gural, 387; Farewell to
Springfield, 388; Arrives in
Washington, 390; Receives
the Peace Conference, 391;
Delivers his first inaugural,
395; Takes the oath of office,
397; His pardons, 406; His
prose composition, 406; His
Christian faith, 409; His
opinion of the Bible, 421;
His attendance at Dr. Gur-
ley's church, 421

Murder in a mining-camp, 126;
Statistics of, 137
Murderer, Swift punishment
of a, 136

Needham, Horatio, 206
New England, Diminution of
rivers in, 160

New York, ill-treatment of
Croton water-shed, 168
Niles, Nathaniel, his Sapphic
ode, 287

Official influence, Value of, 231
Lindenwald, A day at, in 1848, Omaha railroad station, An


Long Lake in 1846, 139

incident in, 114

Osborne, W., Murder of, 128

Lynch law, An execution by, Ospreys and their habits, 223


Otter Creek, Little, incidents,

McCook family, The fighting, Owls and their peculiarities,


Maeck, Jacob, attorney, 199
Magazines, Early, in Vermont,




Pacific Railroad travel, Early,

in Tuscany which Pamphlets, their short lives,
swallows avoid, 166


Partridge, common name of "Sanders' Indian Wars,'

ruffed grouse, 105

rarity, 282

" its

Реасе Conference calls on Savannah in winter and in war,

President Lincoln, 392
Phelps, Hon. Samuel S., Mr.
Webster's opinion of, 18
Phelps, Edward J., a Vermont
lawyer, 80

246, 260

"Scrap" in a Nevada faro

game, 135

Scientific navigation by a coast-
ing captain, 251

Pierpont Brothers, Robert and School-teaching on Hog Island,

[blocks in formation]

Pigeon, The passenger, its dis- Seymour, "Squire" Horatio,

appearance, 107

Pitkin, Perley P., a Vermont
quartermaster, 323

Pliny, Medical remedies of, 194
Porpoises, how do they com·
municate? 264

Presents to Treasury officers, 228
Privilege, The quack's, 190
Profits of office, 234

father of the bar, 206
Sherman and his army in Sa-
vannah, 259

Slavery, changes in its policy,
376; The corner-stone of the
Confederacy, 399

Smalley family, The, 329
Snipe, English, their habits,
180, 196

Prout, John, who "made all Speed, Joshua, Lincoln's letter

the noise," 206

Quack, A typical, 189

Quacks and quackery, 186

Railroad engineering taught by

birds, 113

to, 370

Spinner, Francis E., his char-

acter, 317

Spiritualism and its mediums,

Spooner, Judah Paddock, first
Vermont printer, 287
Stage held up by robbers, 132
Ramon, Jesus, a Mexican Stanley, Marcus Cicero, detec-
Greaser, 117
Railroads, Early, in Vermont, Stolen drawings of old masters,

tive, 55


Robinson, Rowland, his books, Suffolk Bank and its president,


Rushlow, Captain, one of my Swallows, their habits, 109

scholars, 278


Destruction of

forests in, 166

Sabattis, Mitchell, Adirondack Swanton, Teaching school in,

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