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365-Latin Derivatives *

The root of each word is shown by the bold-faced letters. Annus, a year; cor, cordis, the heart; centem, one hun


1. an'nu al

2. an nals

3. an nu'i ty

4. an ni ver'sa ry

MEANINGS.-1. Yearly.

[blocks in formation]

2. A history of events arranged in the

order of years. 3. A yearly allowance. 4. A day celebrated as it returns each year. 5. The heart, or central part. 6. Hearty. 7. Agreement. 8. Disagreement. 9. A hundred years. 10. The military commander of a hundred men. 11. An insect having a great number of feet. 12. A rate by the hundred.



The Nile brought life to Egypt, thus everything connected with the river was worshiped by the ancient Egyptians. The wave scroll was a favorite ornament. Amidst the papyrus on the river's bank grew the lotus, a blue water-lily. It reappeared as an ornament on the capital of a column, and in an endless variety of design, decorating the walls of their temples. The ibis came in search of food as the water subsided. So it, as well as the crocodile, was held sacred.

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* See derivatives from Latin roots, Part IV. Pronunciation.-1 på pl'rus.

al read'y

ǎl têr'nåte

am bro'şia

a nat'o my

368-Latin Derivatives

Pes, pedis, a foot; cura, care; finis, the end, border.

[blocks in formation]

MEANINGS.-1. Base of a statue or other object. 2. A foot traveler. 3. To hinder. 4. A four-footed animal. 5. Without mistake. 6. One who has the care of something. 7. Capable of being cured. 8. To heal. 9. Bounded. 10. To bring to an end. 11. To keep within

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We knew it would rain, for all the morn,
A spirit, on slender ropes of mist,
Was lowering its golden buckets down
Into the vapory amethyst

Of marshes and swamps and dismal fens,--
Scooping the jewels out of the sea

To sprinkle them over the land in showers.

[blocks in formation]

371-Latin Derivatives

Ago, actum, to act, to do; pello, pulsum, to drive, to beat; scribo, scriptum, to write.

[blocks in formation]

MEANINGS.-1. One who acts. 2. One having power to act for another. 3. Quick of motion. 4. To do, to perform. 5. To drive forward. 6. To drive away. 7. Driving off. 8. The beating of the heart or blood-vessels. 9. One who writes. 10. A written paper or book. 11. To write on. 12. An addition to a letter after it is signed.

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From the hour of the invention of printing, books, and not kings, were to rule the world. Weapons forged in the mind, keen-edged, and brighter than a sunbeam, were to supplant the sword and battle-ax. Books! light-houses built on the sea of time. Books! by whose sorcery the whole pageantry of the world's history moves in solemn procession before our eyes. From their pages great souls look down in all their grandeur, undimmed by the faults and follies of earthly existence, consecrated by time.-E. P. Whipple.

Pronunciation.—1 bå rōōsh'; 2 brik'kil.

[blocks in formation]

In what type are the words in the two right-hand columns above? Give the meanings of folio, quarto, octavo, and duodecimo.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

What is the meaning of semi-weekly, bi-monthly, edition, gossip ?


Pronunciation.-1 nõn på rĕl'; 2 brẻ vēr'; ' bûrjois'.

376-Latin Derivatives

Decem, ten; specio, spectum, to behold; verus, true.

[blocks in formation]

MEANINGS.-1. Formerly the tenth month. creasing by tens. 3. To take the tenth part of.

ten years.

9. a ver' 10. ver'i fy 11. ver'i ly

12. ve rac'i ty

2. Increasing or de4. Happening every

5. To look forward to. 6. A view ahead. 7. One who oversees. 8. One who beholds. 9. To say positively. 10. To prove

[blocks in formation]

Jordan, Marsh & Co. have a dry goods store in Boston. Suppose you have bought goods from them as follows:

1892, Apr. 5, 15 yds. Calico @ 64; 20 yds. Gingham @ 124; 35 yds. Muslin @ 114; 12 yds. Cashmere @ 75¢ ; 10 yds. Ribbon @ 254; 4 doz. Buttons @ 284; 2 doz. Spool Cotton @ 604; 5 yds. Lace @ 37¢.

Make out a bill for the goods and receipt it.

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