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[blocks in formation]

Write answers in complete sentences:

How long is the President's term of office?

Which Presidents had been generals in the army? Which President was author of the Declaration of Independence?

Of which President was it said, "First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen "?

Which President said, "Our Federal Union: it must be preserved"; "Ask nothing but what is right; submit to nothing wrong"?

Which President was the author of the expression, "The government of the people, by the people, and for the people?"

Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable. -Daniel Webster.

I had rather be right than be president.-Henry Clay.

And sovereign law; that state's collected will,

O'er thrones and globes elate,

Sits empress, crowning good, repressing ill.

-Sir William Jones.

Aa ron, lofty

Boys' Names and their Signification

[blocks in formation]

Gus ta'vus, a warrior

Guy, a leader

Hen ry, head of a house
Hi ram, most noble
Ho mer, a pledge
Hugh, mind; spirit

Hu go,
Ira, watchful
Isaac, laughter
Ja cob, a supplanter
Jes se, wealth
Job, afflicted
Jo seph, he shall add
Leon ard,


Le Ŏn'i das,
Le vi, adhesion
Lewis, bold warrior
Li'o nel, young lion

Lu ther, illustrious warrior
Ly cur'gus, wolf-driver
Mar cel'lus,

Mar cus, Mark,


Martin, warlike
Miles, a soldier

Na hum, consolation
Na than, a gift

Nich'o las, victory of the people
No ah, rest

Oc ta'vi us, eighth-born
Ol'i ver, an olive tree
Pat rick, noble
Paul, little
Pe ter, a rock

Philip, lover of horses
Phin'e as, mouth of brass
Reg'i nald, ruler
Rich ard, rich-hearted
Rob ert, bright in fame

[blocks in formation]

A da, happiness

Ag nes, pure

A me'lia, busy


Anne, grace

Thad'de us, the wise

The'o dore, the gift of God
Thom as, a twin

Tim'o thy, fearing God
Tris tram, sad
Ulys'ses, a hater
Val'en tine, healthy
Vic tor, a conqueror
Viv'i an, lively

Will iam, a protector

Girls' Names and their Signification

Ger trude, spear-maiden

Har'ri et, feminine of Henry

I da, God-like

I re'ne, peaceful

Jo'şeph ine, feminine of Joseph

Au gus'ta, feminine of Augustus Lau ra, a laurel

[blocks in formation]

Lil'i an, a lily

Lu cre'ti a, gain
Mar'ga ret, a pearl
Martha, sorrowful
Ma ry, star of the sea
Ma til'da, a heroine
Me lis'sa, a bee
Mi ran'da, admirable
My ra, she who weeps
O phĕ'li a, a serpent
Pe něl'o pe, a weaver
Pris cil'la, somewhat old
Re bec'ca, very beautiful
Ro sa, a rose
Ruth, beauty
Sa lome', peaceful
Sa rah, a princess
So phi'a, wisdom
Stel la, a star

Su san, a lily

Viç to'ri a, victory
Vi'o la, a violet

Win'i fred, a lover of peace

Additional Derivatives from Latin and Greek Words

The root of a derivative is the word from which it was formed. The meaning of the root is the leading idea in the meaning of the derived word. The forms of roots in derivatives are often changed more or less for the sake of euphony or for other reasons.


Amo, amatum, to love. Root forms: am, amat.

amiable, amity, enamor, amicable, amateur. Animus, anima, mind, soul, life. Root form: anim. animal, animation, animosity, magnanimity. Audio, auditum, to hear. Root forms: aud, audit. audible, audience, auditory, inaudible, auditor. Bene, well; good.

benefactor, benediction, benison, benefit, benevolence. Brevis, short. Root forms: brev, bref.

brevity, brief, abbreviate, breve.

Bis, twice; two. Root form, bi.

biped, biennial, bisect, bivalve, biscuit.

Capio, captum, to take. Root forms: cap, capt, cept. captive, receptacle, capable, captor, reception. Credo, creditum, to believe. Root forms: cred, credit. creed, credible, credulous, credit, credential. Clamo, clamatum, to cry out. Root forms: clam, clamat. exclaim, clamorous, acclamation, proclaim, claimant. Dico, dictum, to say. Root forms: dic, dict.

diction, dictate, contradict, predict.

Duco, ductum, to lead. Root forms: duc, duct.
introduce, conductor, ductility, reducible.
Fluo, fluxum, to flow. Root forms: flu, flux, fluct.
fluency, fluctuation, fluid, superfluous, influx.
Fundo, fusum, to pour. Root forms: fund, fus.
infuse, confuse, diffuse, refund, fusion.

Gradior, gressus, to walk. Root forms: grad, gress. progress, egress, congress, transgress, retrograde.

Grex, gregis, a flock. Root form: greg.

aggregate, segregate, congregate, gregarious.

Habeo, habitum, to have; to hold. Root forms: hab, habit. inhabit, prohibit, exhibit, habitable.

Hæreo, hæsum, to stick. Root forms: her, hes. adhere, cohesion, incoherent, hesitate.

Jungo, junctum, to join. Root forms: jung, junct. adjunct, junction, subjunctive, conjuncture. Lego, lectum, to choose; to read. Root forms: leg, lect. select, election, elegant, legible, lecture.

Locus, a place. Root forms: loc, lieu.

local, locomotive, locality, localize, lieutenant. Loquor, locutus, to speak. Root forms: loqu, locut. loquacious, colloquy, soliloquy, circumlocution.

Manus, the hand. Root forms: man, main.

manual, manuscript, manacle, manufacture. Mitto, missum, to send. Root forms: mit, miss. transmit, omit, intermittent, missionary. Moveo, motum, to move. Root forms: mov, mot.

motive, promote, commotion, remote, movable. Nomen, nominis, a name. Root forms: nom, nomin. noun, denominator, pronominal, cognomen.

Nosco, notum, to know, to mark.

Root form: not.

notable, notice, incognito, denote.

Omnis, all.

omnibus, omniscient, omnivorous, omnipotent. Oro, oratum, to speak; to pray. Root form orat.

adore, inexorable, oral, oration.

Pono, positum, to put; to place. Root forms: pon, posit. postpone, posture, depository, propose.

Plico, plicatum, to fold. Root forms: plic, plicat.

multiplication, simplicity, duplicity, triple.

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