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Copy the sentences, putting the right word in the right place.

(2) is nothing new under the sun.-Bible. (8) grows in cold countries. When shall we three (5) again ?-Shakespeare. A (7) of glass. (4) rests his head upon the lap of earth.-Gray. Can you (1) a (1) with a (1) of scissors? The (3) is a white marble building. The (6) of Mont Blanc is full of danger. Be silent that you may (4).-Shakespeare. Sweet is pleasure after (7).-Dryden. Birds in (2) little nests agree.-Watts. Washington is the (3) of the United States. Is not the life more than (5)?-Bible. He gave his (6) to the proposal. There is a bird called the (8) neck. With what measure ye (5), it shall be measured to you again. --Bible.

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169-The Beaver

Dictation.—The beaver was once abundant in North America, but has gradually disappeared before the settlements of the white man. It swims with its tail and hind feet. The hind-feet are webbed. The tail is large and flat, and is used as a scull. It builds a home by the edge of the water. Each house has two stories. Two or three families

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Dictation. The food is stored in the lower story under water. They eat the bark of trees and roots of plants. The beavers live in the upper story, where it is dry. The entrance is under water. If the stream is shallow, a dam is built across it. The dam is made of small trees, roots, moss, and mud. The beaver works at night.

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Lost, yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. -Horace Mann.


Lo, here hath been dawning another blue day;
Think wilt thou let it slip useless away.

Out of Eternity this new day is born;
Into Eternity at night will return.

Behold it aforetime no eye ever did;
So soon it forever from all eyes is hid.
Here hath been dawning another blue day;
Think wilt thou let it slip useless away.

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Dictation.-England rules one-sixth of all the people and owns one-sixth of all the land in the world. Her colonies are in every continent. "The sun never sets on the

British Empire."

The Gulf Stream and the warm, moist, west winds from it make the climate mild. England is like a gardengreen hedges, green fields, and grand old trees. In the manufacture of cotton goods, woolens, linens, and hardware, England ranks first in the world.

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To the Teacher.-Let any pupil select a word, and tell what he knows

about it.


178—ç soft, çent

cir cuit


cym bal

cyl in der

cem ent

cer tain

cel e brate

cent'ů ry ce les tial

cen taur

cen sure

cem'e těr y

cen ten'ni al

Copy words. Mark the soft sound of c.

Write sentences, using certain, celebrate, ceiling, circus, central.

Pronunciation.—1 těmz; 2ěd'ịn băr rð

179-Direct Quotation

Rule.-A direct quotation

begins with a capital letter.

is separated by a comma from the rest of the sentence.

is inclosed by quotation marks.1

Dictation. "When shall we have recess?" asked Charles. "At half-past eleven," replied his teacher. Thomas Jefferson said, "Never put off till to-morrow what you can do to-day." Who said, "Give me liberty or give me death"? Gertrude said, "I have learned to spell receiving and believing, till and until, seize and siege."

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Dictation." Uncle Henry, please tell me a story," said Clara. Her uncle answered, "What shall I tell you?" "Oh," said Clara, "tell me about Jack and the bean-stalk.”


And the brown thrush keeps singing, "A nest do you see, And five eggs hid by me in the juniper tree."

Copy three sentences from your Reader containing direct quotations.

1A way to teach the use of quotation marks:

Teacher: Anne, say something to me.

Anne: It is a pleasant day.

Teacher: Bertha, make a sentence telling what Anne has said.

Bertha: Anne said, "It is a pleasant day."

Teacher: Class, write Bertha's sentence.

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