2 1 Exercises in the Use of the Diacritical Marks Copy the table below and learn the marks and their names. Λ 66 tilde, 66 bar, (1) Write the word; (2) pronounce it distinctly; (3) name the silent letters and cancel them; (4) name the vowels not silent; (5) give their sounds; (6) mark those requiring a mark to indicate their sounds. (1) Write the word ; (2) pronounce it distinctly; (3) name the silent letters and cancel them; (4) name the consonants not silent; (5) give their sounds; (6) mark those requiring a mark to indicate their sounds. Write the words, mark the accented syllables, silent letters, vowels, and consonants. Vowels having an obscure sound in unaccented syllables may be left unmarked. Similar exercises should be continued until the pupils become famil iar with the use of the diacritical marks. |