226-Apostrophe (') Rule.-An apostrophe (')is used to show the omission of a letter or letters Write the contractions and the full word or words by the side of each. 227 Copy: The lily is the national emblem of France; the rose, of England; the thistle, of Scotland; the leek, of Wales; and the shamrock, of Ireland. The latter is a three-leaved plant of a clover species, which tradition says Saint Patrick used to illustrate the doctrine of the Trinity. The Shamrock Says Valor, "See, they spring for me, But Wit perceives the triple leaves, 66 And cries, "O, do not sever A type that blends three godlike friends, 228-Invitation Miss Anna Cabot requests the pleasure of the company of Miss Edith Elliot at a birthday party. Thursday next, at five o'clock. оп 16 Exeter Street, Monday, October first. Copy the words. Write opposite each what and where it is. 231-Homonyms Write the sentences, using the right word. Better alone than in (bad, bade) company. Don't give (to, two, too) much for the whistle. Every thing comes in (thyme, time) to (hymn, him) who can (wait, weight). He who follows (two, too, to) (hares, hairs) is sure (two, too, to) catch neither. It never (reins, rains, reigns) but it (pores, pours). Men speak of the (fair, fare) as things went with them (there, their). Out of (site, sight, cite), out of (mind, mined). Time and (tied, tide) (wait, weight) for (know, no) man. Where (there's, theirs) a will there's always a (weigh, way). (Faint, feint) (hart, heart) ne'er (won, one) (fare, fair) lady. Copy the words, and mark the long sound of u. Write what each is, where, and for what celebrated. Pronunciation,—1 kä nyðn'; anglicized kăn'yŭn; also spelled can yon. 234-Acceptance Miss Edith Elliot accepts with pleasure the kind invitation of Miss Anna Cabot for Thursday next, at five o'clock. 10 Commonwealth Avenue, Tuesday, October second. 235-Dictation The United States imports tea from Shanghai, firecrackers from Canton, rattan from Singapore, bananas from Kingston, figs from Smyrna, and raisins from Malaga, 236-Synonyms fright, ter ror; mirth, gay e ty; art ful, cun ning; shun, a void; hun ger, ap pe tite; ref uge, a sy lum; suc cor, as sist; fer vent, fiery; rai ment, ap par el ; af flict, dis tress; an guish, ag ony; o dor, a ro'ma. 237-Christian Names and Surnames Dictation. The boy's name is John Hamilton Rice. Rice is the family name, or surname. John Hamilton is the Christian name. He sometimes writes his name J. H. Rice. J. and H. are the initials of his Christian name. An initial should be a capital and is followed by a period. 238-Regrets Miss Emma Fiske regrets that she cannot accept the kind invitation of Miss Anna Cabot for Thursday next. 62 Forest Square, Tuesday, October second. 239-Synonyms at tain, ac quire; at tempt, strive; bar ter, traffic; au stere', harsh; er ror, blun der; pru dent, cau tious; wit ness, spec ta tor; bard, po et ; at ten tive, mind ful; bash ful, dif fi dent; be guile, di vert; blame, con demn. 240-Dictation The houses of Japan are generally built of wood, because earthquakes are frequent. The Japanese have no chairs, sofas, or beds. They sleep upon mats on the floor. Their chief food is rice. The ruler is styled the Mikado. Japan is a kingdom of islands. Yokohama is the great seaport. The people are the most progressive of the Mongolian race, 241 car a mel, lem on ade, lieʼo riçe, sug ar-plum, bön'bön, hore hound, mac a roon', pep per mint, gum-drop, taf fy, con fec tion er, but ter-scotch, so da-wa ter. |