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fortune was ready to overtake you, in your very camp, without your knowing of it." Now when Saul knew David's voice, and understood that when he had him in his power, while he was asleep, and his guards took no care of him; yet did he spare him, when he might justly have cut him off: he said, that

was strongly inclined so to do. For he said it was a horrid crime to kill one that was ordained king by God, although he were a wicked man; for that he who gave him the dominion, would in time inflict punishment upon him so he restrained his eagerness. But that it might appear to have been in his power to have killed him when he refrained from it," He owed him thanks for his preservation : he took his spear, and the cruse of water which stood by Saul, without being perceived by any in the camp, who were all asleep, and went securely away; having performed every thing among the king's attendants that the opportunity afforded, and his boldness encouraged him to do. So when he had passed over the brook, and ascended to the top of a hill, whence he might be sufficiently heard, he cried aloud to Saul's soldiers, and to Abner their commander, and awakened them out of their sleep and called both to him and to the people. Hereupon the commander asked who it was that called him? to whom David replied, "It is I, the son of Jesse, whom thou makest a vagabond. But what is the matter? dost thou that art a man of so great dignity, and of the first rank in the king's court, take so little care of thy master's person? and is sleep of more consequence to thee than his preservation? This negligence deserves death; and punishment ought to be inflicted on thee, who didst not perceive when a little while ago some of us entered into thy canfp; nay, as far as to the king himself. If thou look for the king's spear, and his cruse of water; thou wilt learn what a mighty mis


fixing of it likewise near a person of authority points out his dignity. Thus Josephus, giving an account of David's entering the camp of Saul, when that prince and his people were fast asleep, informs us, that notwithstanding the opportunity, he did no hurt to Saul, though he well knew where he slept, by the spear, which was fixed near him, and that he suffered not Abishai to slay him then, though he would fain have done it. English readers generally suppose that every man had his spear stuck into the ground at his head: but Josephus supposes that circumstance distinguished the royal sleeping-place from that of every body else, which it would not have done, if it had not been something peculiar to Saul, distinguishing him from his officers and people. It was, it should seem then, a customary distinction in the time of Josephus, and he thought it also an usage as ancient as the time of Saul. Perhaps too, this describing Saul ast known by the spear may intimate, that he slept with his face covered, being laid on the ground in the open air.

and exhorted him to be of good courage, and not to be afraid of suffering any mischief from him any more, and to return to his own home: for he was now persuaded, that he did not love himself so well as he was beloved by him; that he had driven away him that could guard him, and had given many demonstrations of his good will: that he had forced him to live so long in a state of banishment, and in great fears of his life; destitute of his friends and his kindred. While still he was often saved by him, and frequently received his life again when it was evidently in danger of perishing." So David bade them send for the spear, and the cruse of water, and take them back; adding, that God would be the judge of both their dispositions, and of the actions that flowed from the same: "for he knows," said he, "that when it was this day in my power to have killed thee, I abstained from it."*

Saul, having thus escaped the hands of David twice, returned to his royal palace, and his own city. But David was afraid, if he staid there, he should be caught by Saul. So he thought it better to go up into the land of the Philistines. Accordingly he came with

Thus de la Roque describes the Bedouin Arabs of the Holy Land, though in general they live under tents, yet, sometimes, he says, they sleep in their clothes, in summer time, on the ground, only covering their body and face with their aba, or outer garment, Voy. dans la Pal. c. 12. p. 176. Josephus then, in all probability, supposes this expedition was undertaken in the time of summer: and that Saul's face was muffled up, so as rather to be known by the spear, than by his countenance, in a night sufficiently light to have distinguished him, had he not been so covered. It seems indeed to be the common practice of the Eastern people to sleep with their faces covered, according to Niebuhr, and he supposes that Europeans would find the benefit of it, if they would adopt the same usage, the dews and some winds being found to be very hurtful. Descript. del Arabie, p. 9. Harmer's Observations on Scripture, vol. i. p. 96. Clarke's Edit. B.

* 1 Sam. xxvi. 23.


king promised to make him the keeper of his body after the victory, supposing that the battle with the enemy succeeded to their mind: which promise of honor and confidence he made on purpose to increase his zeal for his service.

the six hundred men that were with him to fites, and sent to all their confederates that Achish the king of Gath; which was one of they would go along with them to the war to their five cities. Now the king received both Raggan, near the city Shunem, whence they him and his men, and gave them a place to might gather themselves together, and sudinhabit. He had with him also his two wives, denly attack the Hebrews. Then did Achish, Ahinoam and Abigail; and he dwelt in Gath. the king of Gath, desire David to assist them But when Saul heard this, he took no farther with his armed men against the Hebrews. care about sending to him, or going after This he readily promised; and said, that the him, because he had been twice, in a manner, time was now come wherein he might requite caught by him, while he was himself endea-him for his kindness and hospitality. So the vouring to catch him. However, David had no mind to continue in the city of Gath, but desired the king, that, since he had received bim with such humanity, he would grant him another favor, and bestow upon him some place in that country for his habitation, for he was ashamed, by living in the city, to be grievous and burdensome to him. So Achish gave him a certain village, called Ziklag, which David and his sons were fond of when he was king, and reckoned it to be their peculiar inheritance. But about those matters we shall give the reader farther information* elsewhere. Now the time that David dwelt in Ziklag, in the land of the Philistines, was fourt months and twenty days. And now he privately attacked these Geshurites and Amalekites, that were neighbors to the Philistines, and laid waste their country; and took much prey of their beasts and camels; and then returned home. But David abstained from the men; as fearing they should discover him to king Achish. Yet did he send part of the prey to him as a free gift. And when the king inquired whom they had attacked, when they brought away the prey, he said, those that lay to the south of the Jews, and inhabited in the plain; whereby he persuaded Achish to approve of what he had done; for he hoped that David had fought against his own nation, and that now he should have him for his servant all his lifetime; and that he would stay in his country.



Now Saul, the king of the Hebrews, had cast out of the country the fortune-tellers, the necromancers, and all such as exercised the like arts, excepting the prophets. But when he heard the Philistines were already come, and had pitched their camp very near to the city Shunem, situate in the plain, he hastened to oppose them with his forces. And when he was come to a certain mountain called Gilboa, he pitched his camp over against the enemy. But when he saw the enemy's army he was greatly troubled; because it appeared to him to be numerous, and superior to his own; and he inquired of God, by the prophets, concerning the battle, that he might know beforehand what would be the event. And when God did not answer him, Saul was under a still greater dread, and his courage fell: foreseeing, as was but reasonable to suppose, that mischief would befall him, pow God was not there to assist him. Yet did he bid his servants to inquire for some woman that was a necromancer, and called up the souls of the dead; that he so might know whether his affairs would succeed to his mind. For this sort of necromantic women, who bring up the souls of the dead, do by them foretell future events to such as desire them. And one of his servants told him, that there was such a woman in the city Endor, but she was known to nobody in the camp. Here

ABOUT the same time, the Philistines re- upon Saul put off his royal apparel, and took

solved to make war against the Israel- two of those servants whom he knew to be

*This farther account is not, I think, found in Josephus's present works.

† A year and four months, in the Heb, and Septuagint.

See 1 Sam. xxvii. 7, and xxix. 3, though the words are not very plain, even in them.

1 Sam. xxvii. 12.


dreams. And these were the reasons why he had recourse to him. But † Samuel seeing the end of Saul's life was come, said, "It is in vain for thee to desire to learn of me

thee. However, hear what I say :-David is to be king, and to finish this war with good success, and thou art to lose thy dominion and thy life; because thou didst not obey God in the war with the Amalekites, and hast not kept his commandments, as I foretold to thee while I was alive. Know, therefore, that the people shall be made subject to their enemies; and that thou, with thy sons, shall fall in the battle to-morrow; and thou shalt then be with me in Hades."

most faithful to him, and came to Endor to the woman, and entreated her to act the part of a fortune-teller, and to bring up such a soul to him as he should name. But the woman opposed his motion; and said, she did not de-any thing farther, when God hath forsaken spise the king, who had banished this sort of fortune-tellers; and that he did not do well himself, when she had done him no harm, to endeavor to lay a snare for her, and to discover she exercised a forbidden art, in order to procure her to be punished. Saul, however, sware that nobody should know what she did; and that he would not tell any one else what she foretold; but that she should incur no danger. As soon, therefore, as he had induced her by this oath to fear no harm, he bade her bring up to him the soul of Samuel. When Saul had heard this, he could not She not knowing who Samuel was, called speak for grief; but fell down on the floor. him out of Hades. When he appeared, and Whether it were from the sorrow that arose the woman saw one that was venerable, and upon what Samuel had said, or from his of a divine form, she was in disorder: and emptiness; for he had taken no food the forebeing astonished at the sight, she said, "Art going day and night; he easily fell quite not thou king Saul ?" for Samuel had in- down. And when with difficulty he had reformed her who he was. When he had own- covered himself, the woman would force him ed that to be true, and had asked her, whence to eat; begging this of him as a favor, on her disorder arose? she said that she saw a account of her concern in that dangerous incertain person ascend, who in his form was stance of fortune-telling, which it was not like to a god. And when he bade her tell lawful for her to have done, because of the him what he resembled; in what habit he ap-fear she was under of the king; while she peared; and of what age he was? she told knew not who he was: yet did she undertake him he was an old man, and of a glorious per-it, and go through with it. On which account sonage, and had on a sacerdotal mantle.* So she entreated him to admit that a table and the king discovered by these signs that he was food might be set before him: that he might Samuel; and he fell down upon the ground, recover his strength, and so get safe to his and saluted, and worshipped him. And when own camp. And when he opposed her mothe soul of Samuel asked him, why he had dis- tion, and entirely rejected it, by reason of his turbed him, and caused him to be brought up, anxiety, she forced him, and at last persuaded he lamented the necessity he was under: for, him to it. Now she had one calf, that she he said, his enemies pressed heavily upon him; was very fond of, and one that she took a that he was in distress what to do in his pre-great deal of care of, and fed it herself; for she sent circumstances; that he was forsaken of God, and could obtain no prediction of what was coming, neither by prophets, nor by

* 1 Sam. xxviii. 14.

+ This history of Saul's consultation, not with a witch, as we render the Hebrew word here; but with a necromancer, as the whole history shews, is easily understood; especially, if we consult the Recognitions of Clement, I. 5, II. 15, at large; and more briefly, and nearer the days of Samuel, Ecclus. xlvi. 20. "Samuel prophesied after his death; and shewed the king his end; and lift up his voice from the earth in prophecy, to blot out the wicked

was a woman that got her living by the labor of her own hands, and had no other possession but that one calf. This she killed, and made

ness of the people." Nor does the exactness of the
accomplishment of this prediction, the very next day,
permit us to suppose any imposition upon Saul in the
present history.
For as to all modern hypotheses,
against the natural sense of such ancient and authentic
histories, I consider them of very small value or import-


1 Sam. xxviii, 19.


ready its flesh, and set it before his servants || knew what was coming upon him, and that he and himself. So Saul returned to the camp was to die immediately, by the prediction of while it was yet night. the prophet, he did not resolve to fly from Now it is but just to commend the gene-death, nor so far to indulge the love of life, rosity of this woman; because, when the king as to betray his own people to the enemy, or had forbidden her to use that art, whence her to bring disgrace on the royal dignity. But circumstances were improved; and when she exposing himself, as well as all his family, to had never seen the king before, she still did dangers, he thought it a brave thing to fall not remember to his disadvantage that he had together with them, as he was fighting for his condemned her sort of learning, and did not subjects; and that it was better his sons should refuse him as a stranger, and one that she had die thus, shewing their courage, than to leave no acquaintance with; but she had compassion them to their uncertain conduct afterwards; upon him, and comforted him, and exhorted while instead of succession and posterity, they him to do what he was greatly averse to; and gained commendation, and a lasting name. offered him the only creature she had, as a Such an one alone seems to me to be a just, a poor woman; and that earnestly, and with courageous, and a prudent man: and when great humanity; while she received no requi- any one has arrived at these dispositions, or tal for her kindness, nor hunted after any fu- shall hereafter arrive at them, he is the man ture favor from him; for she knew he was to who ought to be by all honored with the tesdie. Whereas men are naturally either ambi- timony of a virtuous or courageous man. For tious to please those that bestow benefits upon as to those that go out to war with hopes of them, or are very ready to serve those from success, and that they shall return safe; supwhom they may receive some advantage. It posing they should have performed some glowould be well therefore to imitate the example rious action; I think those do not well who call of this woman, and to do kindnesses to all such these valiant men, as so many historians and as are in want; and to think that nothing is other writers who treat of them are wont to do: better, nor more becoming, than such a gene- although I confess those do justly deserve some ral beneficence; nor what will sooner render commendation also. But those only may be God favorable, and ready to bestow good styled courageous and bold in great undertakthings upon us. And so far may suffice to ings, and despisers of adversities, who imitate have spoken concerning this woman. But I Saul. For as for those that do not know what shall speak farther upon another subject; which the event of war will be as to themselves, will afford me the opportunity of discoursing and though they do not faint in it, but deliver on what is for the advantage of cities, people, themselves up to uncertain futurity, and are tossand nations, and suited to the taste of good ed this way and that way, this is not so very emimen; and will encourage them all in the pro- nent an instance of a generous mind; although secution of virtue, and is capable of shewing they happen to perform many great exploits. them the method of acquiring glory, and an But when men's minds expect no good event; everlasting fame; and of imprinting on the but they know beforehand they must die; and kings of nations, and the rulers of cities, great that they must undergo that death in the batinclinations and diligence in doing well; as tle also; after this neither to be affrighted, also of encouraging them to undergo dangers, nor to be astonished at the terrible fate that is and to die for their countries, and of instruct-coming; but to go directly upon it, when they ing them how to despise all the most terrible adversities. And I have a fair occasion offered me to enter into such a discourse by Saul, the king of the Hebrews. For although he


These great commendations of this necromantic woman of Endor, and of Saul's martial courage, when yet he knew he should die in the battle, are somewhat unusual digressions in Josephus. They seem to me extracted

know it beforehand; this it is that I esteem the character of a man truly courageous. Accordingly this Saul did; and thereby demonstrated that all men who desire fame after

from some speeches or declamations of his composed formerly in the way of oratory, that lay by him; and which he thought fit to insert upon this occasion.

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they are dead, are so to act, as they may obtain the same. This especially concerns kings: who ought not to think it enough in their high station that they are not wicked in the government of their subjects, but to be more than moderately good to them. I could say more than this about Saul, and his courage; the subject offering matter sufficient: but, that I may not appear to run out improperly in his commendation, I return again to that history from which I made this digression.

Now when the Philistines had pitched their camp, and had taken account of their forces according to their nations, kingdoms, and governments, king Achish came last of all, with his own army. After whom came David, with his six hundred armed men. And when the commanders of the Philistines saw him, they asked the king, whence those Hebrews came? and at whose invitation? He answered, that it was David, who was fled away from his master Saul; and he had entertained him when he came to him: and that now he was willing to make him this requital for his favors, and to avenge himself upon Saul; and so was become his confederate. The commanders, however, complained that he had taken him for a confederate who was an enemy; and gave him counsel to keep him away, lest he should unawares do his friends a great deal of mischief by entertaining him. For that he afforded him an opportunity of being reconciled to his master by doing mischief to the army. They thereupon desired him, out of a prudent foresight of this, to send him away, with his six hundred armed men, to the place he had given him for his habitation. For this was that David whom the virgins celebrated in their hymns, as having destroyed many ten thousands of the Philistines. When the king of Gath heard this, he thought they spake well; so he called David, and said to him, "As for myself, I can bear witness that thou hast shewn great diligence and kindness about me; and on that account it was that I took thee for my confederate. However, what I have done does not please the commanders of the Philistines. Go therefore within a day's time to the place I have given thee, without suspect


* Sam. xxx. 11.

ing any harm, and there keep my country, lest any of our enemies should make an incursion upon it; which will be one part of that assistance I expect from thee." So David returned to Ziklag, as the king of Gath bid him. But it happened that while he was gone to the assistance of the Philistines, the nations of the Amalekites had made an incursion, and taken Ziklag before, and had burnt it: and when they had taken a great deal of other prey out of that place, and out of the other parts of the Philistines' country, they departed.

Now when David found that Ziklag was laid waste, and that it was all spoiled, and that his own wives, and the wives of his companions, with their children, were made captives; he presently rent his clothes: weeping and lamenting, together with his friends. And indeed he was so cast down with these misfortunes, that at length tears themselves failed him. He was also in danger of being stoned to death by his companions; who were greatly afflicted at the captivity of their wives and children: for they laid the blame upon him of what had happened. But when he had recovered from his grief, and had raised up his mind to God, he desired the high-priest Abiathar to put on his sacerdotal garments, and to inquire of God, and to prophesy to him, whether God would grant, that if he pursued after the Amalekites, he should overtake them, and save their wives and their children, and avenge himself on the enemies? And when the highpriest bade him pursue after them, he marched apace, with his six hundred men, after the enemy. And when he was come to a certain brook called Besor, and had met with * an Egyptian, who was almost dead with want and famine: (for he had continued wandering about without food, in the wilderness, three days:) he first of all gave him refreshments, and then asked to whom he belonged, and whence he came? The man told him, he was an Egyptian by birth, and was left behind by his master, because he was so sick and weak that he could not follow him. He also informed him, that he was one of those that had burnt and plundered not only other parts of Judea, but Ziklag also. So David made use



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