SERMONS ON THE TRUTH OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION, TO WHICH ARE ADDED, THREE DISCOURSES, ON THE DOCTRINES OF ELECTION, FAITH, AND BY THE REV. WILLIAM MALKIN, A. B. ONE OF THE HONOURABLE EAST INDIA COMPANY'S CHAPLAINS. ઘઉ LONDON: J. HATCHARD AND SON PICCADILLY. 1825. 631. TO THE OFFICERS OF HIS MAJESTY'S, AND OF THE HON. EAST INDIA COMPANY'S SERVICE, WHO HAVE EITHER PERMANENTLY OR OCCASIONALLY THE FOLLOWING SERMONS ARE MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, BY THEIR WILLIAM MALKIN. PREFACE. THE sermons which are thus offered to the attention of the public, have been compiled from the most esteemed works, on the evidences of the Christian religion. The author therefore lays no claim to originality: he wishes it to be understood, that he has made use both of the thoughts and of the language of others, whenever he conceived they would further his object, which is to afford a summary view of the principal arguments that have been advanced, and of the various kinds of evidence we possess, to prove that Christianity is of divine origin. They were delivered from the pulpit, and are now published, more particularly with a view to those, whose opportunities have not |