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remember; if you have read any of them, tell which you like best, and why; name the book in which Uncle Remus tells the story of the wonderful tar baby.

3. How did Brer Rabbit behave when he saw the tar baby? 4. Why did Brer Fox wink his eye and chuckle, in the bushes ? 5. What did Brer Rabbit mean when he said the tar baby was "stuck up," and in what way was Brer Rabbit himself "stuck up" after this? 6. Tell whether you think Brer Rabbit deserved to get stuck, and why. 7. Why did Brer Rabbit ask Brer Fox not to throw him into the brier patch? 8. Did Brer Fox deserve to lose Brer Rabbit, and, if so, why?

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Books of Mr. Harris's which you can easily read are "Little Mr. Thimblefinger and his Queer Country" and Mr. Rabbit at Home." These do not have as much of the negro talk as his other books. If you can read and understand the negro talk, you will like the "Uncle Remus" books.

academy (à căd ́e mỹ): a school of about the same grade as a high school.

possums (possums): short for opos

sums, animals that live in the South. They can hang by their tails like a monkey, and, when caught, pretend to be dead. coons (coons): short for raccoons, grayish animals with bushy tails and black and white markings on the face. They prowl about at night.

plantation (plăn tă'shon): a large Southern farm and home.

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At the court of the king of Corinth lived a famous musician, Arion. Everybody liked him, for he was pleasant and kind, and his music made glad all who heard it.

A musical contest was to be held in Sicily, and Arion wished to try for the prize. His friends did everything to 5 persuade him to stay with them, but he would have his own way and sailed to Sicily.

He was best of all the singers and won the prize. He took a Corinthian ship for home. The sky was bright, the sea was calm; he was glad to think he should soon be 10 among his friends.

The sailors looked angrily at him. They intended to have that prize which had made him rich. They gathered around him with knives in their hands. "You must die," they said. "Make your choice. If you want to be buried 15 on shore, give up to us and die here. We will give you decent burial. Or throw yourself into the sea, if you would rather die that way."

Arion said," Why should I die? You can have my gold ; I will give you that. Why must you take my life?"

"Dead men tell no tales," they answered. "If we let you


live, you will tell the king of Corinth, and where could we hide from him? Your gold would be of no use to us, for we should always be afraid. Death quiets all. You must die.”

"Grant me one favor, then," he pleaded. "If I must 5 die, let it be as becomes a bard. So have I lived, so let me pass away. When my song is over and my harp is hushed, then I will give up my life and make no complaint."


These rough men had no pity, but they were willing to hear so great a singer. They said, "It shall be as you wish.” He added: "Then let me change my clothes. Apollo will not hear me unless I wear my minstrel dress."

He put on a purple robe embroidered with gold. He poured perfume on his hair, set a golden wreath upon his head, and bracelets on his arms. His lyre he held in his 15 left hand and struck its strings with his right hand.

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The sailors were pleased to see him so richly dressed. He went to the forward part of the vessel and looked down into the sea. This was his song:

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Then he sprang overboard and sank beneath the waves. The sailors were glad to have so little trouble. He was gone; they had the prize. Who could know that he had not fallen into the water by accident? Still, they rowed hard to get away from the spot.

10 They did not see what was going on in the water. While

Arion was singing, the fish and other creatures of the sea had gathered around the ship to hear his music. When he sank down among them, they came close to show their love and offer their help. One strong dolphin turned his broad 15 back to the singer. Arion took the hint and mounted upon the dolphin. The proud fish rose to the surface of the water and carried the musician safely to land.

Arion journeyed on and soon reached Corinth. He went with his lyre to the palace and met his friend 20 the king.

"I have come back famous but poor," he said. "I gained the glory and the prize, but thieves have robbed me of the gold."

When the king heard the strange history, he said: "Is 25 power mine, and shall I not punish the guilty? Keep close until the ship comes in."

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