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the Gospel, nor would it be becoming if they should allow their own views or those of their contributors, to be rudely attacked in their own pages. The reader again is better satisfied when he knows what author is before him. And the writer himself, if his productions are approved, enjoys, in the influ ence and credit they will confer upon him, that which is his right and his reward.

Notwithstanding then, the weight of a periodical as a whole, is divided, and so diminished by the publication of names, it will be the rule in this Review, to give the names with the title of each article, or in the table of contents, unless a request to the contrary is made.

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We have thus presented the condition of the Southern Presbyterian Review frankly before our patrons. We have received thankfully the suggestions and criticisms our friends have made in their correspondence, and will endea vor to profit by them. Yet only by their efforts joined with our own can we hope for success. The labours and responsibility we assume for the public good are surely enough without any added annoyance of pecuniary troubles.


Is published Quarterly, in April, July, October, and January, at Three Dollars per annum, payable in advance.

It is devoted mainly to the exposition and defence of the Doctrines and Polity of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. Still, as it is designed to be thoroughly Evangelical and Protestant, its Editors. hope to give it attractions for all who love the truth as it is in Jesus.

All Communications should be addressed to the Editors of the Southern Presbyterian Review, Columbia, S. C. No subscriptions are taken for less than a year, and subscribers shonld remember that a subscription cannot be discontinued legally until all arrearages are paid, unless at the discretion of the publishers, nor after the first number of a volume is published. The volume commences with the April number, and not at the beginning of the year.

A few copies of the back numbers can be had at reduced prices. Ministers of the Gospel and others who shall obtain three new subscribers, and remit the regular price, (Three Dollars each,) will be entitled to a copy of the REVIEW for one year, or fifty cents for each new subscriber.

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